Mcstas example programs

stuart stuart at
Fri Feb 12 14:07:59 CET 1999


Thankyou for your reply.  The files are attached.

Stuart Rycroft

Kristian Nielsen wrote:

> We have some alpha machines at Risø, so if you could send me the
> prisma2.c file generated by McStas and the prisma2 executable produced
> by the C compiler, I could try to repeat your problems and find the
> cause.

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/* Automatically generated file. Do not edit. */


#line 1 "mcstas-r.h"
* Runtime system for McStas.
*	Project: Monte Carlo Simulation of Triple Axis Spectrometers
*	File name: mcstas-r.h
*	Author: K.N.			Aug 29, 1997
*	$Id: mcstas-r.h,v 1.20 1998/10/09 07:53:48 kn Exp kn $
*	$Log: mcstas-r.h,v $
*	Revision 1.20  1998/10/09 07:53:48  kn
*	Added some unit conversion constants.
*	Revision 1.19  1998/10/02 08:38:36  kn
*	Added DETECTOR_OUT support.
*	Fixed header comment.
*	Revision 1.18  1998/10/01 08:12:42  kn
*	Support for embedding the file in the output from McStas.
*	Added mcstas_main() function.
*	Added support for command line arguments.
*	Revision 1.17  1998/09/24 13:01:39  kn
*	Minor conversion factor additions.
*	Revision 1.16  1998/09/23 13:52:08  kn
*	Added conversion factors.
*	McStas now uses its own random() implementation (unless
*	USE_SYSTEM_RANDOM is defined).
*	Revision 1.15  1998/05/19 07:59:45  kn
*	Hack to make random number generation work with HP's CC C compiler.
*	Revision 1.14  1998/04/17 11:50:31  kn
*	Added sphere_intersect.
*	Revision 1.13  1998/04/17 10:53:08  kn
*	Added randvec_target_sphere.
*	Revision 1.12  1998/03/25 07:23:24  kn
*	Fixed RAND_MAX #define for HPUX.
*	Revision 1.11  1998/03/24 13:59:26  lefmann
*	Added #define for RAND_MAX, needed on HPUX.
*	Revision 1.10  1998/03/24 13:24:40  lefmann
*	Revision 1.9  1998/03/24 07:42:35  kn
*	Added definition for PI.
*	Revision 1.8  1998/03/24 07:36:20  kn
*	Make ABSORB macro work better in control structures.
*	Add test_printf().
*	Add rand01(), randpm1(), rand0max(), and randminmax().
*	Add PROP_X0, PROP_Y0, PROP_DT, vec_prod(), scalar_prod(), NORM(), and
*	rotate().
*	Fix typos.
*	Revision 1.7  1998/03/20 14:20:10  lefmann
*	Added a few definitions.
*	Revision 1.6  1998/03/18 13:21:48  elu_krni
*	Added definition of PROP_Z0 macro.
*	Revision 1.5  1998/03/16 08:04:16  kn
*	Added normal distributed random number function randnorm().
*	Revision 1.4  1997/12/03 13:34:19  kn
*	Added definition of ABSORB macro.
*	Revision 1.3  1997/10/16 14:27:28  kn
*	Added debugging output used by the "display" graphical visualization
*	tool.
*	Revision 1.2  1997/09/08 11:31:27  kn
*	Added mcsetstate() function.
*	Revision 1.1  1997/09/08 10:39:44  kn
*	Initial revision
* Copyright (C) Risoe National Laboratory, 1997-1998, All rights reserved

#ifndef MCSTAS_R_H
#define MCSTAS_R_H

#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* If the runtime is embedded in the simulation program, some definitions can
   be made static. */

#define mcstatic static
#define mcstatic

typedef double MCNUM;
typedef struct {MCNUM x, y, z;} Coords;
typedef MCNUM Rotation[3][3];

struct mcinputtable_struct {
  char *name;
  MCNUM *par;
extern struct mcinputtable_struct mcinputtable[];
extern int mcnumipar;
extern char mcinstrument_name[], mcinstrument_source[];
extern int mctraceenabled, mcdefaultmain;
void mcinit(void);
void mcraytrace(void);
void mcfinally(void);

#define ABSORB do {mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz, \
        mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp); mcDEBUG_ABSORB(); goto mcabsorb;} while(0)
#define MC_GETPAR(comp, par) mcc ## comp ## _ ## par
#define DETECTOR_OUT(p0,p1,p2) printf("Detector: %s_I=%g %s_ERR=%g\n", \
	  mccompcurname, p1, mccompcurname, mcestimate_error(p0,p1,p2))

#define DEBUG

#ifdef DEBUG
#define mcDEBUG_INSTR() if(!mcdotrace); else printf("INSTRUMENT:\n");
#define mcDEBUG_COMPONENT(name,c,t) if(!mcdotrace); else \
  printf("COMPONENT: \"%s\"\n" \
	 "POS: %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g\n", \
	 name, c.x, c.y, c.z, t[0][0], t[0][1], t[0][2], \
	 t[1][0], t[1][1], t[1][2], t[2][0], t[2][1], t[2][2]);
#define mcDEBUG_INSTR_END() if(!mcdotrace); else printf("INSTRUMENT END:\n");
#define mcDEBUG_ENTER() if(!mcdotrace); else printf("ENTER:\n");
#define mcDEBUG_COMP(c) if(!mcdotrace); else printf("COMP: \"%s\"\n", c);
#define mcDEBUG_STATE(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,t,s1,s2,p) if(!mcdotrace); else \
  printf("STATE: %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g\n", \
#define mcDEBUG_LEAVE() if(!mcdotrace); else printf("LEAVE:\n");
#define mcDEBUG_ABSORB() if(!mcdotrace); else printf("ABSORB:\n");
#define mcDEBUG_INSTR()
#define mcDEBUG_COMPONENT(name,c,t)
#define mcDEBUG_INSTR_END()
#define mcDEBUG_ENTER()
#define mcDEBUG_COMP(c)
#define mcDEBUG_STATE(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,t,s1,s2,p)
#define mcDEBUG_LEAVE()
#define mcDEBUG_ABSORB()

