Mcstas example programs

stuart stuart at
Fri Feb 12 11:39:50 CET 1999


I'm mailing from Studsvik, Sweden because we're interested in learning
about the Mcstas simulation package.  We eventually hope to use it to
assist us in the design of a reflectometer.

The simulation was installed on a digital unix system.  I was trying to
reproduce the results in the manual for the simulation of prisma by
using the example file prisma2.instr.  To start I used the command

  ./prisma2 --ncount=2e6 TT=-30 PHA=22 PHA1=-3 PHA2=-2 PHA3=-1 PHA4=0
PHA5=1 PHA6=2 PHA7=3 TTA=44

No counts register on the detector.  Although they are registered on the
monitor.  I wondered if you could tell me what's going wrong!

Thank you.

Stuart Rycroft

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