#ifdef TEST
#define test_printf printf
#define test_printf while(0) printf

#define MIN2RAD  (PI/(180*60))
#define DEG2RAD  (PI/180)
#define RAD2DEG  (180/PI)
#define AA2MS    629.719		/* Convert k[1/AA] to v[m/s] */
#define MS2AA    1.58801E-3		/* Convert v[m/s] to k[1/AA] */
#define K2V	 AA2MS
#define V2K	 MS2AA
#define Q2V	 AA2MS
#define V2Q	 MS2AA
#define SE2V	 437.3949		/* Convert sqrt(E)[meV] to v[m/s] */
#define VS2E	 5.227e-6		/* Convert v[m/s] to sqrt(E)[meV] */
#define HBAR     1.05459E-34
#define MNEUTRON 1.67492E-27

#ifndef PI
# ifdef M_PI
#  define PI M_PI
# else
#  define PI 3.14159265358979323846
# endif

typedef int mc_int32_t;
mc_int32_t mc_random(void);
void mc_srandom (unsigned int x);

#ifdef RAND_MAX
# undef RAND_MAX
#define RAND_MAX 0x7fffffff
#define random mc_random
#define srandom mc_srandom
#endif /* !USE_SYSTEM_RANDOM */

#define rand01() ( ((double)random())/((double)RAND_MAX+1) )
#define randpm1() ( ((double)random()) / (((double)RAND_MAX+1)/2) - 1 )
#define rand0max(max) ( ((double)random()) / (((double)RAND_MAX+1)/(max)) )
#define randminmax(min,max) ( rand0max((max)-(min)) - (min) )

#define PROP_X0 \
  { \
    double mc_dt; \
    if(mcnlvx == 0) ABSORB; \
    mc_dt = -mcnlx/mcnlvx; \
    if(mc_dt < 0) ABSORB; \
    mcnly += mcnlvy*mc_dt; \
    mcnlz += mcnlvz*mc_dt; \
    mcnlt += mc_dt; \
    mcnlx = 0; \

#define PROP_Y0 \
  { \
    double mc_dt; \
    if(mcnlvy == 0) ABSORB; \
    mc_dt = -mcnly/mcnlvy; \
    if(mc_dt < 0) ABSORB; \
    mcnlx += mcnlvx*mc_dt; \
    mcnlz += mcnlvz*mc_dt; \
    mcnlt += mc_dt; \
    mcnly = 0; \

#define PROP_Z0 \
  { \
    double mc_dt; \
    if(mcnlvz == 0) ABSORB; \
    mc_dt = -mcnlz/mcnlvz; \
    if(mc_dt < 0) ABSORB; \
    mcnlx += mcnlvx*mc_dt; \
    mcnly += mcnlvy*mc_dt; \
    mcnlt += mc_dt; \
    mcnlz = 0; \

#define PROP_DT(dt) \
  { \
    mcnlx += mcnlvx*(dt); \
    mcnly += mcnlvy*(dt); \
    mcnlz += mcnlvz*(dt); \
    mcnlt += (dt); \

#define vec_prod(x, y, z, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) \
  { \
    double mcvp_tmpx, mcvp_tmpy, mcvp_tmpz; \
    mcvp_tmpx = (y1)*(z2) - (y2)*(z1); \
    mcvp_tmpy = (z1)*(x2) - (z2)*(x1); \
    mcvp_tmpz = (x1)*(y2) - (x2)*(y1); \
    (x) = mcvp_tmpx; (y) = mcvp_tmpy; (z) = mcvp_tmpz; \

#define scalar_prod(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) \
  ((x1)*(x2) + (y1)*(y2) + (z1)*(z2))

#define NORM(x,y,z) \
  { \
    double mcnm_tmp = sqrt((x)*(x) + (y)*(y) + (z)*(z)); \
    if(mcnm_tmp != 0.0) \
    { \
      (x) /= mcnm_tmp; \
      (y) /= mcnm_tmp; \
      (z) /= mcnm_tmp; \
    } \

#define rotate(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, phi, ax, ay, az) \
  { \
    double mcrt_tmpx = (ax), mcrt_tmpy = (ay), mcrt_tmpz = (az); \
    double mcrt_vp, mcrt_vpx, mcrt_vpy, mcrt_vpz; \
    double mcrt_vnx, mcrt_vny, mcrt_vnz, mcrt_vn1x, mcrt_vn1y, mcrt_vn1z; \
    double mcrt_bx, mcrt_by, mcrt_bz, mcrt_v1x, mcrt_v1y, mcrt_v1z; \
    double mcrt_cos, mcrt_sin; \
    NORM(mcrt_tmpx, mcrt_tmpy, mcrt_tmpz); \
    mcrt_vp = scalar_prod((vx), (vy), (vz), mcrt_tmpx, mcrt_tmpy, mcrt_tmpz); \
    mcrt_vpx = mcrt_vp*mcrt_tmpx; \
    mcrt_vpy = mcrt_vp*mcrt_tmpy; \
    mcrt_vpz = mcrt_vp*mcrt_tmpz; \
    mcrt_vnx = (vx) - mcrt_vpx; \
    mcrt_vny = (vy) - mcrt_vpy; \
    mcrt_vnz = (vz) - mcrt_vpz; \
    vec_prod(mcrt_bx, mcrt_by, mcrt_bz, \
	     mcrt_tmpx, mcrt_tmpy, mcrt_tmpz, mcrt_vnx, mcrt_vny, mcrt_vnz); \
    mcrt_cos = cos((phi)); mcrt_sin = sin((phi)); \
    mcrt_vn1x = mcrt_vnx*mcrt_cos + mcrt_bx*mcrt_sin; \
    mcrt_vn1y = mcrt_vny*mcrt_cos + mcrt_by*mcrt_sin; \
    mcrt_vn1z = mcrt_vnz*mcrt_cos + mcrt_bz*mcrt_sin; \
    (x) = mcrt_vpx + mcrt_vn1x; \
    (y) = mcrt_vpy + mcrt_vn1y; \
    (z) = mcrt_vpz + mcrt_vn1z; \

Coords coords_set(MCNUM x, MCNUM y, MCNUM z);
Coords coords_add(Coords a, Coords b);
Coords coords_sub(Coords a, Coords b);
Coords coords_neg(Coords a);

void rot_set_rotation(Rotation t, double phx, double phy, double phz);
void rot_mul(Rotation t1, Rotation t2, Rotation t3);
void rot_copy(Rotation dest, Rotation src);
void rot_transpose(Rotation src, Rotation dst);
Coords rot_apply(Rotation t, Coords a);
void mccoordschange(Coords a, Rotation t, double *x, double *y, double *z,
	       double *vx, double *vy, double *vz, double *time,
	       double *s1, double *s2);
double mcestimate_error(int N, double p1, double p2);
void mcreadparams(void);

void mcsetstate(double x, double y, double z, double vx, double vy, double vz,
		double t, double s1, double s2, double p);
void mcgenstate(void);
double randnorm(void);
int cylinder_intersect(double *t0, double *t1, double x, double y, double z,
		       double vx, double vy, double vz, double r, double h);
int sphere_intersect(double *t0, double *t1, double x, double y, double z,
		 double vx, double vy, double vz, double r);
void randvec_target_sphere(double *xo, double *yo, double *zo, double *solid_angle,
			   double xi, double yi, double zi, double radius);

void mcset_ncount(double count);
int mcstas_main(int argc, char *argv[]);

#endif /* MCSTAS_R_H */
/* End of file "mcstas-r.h". */

#line 1 "mcstas-r.c"
* Runtime system for McStas.
* 	Project: Monte Carlo Simulation of Triple Axis Spectrometers
* 	File name: mcstas-r.c
* 	Author: K.N.			Aug 27, 1997
* 	$Id: mcstas-r.c,v 1.15 1998/10/02 08:38:27 kn Exp kn $
* 	$Log: mcstas-r.c,v $
* 	Revision 1.15  1998/10/02 08:38:27  kn
* 	Added DETECTOR_OUT support.
* 	Fixed header comment.
* 	Revision 1.14  1998/10/01 08:12:26  kn
* 	Support for embedding the file in the output from McStas.
* 	Added mcstas_main() function.
* 	Added support for command line arguments.
* 	Revision 1.13  1998/09/23 13:51:35  kn
* 	McStas now uses its own random() implementation (unless
* 	USE_SYSTEM_RANDOM is defined).
* 	Revision 1.12  1998/05/19 07:54:05  kn
* 	In randvec_target_sphere, accept radius=0 to mean that no focusing is to
* 	be done (choose direction uniformly in full 4PI solid angle).
* 	Revision 1.11  1998/05/11 12:08:49  kn
* 	Fix bug in cylinder_intersect that caused an infinite cylinder height in
* 	some cases.
* 	Revision 1.10  1998/04/17 11:50:08  kn
* 	Added sphere_intersect.
* 	Revision 1.9  1998/04/17 10:52:27  kn
* 	Better names in randvec_target_sphere.
* 	Revision 1.8  1998/04/16 14:21:49  kn
* 	Added randvec_target() function.
* 	Revision 1.7  1998/03/24 07:34:03  kn
* 	Use rand01() in randnorm(). Fix typos.
* 	Revision 1.6  1998/03/20 14:19:52  lefmann
* 	Added cylinder_intersect().
* 	Revision 1.5  1998/03/16 08:03:41  kn
* 	Added normal distributed random number function randnorm().
* 	Revision 1.4  1997/10/16 14:27:05  kn
* 	Add missing #include. Change in mcreadparams() to fit better with the
* 	"display" visualization tool.
* 	Revision 1.3  1997/09/08 11:31:22  kn
* 	Added mcsetstate() function.
* 	Revision 1.2  1997/09/08 11:16:43  kn
* 	Bug fix in mccoordschange().
* 	Revision 1.1  1997/09/08 10:40:03  kn
* 	Initial revision
* Copyright (C) Risoe National Laboratory, 1997-1998, All rights reserved

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifndef MCSTAS_R_H
#include "mcstas-r.h"

int mctraceenabled = 0;
int mcdefaultmain = 0;

/* Assign coordinates. */
coords_set(MCNUM x, MCNUM y, MCNUM z)
  Coords a;

  a.x = x;
  a.y = y;
  a.z = z;
  return a;

/* Add two coordinates. */
coords_add(Coords a, Coords b)
  Coords c;

  c.x = a.x + b.x;
  c.y = a.y + b.y;
  c.z = a.z + b.z;
  return c;

/* Subtract two coordinates. */
coords_sub(Coords a, Coords b)
  Coords c;

  c.x = a.x - b.x;
  c.y = a.y - b.y;
  c.z = a.z - b.z;
  return c;

/* Negate coordinates. */
coords_neg(Coords a)
  Coords b;

  b.x = -a.x;
  b.y = -a.y;
  b.z = -a.z;
  return b;

* Get transformation for rotation first phx around x axis, then phy around y,
* then phz around z.
rot_set_rotation(Rotation t, double phx, double phy, double phz)
  double cx = cos(phx);
  double sx = sin(phx);
  double cy = cos(phy);
  double sy = sin(phy);
  double cz = cos(phz);
  double sz = sin(phz);

  t[0][0] = cy*cz;
  t[0][1] = sx*sy*cz + cx*sz;
  t[0][2] = sx*sz - cx*sy*cz;
  t[1][0] = -cy*sz;
  t[1][1] = cx*cz - sx*sy*sz;
  t[1][2] = sx*cz + cx*sy*sz;
  t[2][0] = sy;
  t[2][1] = -sx*cy;
  t[2][2] = cx*cy;

* Matrix multiplication of transformations (this corresponds to combining
* transformations). After rot_mul(T1, T2, T3), doing T3 is equal to doing
* first T2, then T1.
* Note that T3 must not alias (use the same array as) T1 or T2.
rot_mul(Rotation t1, Rotation t2, Rotation t3)
  int i,j, k;

  for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      t3[i][j] = t1[i][0]*t2[0][j] + t1[i][1]*t2[1][j] + t1[i][2]*t2[2][j];

* Copy a rotation transformation (needed since arrays cannot be assigned in C).
rot_copy(Rotation dest, Rotation src)
  dest[0][0] = src[0][0];
  dest[0][1] = src[0][1];
  dest[0][2] = src[0][2];
  dest[1][0] = src[1][0];
  dest[1][1] = src[1][1];
  dest[1][2] = src[1][2];
  dest[2][0] = src[2][0];
  dest[2][1] = src[2][1];
  dest[2][2] = src[2][2];

rot_transpose(Rotation src, Rotation dst)
  dst[0][0] = src[0][0];
  dst[0][1] = src[1][0];
  dst[0][2] = src[2][0];
  dst[1][0] = src[0][1];
  dst[1][1] = src[1][1];
  dst[1][2] = src[2][1];
  dst[2][0] = src[0][2];
  dst[2][1] = src[1][2];
  dst[2][2] = src[2][2];

rot_apply(Rotation t, Coords a)
  Coords b;

  b.x = t[0][0]*a.x + t[0][1]*a.y + t[0][2]*a.z;
  b.y = t[1][0]*a.x + t[1][1]*a.y + t[1][2]*a.z;
  b.z = t[2][0]*a.x + t[2][1]*a.y + t[2][2]*a.z;
  return b;

mccoordschange(Coords a, Rotation t, double *x, double *y, double *z,
	       double *vx, double *vy, double *vz, double *time,
	       double *s1, double *s2)
  Coords b, c;

  b.x = *x;
  b.y = *y;
  b.z = *z;
  c = rot_apply(t, b);
  b = coords_add(c, a);
  *x = b.x;
  *y = b.y;
  *z = b.z;

  b.x = *vx;
  b.y = *vy;
  b.z = *vz;
  c = rot_apply(t, b);
  *vx = c.x;
  *vy = c.y;
  *vz = c.z;
  /* ToDo: What to do about the spin? */

double mcestimate_error(int N, double p1, double p2)
  double pmean, n1;
  if(N <= 1)
    return 0;
  pmean = p1 / N;
  n1 = N - 1;
  return sqrt((N/n1)*(p2 - pmean*pmean));

  extern struct mcinputtable_struct mcinputtable[];
  int i;

  for(i = 0; mcinputtable[i].name != 0; i++)
    printf("Set value of instrument parameter %s:\n", mcinputtable[i].name);
    scanf("%lf", mcinputtable[i].par);

mcsetstate(double x, double y, double z, double vx, double vy, double vz,
	   double t, double s1, double s2, double p)
  extern double mcnx, mcny, mcnz, mcnvx, mcnvy, mcnvz;
  extern double mcnt, mcns1, mcns2, mcnp;
  mcnx = x;
  mcny = y;
  mcnz = z;
  mcnvx = vx;
  mcnvy = vy;
  mcnvz = vz;
  mcnt = t;
  mcns1 = s1;
  mcns2 = s2;
  mcnp = p;

  mcsetstate(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);

/* McStas random number routine. */

 * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
 * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
 * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
 * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
 * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
 * by the University of California, Berkeley.  The name of the
 * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
 * from this software without specific prior written permission.

 * This is derived from the Berkeley source:
 *	@(#)random.c	5.5 (Berkeley) 7/6/88
 * It was reworked for the GNU C Library by Roland McGrath.
 * Rewritten to use reentrant functions by Ulrich Drepper, 1995.

* Modified for McStas from glibc 2.0.7pre1 stdlib/random.c and
* stdlib/random_r.c.
* This way random() is more than four times faster compared to calling
* standard glibc random() on ix86 Linux, probably due to multithread support,
* ELF shared library overhead, etc. It also makes McStas generated
* simulations more portable (more likely to behave identically across
* platforms, important for parrallel computations).

#define	TYPE_3		3
#define	BREAK_3		128
#define	DEG_3		31
#define	SEP_3		3

static mc_int32_t randtbl[DEG_3 + 1] =

    -1726662223, 379960547, 1735697613, 1040273694, 1313901226,
    1627687941, -179304937, -2073333483, 1780058412, -1989503057,
    -615974602, 344556628, 939512070, -1249116260, 1507946756,
    -812545463, 154635395, 1388815473, -1926676823, 525320961,
    -1009028674, 968117788, -123449607, 1284210865, 435012392,
    -2017506339, -911064859, -370259173, 1132637927, 1398500161,

static mc_int32_t *fptr = &randtbl[SEP_3 + 1];
static mc_int32_t *rptr = &randtbl[1];
static mc_int32_t *state = &randtbl[1];
#define rand_deg DEG_3
#define rand_sep SEP_3
static mc_int32_t *end_ptr = &randtbl[sizeof (randtbl) / sizeof (randtbl[0])];

mc_random (void)
  mc_int32_t result;

  *fptr += *rptr;
  /* Chucking least random bit.  */
  result = (*fptr >> 1) & 0x7fffffff;
  if (fptr >= end_ptr)
    fptr = state;
    if (rptr >= end_ptr)
      rptr = state;
  return result;

mc_srandom (unsigned int x)
  /* We must make sure the seed is not 0.  Take arbitrarily 1 in this case.  */
  state[0] = x ? x : 1;
    long int i;
    for (i = 1; i < rand_deg; ++i)
      /* This does:
	 state[i] = (16807 * state[i - 1]) % 2147483647;
	 but avoids overflowing 31 bits.  */
      long int hi = state[i - 1] / 127773;
      long int lo = state[i - 1] % 127773;
      long int test = 16807 * lo - 2836 * hi;
      state[i] = test + (test < 0 ? 2147483647 : 0);
    fptr = &state[rand_sep];
    rptr = &state[0];
    for (i = 0; i < 10 * rand_deg; ++i)
      random ();

/* End of McStas random number routine. */

  static double v1, v2, s;
  static int phase = 0;
  double X, u1, u2;

  if(phase == 0)
      u1 = rand01();
      u2 = rand01();
      v1 = 2*u1 - 1;
      v2 = 2*u2 - 1;
      s = v1*v1 + v2*v2;
    } while(s >= 1 || s == 0);

    X = v1*sqrt(-2*log(s)/s);
    X = v2*sqrt(-2*log(s)/s);

  phase = 1 - phase;
  return X;

/* Written by: EM,NB,ABA 4.2.98 */
cylinder_intersect(double *t0, double *t1, double x, double y, double z,
		   double vx, double vy, double vz, double r, double h)
  double v, D, t_in, t_out, y_in, y_out;

  v = sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz); 

  D = (2*vx*x + 2*vz*z)*(2*vx*x + 2*vz*z) 
    - 4*(vx*vx + vz*vz)*(x*x + z*z - r*r);

  if (D>=0) 
    t_in  = (-(2*vz*z + 2*vx*x) - sqrt(D))/(2*(vz*vz + vx*vx));
    t_out = (-(2*vz*z + 2*vx*x) + sqrt(D))/(2*(vz*vz + vx*vx));
    y_in = vy*t_in + y;
    y_out =vy*t_out + y;

    if ( (y_in > h/2 && y_out > h/2) || (y_in < -h/2 && y_out < -h/2) )
      return 0;
      if (y_in > h/2)
	t_in = ((h/2)-y)/vy;
      if (y_in < -h/2)
	t_in = ((-h/2)-y)/vy;
      if (y_out > h/2)
	t_out = ((h/2)-y)/vy;
      if (y_out < -h/2)
	t_out = ((-h/2)-y)/vy;
    *t0 = t_in;
    *t1 = t_out;
    return 1;
    *t0 = *t1 = 0;
    return 0;

/* Calculate intersection between line and sphere. */
sphere_intersect(double *t0, double *t1, double x, double y, double z,
		 double vx, double vy, double vz, double r)
  double A, B, C, D, v;

  v = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz);
  A = v*v;
  B = 2*(x*vx + y*vy + z*vz);
  C = x*x + y*y + z*z - r*r;
  D = B*B - 4*A*C;
  if(D < 0)
    return 0;
  D = sqrt(D);
  *t0 = (-B - D) / (2*A);
  *t1 = (-B + D) / (2*A);
  return 1;

/* Choose random direction towards target at (x,y,z) with given radius. */
/* If radius is zero, choose random direction in full 4PI, no target. */
/* ToDo: It should be possible to optimize this to avoid computing angles. */
randvec_target_sphere(double *xo, double *yo, double *zo, double *solid_angle,
	       double xi, double yi, double zi, double radius)
  double l, theta0, phi, theta, nx, ny, nz, xt, yt, zt;
  if(radius == 0.0)
    /* No target, choose uniformly a direction in full 4PI solid angle. */
    theta = acos (1 - rand0max(2));
    phi = rand0max(2 * PI);
      *solid_angle = 4*PI;
    nx = 1;
    ny = 0;
    nz = 0;
    xi = 0;
    yi = 1;
    zi = 0;
    l = sqrt(xi*xi + yi*yi + zi*zi); /* Distance to target. */
    theta0 = asin(radius / l);	/* Target size as seen from origin */
      /* Compute solid angle of target as seen from origin. */
      *solid_angle = 2*PI*(1 - cos(theta0));
    /* Now choose point uniformly on sphere surface within angle theta0 */
    theta = acos (1 - rand0max(1 - cos(theta0)));
    phi = rand0max(2 * PI);
    /* Now, to obtain the desired vector rotate (x,y,z) angle theta around a
       perpendicular axis (nx,ny,nz) and then angle phi around (x,y,z). */
    if(xi == 0 && yi == 0)
      nx = 1;
      ny = 0;
      nz = 0;
      nx = -yi;
      ny = xi;
      nz = 0;
  rotate(xt, yt, zt, xi, yi, zi, theta, nx, ny, nz);
  rotate(*xo, *yo, *zo, xt, yt, zt, phi, xi, yi, zi);

/* Number of neutron histories to simulate. */
static double mcncount = 1e6;

mcset_ncount(double count)
  mcncount = count;

mcstatic int mcdotrace = 0;

static void
mcsetn_arg(char *arg)
  mcset_ncount(strtod(arg, NULL));

static void
mcsetseed(char *arg)

static void
mchelp(char *pgmname)
  int i;
  fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] [parm=value ...]\n", pgmname);
"Options are:\n"
"  -s seed   --seed=seed      Set random seed\n"
"  -n count  --ncount=count   Set number of neutrons to simulate.\n"
"  -t        --trace          Enable trace of neutron through instrument\n"
"  -h        --help           Show help message\n"
"  -i        --info           Detailed instrument information\n"
"Instrument parameters are:\n");
  for(i = 0; i < mcnumipar; i++)
    fprintf(stderr, "  %s\n", mcinputtable[i].name);

static void
mcshowhelp(char *pgmname)

static void
mcusage(char *pgmname)
  fprintf(stderr, "Error: incorrect commad line arguments\n");

static void
  int i;
  printf("Name: %s\n", mcinstrument_name);
  for(i = 0; i < mcnumipar; i++)
    printf(" %s", mcinputtable[i].name);
  printf("Instrument-source: %s\n", mcinstrument_source);
  printf("Trace-enabled: %s\n", mctraceenabled ? "yes" : "no");
  printf("Default-main: %s\n", mcdefaultmain ? "yes" : "no");
  printf("Embedded-runtime: %s\n",

static void
  mcdotrace = 1;
	   "Error: trace not enabled.\n"
	   "Please re-run the McStas compiler with the --trace option\n");

mcparseoptions(int argc, char *argv[])
  int i, j, pos;
  char *p;
  int paramset = 0, *paramsetarray;

  paramsetarray = malloc(mcnumipar*sizeof(*paramsetarray));
  if(paramsetarray == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: insufficient memory\n");
  for(j = 0; j < mcnumipar; j++)
    paramsetarray[j] = 0;
  for(i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    if(!strcmp("-s", argv[i]) && (i + 1) < argc)
    else if(!strncmp("-s", argv[i], 2))
    else if(!strcmp("--seed", argv[i]) && (i + 1) < argc)
    else if(!strncmp("--seed=", argv[i], 7))
    else if(!strcmp("-n", argv[i]) && (i + 1) < argc)
    else if(!strncmp("-n", argv[i], 2))
    else if(!strcmp("--ncount", argv[i]) && (i + 1) < argc)
    else if(!strncmp("--ncount=", argv[i], 9))
    else if(!strcmp("-h", argv[i]))
    else if(!strcmp("--help", argv[i]))
    else if(!strcmp("-i", argv[i]))
    else if(!strcmp("--info", argv[i]))
    else if(!strcmp("-t", argv[i]))
    else if(!strcmp("--trace", argv[i]))
    else if(argv[i][0] != '-' && (p = strchr(argv[i], '=')) != NULL)
      *p++ = '\0';
      for(j = 0; j < mcnumipar; j++)
	if(!strcmp(mcinputtable[j].name, argv[i]))
	  *(mcinputtable[j].par) = strtod(p, NULL);
	  paramsetarray[j] = 1;
	  paramset = 1;
      if(j == mcnumipar)
      {				/* Unrecognized parameter name */
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: unrecognized parameter %s\n", argv[i]);
    mcreadparams();		/* Prompt for parameters if not specified. */
    for(j = 0; j < mcnumipar; j++)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: Instrument parameter %s left unset\n",

/* McStas main() function. */
mcstas_main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int run_num = 0;

  mcparseoptions(argc, argv);
  while(run_num < mcncount)
    mcsetstate(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
  return 0;
/* End of file "mcstas-r.c". */

int mctraceenabled = 0;
int mcdefaultmain = 1;
char mcinstrument_name[] = "prisma2";
char mcinstrument_source[] = "examples/prisma2.instr";
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){return mcstas_main(argc, argv);}
void mcinit(void);
void mcraytrace(void);
void mcfinally(void);

/* Instrument parameters. */

#define mcNUMIPAR 10
int mcnumipar = 10;
struct mcinputtable_struct mcinputtable[mcNUMIPAR+1] = {
  "TT", &mcipTT,
  "PHA", &mcipPHA,
  "PHA1", &mcipPHA1,
  "PHA2", &mcipPHA2,
  "PHA3", &mcipPHA3,
  "PHA4", &mcipPHA4,
  "PHA5", &mcipPHA5,
  "PHA6", &mcipPHA6,
  "PHA7", &mcipPHA7,
  "TTA", &mcipTTA,

/* User declarations from instrument definition. */
#define TT mcipTT
#define PHA mcipPHA
#define PHA1 mcipPHA1
#define PHA2 mcipPHA2
#define PHA3 mcipPHA3
#define PHA4 mcipPHA4
#define PHA5 mcipPHA5
#define PHA6 mcipPHA6
#define PHA7 mcipPHA7
#define TTA mcipTTA
#line 171 "examples/prisma2.instr"
int neu_color;			/* "Color" of current neutron */

/* 30' mosaicity used on analysator */
double prisma_ana_mosaic = 30;
/* Q vector for bragg scattering with monochromator and analysator */
double prisma_ana_q = 1.87325;
double prisma_ana_r0 = 0.6;
double focus_x,focus_z;

double apos1, apos2, apos3, apos4, apos5, apos6, apos7;
#undef TTA
#undef PHA7
#undef PHA6
#undef PHA5
#undef PHA4
#undef PHA3
#undef PHA2
#undef PHA1
#undef PHA
#undef TT

/* Declarations of component definition and setting parameters. */

/* Definition parameters for component 'mod'. */
#define mccmod_radius 0.0707
#define mccmod_E0 10
#define mccmod_E1 15
#define mccmod_dist 9.035
#define mccmod_xw 0.021
#define mccmod_yh 0.021
#define mccmod_t0 37.15
#define mccmod_Ec 9
#define mccmod_gam 39.1

/* Definition parameters for component 'modslit'. */
#define mccmodslit_xmin -0.05
#define mccmodslit_xmax 0.05
#define mccmodslit_ymin -0.05
#define mccmodslit_ymax 0.05

/* Definition parameters for component 'tof_test'. */
#define mcctof_test_xmin -0.05
#define mcctof_test_xmax 0.05
#define mcctof_test_ymin -0.05
#define mcctof_test_ymax 0.05
#define mcctof_test_nchan 10000
#define mcctof_test_dt 10
#define mcctof_test_filename "sim/prisma2.mon"

/* Definition parameters for component 'mon1'. */
#define mccmon1_xmin -0.1
#define mccmon1_xmax 0.1
#define mccmon1_ymin -0.1
#define mccmon1_ymax 0.1

/* Definition parameters for component 'slit1'. */
#define mccslit1_xmin -0.05
#define mccslit1_xmax 0.05
#define mccslit1_ymin -0.05
#define mccslit1_ymax 0.05

/* Definition parameters for component 'slit2'. */
#define mccslit2_xmin -0.02
#define mccslit2_xmax 0.02
#define mccslit2_ymin -0.03
#define mccslit2_ymax 0.03

/* Definition parameters for component 'mon2'. */
#define mccmon2_xmin -0.1
#define mccmon2_xmax 0.1
#define mccmon2_ymin -0.1
#define mccmon2_ymax 0.1

/* Definition parameters for component 'sample'. */
#define mccsample_radius_i 1e-05
#define mccsample_radius_o 0.01
#define mccsample_h 0.02
#define mccsample_pack 1
#define mccsample_focus_r 0.03
/* Setting parameters for component 'sample'. */
MCNUM mccsample_target_x;
MCNUM mccsample_target_y;
MCNUM mccsample_target_z;

/* Definition parameters for component 'mon3'. */
#define mccmon3_xmin -0.1
#define mccmon3_xmax 0.1
#define mccmon3_ymin -0.1
#define mccmon3_ymax 0.1

/* Definition parameters for component 'coll2'. */
#define mcccoll2_xmin -0.015
#define mcccoll2_xmax 0.015
#define mcccoll2_ymin -0.025
#define mcccoll2_ymax 0.025
#define mcccoll2_len 0.12
#define mcccoll2_divergence 120

/* Definition parameters for component 'mon4'. */
#define mccmon4_xmin -0.1
#define mccmon4_xmax 0.1
#define mccmon4_ymin -0.1
#define mccmon4_ymax 0.1

/* Definition parameters for component 'ana1'. */
#define mccana1_zmin -0.006
#define mccana1_zmax 0.006
#define mccana1_ymin -0.0375
#define mccana1_ymax 0.0375
#define mccana1_mosaich prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana1_mosaicv prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana1_r0 prisma_ana_r0
#define mccana1_Q prisma_ana_q
#define mccana1_color 0

/* Definition parameters for component 'ana2'. */
#define mccana2_zmin -0.006
#define mccana2_zmax 0.006
#define mccana2_ymin -0.0375
#define mccana2_ymax 0.0375
#define mccana2_mosaich prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana2_mosaicv prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana2_r0 prisma_ana_r0
#define mccana2_Q prisma_ana_q
#define mccana2_color 1

/* Definition parameters for component 'ana3'. */
#define mccana3_zmin -0.006
#define mccana3_zmax 0.006
#define mccana3_ymin -0.0375
#define mccana3_ymax 0.0375
#define mccana3_mosaich prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana3_mosaicv prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana3_r0 prisma_ana_r0
#define mccana3_Q prisma_ana_q
#define mccana3_color 2

/* Definition parameters for component 'ana4'. */
#define mccana4_zmin -0.006
#define mccana4_zmax 0.006
#define mccana4_ymin -0.0375
#define mccana4_ymax 0.0375
#define mccana4_mosaich prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana4_mosaicv prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana4_r0 prisma_ana_r0
#define mccana4_Q prisma_ana_q
#define mccana4_color 3

/* Definition parameters for component 'ana5'. */
#define mccana5_zmin -0.006
#define mccana5_zmax 0.006
#define mccana5_ymin -0.0375
#define mccana5_ymax 0.0375
#define mccana5_mosaich prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana5_mosaicv prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana5_r0 prisma_ana_r0
#define mccana5_Q prisma_ana_q
#define mccana5_color 4

/* Definition parameters for component 'ana6'. */
#define mccana6_zmin -0.006
#define mccana6_zmax 0.006
#define mccana6_ymin -0.0375
#define mccana6_ymax 0.0375
#define mccana6_mosaich prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana6_mosaicv prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana6_r0 prisma_ana_r0
#define mccana6_Q prisma_ana_q
#define mccana6_color 5

/* Definition parameters for component 'ana7'. */
#define mccana7_zmin -0.006
#define mccana7_zmax 0.006
#define mccana7_ymin -0.0375
#define mccana7_ymax 0.0375
#define mccana7_mosaich prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana7_mosaicv prisma_ana_mosaic
#define mccana7_r0 prisma_ana_r0
#define mccana7_Q prisma_ana_q
#define mccana7_color 6

/* Definition parameters for component 'mon5'. */
#define mccmon5_xmin -0.05
#define mccmon5_xmax 0.05
#define mccmon5_ymin -0.05
#define mccmon5_ymax 0.05

/* Definition parameters for component 'mon6'. */
#define mccmon6_xmin -0.1
#define mccmon6_xmax 0.1
#define mccmon6_ymin -0.1
#define mccmon6_ymax 0.1

/* Definition parameters for component 'psd'. */
#define mccpsd_xmin -0.05
#define mccpsd_xmax 0.05
#define mccpsd_ymin -0.05
#define mccpsd_ymax 0.05
#define mccpsd_nx 100
#define mccpsd_ny 100
#define mccpsd_filename "sim/prisma2.psd"

/* Definition parameters for component 'detector'. */
#define mccdetector_xmin -0.05
#define mccdetector_xmax 0.05
#define mccdetector_ymin -0.05
#define mccdetector_ymax 0.05
#define mccdetector_nchan 10000
#define mccdetector_dt 10
#define mccdetector_filename "sim/prisma2.tof"
#define mccdetector_maxcolor 6

/* Definition parameters for component 'mon9'. */
#define mccmon9_xmin -0.1
#define mccmon9_xmax 0.1
#define mccmon9_ymin -0.1
#define mccmon9_ymax 0.1

/* User component declarations. */

/* User declarations for component 'mod'. */
#define mccompcurname "mod"
#define radius mccmod_radius
#define E0 mccmod_E0
#define E1 mccmod_E1
#define dist mccmod_dist
#define xw mccmod_xw
#define yh mccmod_yh
#define t0 mccmod_t0
#define Ec mccmod_Ec
#define gam mccmod_gam
#line 33 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Moderator.comp"
  double hdiv,vdiv;                   /* ToDo: Should be component local */
  double moder_v0, moder_dv;
  double p_in;
#undef gam
#undef Ec
#undef t0
#undef yh
#undef xw
#undef dist
#undef E1
#undef E0
#undef radius
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'tof_test'. */
#define mccompcurname "tof_test"
#define xmin mcctof_test_xmin
#define xmax mcctof_test_xmax
#define ymin mcctof_test_ymin
#define ymax mcctof_test_ymax
#define nchan mcctof_test_nchan
#define dt mcctof_test_dt
#define filename mcctof_test_filename
#define TOF_N mcctof_test_TOF_N
#define TOF_p mcctof_test_TOF_p
#define TOF_p2 mcctof_test_TOF_p2
#line 39 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/TOF_monitor.comp"
    int TOF_N[nchan];
    double TOF_p[nchan];
    double TOF_p2[nchan];
#undef TOF_p2
#undef TOF_p
#undef TOF_N
#undef filename
#undef dt
#undef nchan
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'mon1'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon1"
#define xmin mccmon1_xmin
#define xmax mccmon1_xmax
#define ymin mccmon1_ymin
#define ymax mccmon1_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon1_Nsum
#define psum mccmon1_psum
#define p2sum mccmon1_p2sum
#line 36 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    int Nsum;
    double psum, p2sum;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'mon2'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon2"
#define xmin mccmon2_xmin
#define xmax mccmon2_xmax
#define ymin mccmon2_ymin
#define ymax mccmon2_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon2_Nsum
#define psum mccmon2_psum
#define p2sum mccmon2_p2sum
#line 36 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    int Nsum;
    double psum, p2sum;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'sample'. */
#define mccompcurname "sample"
#define radius_i mccsample_radius_i
#define radius_o mccsample_radius_o
#define h mccsample_h
#define pack mccsample_pack
#define focus_r mccsample_focus_r
#define target_x mccsample_target_x
#define target_y mccsample_target_y
#define target_z mccsample_target_z
#line 38 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/V_sample.comp"
/* ToDo: Should be component local names. */
#define V_sigma_a 5.08     /* Absorption cross section per atom (barns) */
#define V_sigma_i 4.935    /* Incoherent scattering cross section per atom (barns) */
#define V_rho (2*pack/(3.024*3.024*3.024)) /* Density of atoms (AA-3) */
#define V_my_s (V_rho * 100 * V_sigma_i)
#define V_my_a_v (V_rho * 100 * V_sigma_a * 2200)
#undef target_z
#undef target_y
#undef target_x
#undef focus_r
#undef pack
#undef h
#undef radius_o
#undef radius_i
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'mon3'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon3"
#define xmin mccmon3_xmin
#define xmax mccmon3_xmax
#define ymin mccmon3_ymin
#define ymax mccmon3_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon3_Nsum
#define psum mccmon3_psum
#define p2sum mccmon3_p2sum
#line 36 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    int Nsum;
    double psum, p2sum;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'coll2'. */
#define mccompcurname "coll2"
#define xmin mcccoll2_xmin
#define xmax mcccoll2_xmax
#define ymin mcccoll2_ymin
#define ymax mcccoll2_ymax
#define len mcccoll2_len
#define divergence mcccoll2_divergence
#define slope mcccoll2_slope
#line 36 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Soller.comp"
  double slope;
#undef slope
#undef divergence
#undef len
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'mon4'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon4"
#define xmin mccmon4_xmin
#define xmax mccmon4_xmax
#define ymin mccmon4_ymin
#define ymax mccmon4_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon4_Nsum
#define psum mccmon4_psum
#define p2sum mccmon4_p2sum
#line 36 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    int Nsum;
    double psum, p2sum;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'ana1'. */
#define mccompcurname "ana1"
#define zmin mccana1_zmin
#define zmax mccana1_zmax
#define ymin mccana1_ymin
#define ymax mccana1_ymax
#define mosaich mccana1_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana1_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana1_r0
#define Q mccana1_Q
#define color mccana1_color
#line 29 "examples/prisma2.instr"
#define DIV_CUTOFF 2		/* ~ 10^-5 cutoff. */
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'ana2'. */
#define mccompcurname "ana2"
#define zmin mccana2_zmin
#define zmax mccana2_zmax
#define ymin mccana2_ymin
#define ymax mccana2_ymax
#define mosaich mccana2_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana2_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana2_r0
#define Q mccana2_Q
#define color mccana2_color
#line 29 "examples/prisma2.instr"
#define DIV_CUTOFF 2		/* ~ 10^-5 cutoff. */
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'ana3'. */
#define mccompcurname "ana3"
#define zmin mccana3_zmin
#define zmax mccana3_zmax
#define ymin mccana3_ymin
#define ymax mccana3_ymax
#define mosaich mccana3_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana3_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana3_r0
#define Q mccana3_Q
#define color mccana3_color
#line 29 "examples/prisma2.instr"
#define DIV_CUTOFF 2		/* ~ 10^-5 cutoff. */
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'ana4'. */
#define mccompcurname "ana4"
#define zmin mccana4_zmin
#define zmax mccana4_zmax
#define ymin mccana4_ymin
#define ymax mccana4_ymax
#define mosaich mccana4_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana4_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana4_r0
#define Q mccana4_Q
#define color mccana4_color
#line 29 "examples/prisma2.instr"
#define DIV_CUTOFF 2		/* ~ 10^-5 cutoff. */
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'ana5'. */
#define mccompcurname "ana5"
#define zmin mccana5_zmin
#define zmax mccana5_zmax
#define ymin mccana5_ymin
#define ymax mccana5_ymax
#define mosaich mccana5_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana5_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana5_r0
#define Q mccana5_Q
#define color mccana5_color
#line 29 "examples/prisma2.instr"
#define DIV_CUTOFF 2		/* ~ 10^-5 cutoff. */
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'ana6'. */
#define mccompcurname "ana6"
#define zmin mccana6_zmin
#define zmax mccana6_zmax
#define ymin mccana6_ymin
#define ymax mccana6_ymax
#define mosaich mccana6_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana6_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana6_r0
#define Q mccana6_Q
#define color mccana6_color
#line 29 "examples/prisma2.instr"
#define DIV_CUTOFF 2		/* ~ 10^-5 cutoff. */
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'ana7'. */
#define mccompcurname "ana7"
#define zmin mccana7_zmin
#define zmax mccana7_zmax
#define ymin mccana7_ymin
#define ymax mccana7_ymax
#define mosaich mccana7_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana7_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana7_r0
#define Q mccana7_Q
#define color mccana7_color
#line 29 "examples/prisma2.instr"
#define DIV_CUTOFF 2		/* ~ 10^-5 cutoff. */
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'mon5'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon5"
#define xmin mccmon5_xmin
#define xmax mccmon5_xmax
#define ymin mccmon5_ymin
#define ymax mccmon5_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon5_Nsum
#define psum mccmon5_psum
#define p2sum mccmon5_p2sum
#line 36 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    int Nsum;
    double psum, p2sum;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'mon6'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon6"
#define xmin mccmon6_xmin
#define xmax mccmon6_xmax
#define ymin mccmon6_ymin
#define ymax mccmon6_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon6_Nsum
#define psum mccmon6_psum
#define p2sum mccmon6_p2sum
#line 36 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    int Nsum;
    double psum, p2sum;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'psd'. */
#define mccompcurname "psd"
#define xmin mccpsd_xmin
#define xmax mccpsd_xmax
#define ymin mccpsd_ymin
#define ymax mccpsd_ymax
#define nx mccpsd_nx
#define ny mccpsd_ny
#define filename mccpsd_filename
#define PSD_N mccpsd_PSD_N
#define PSD_p mccpsd_PSD_p
#define PSD_p2 mccpsd_PSD_p2
#line 40 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/PSD_monitor.comp"
    int PSD_N[nx][ny];
    double PSD_p[nx][ny];
    double PSD_p2[nx][ny];
#undef PSD_p2
#undef PSD_p
#undef PSD_N
#undef filename
#undef ny
#undef nx
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'detector'. */
#define mccompcurname "detector"
#define xmin mccdetector_xmin
#define xmax mccdetector_xmax
#define ymin mccdetector_ymin
#define ymax mccdetector_ymax
#define nchan mccdetector_nchan
#define dt mccdetector_dt
#define filename mccdetector_filename
#define maxcolor mccdetector_maxcolor
#define TOF_N mccdetector_TOF_N
#define TOF_p mccdetector_TOF_p
#define TOF_p2 mccdetector_TOF_p2
#line 99 "examples/prisma2.instr"
    int TOF_N[maxcolor+1][nchan];
    double TOF_p[maxcolor+1][nchan];
    double TOF_p2[maxcolor+1][nchan];
#undef TOF_p2
#undef TOF_p
#undef TOF_N
#undef maxcolor
#undef filename
#undef dt
#undef nchan
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

/* User declarations for component 'mon9'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon9"
#define xmin mccmon9_xmin
#define xmax mccmon9_xmax
#define ymin mccmon9_ymin
#define ymax mccmon9_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon9_Nsum
#define psum mccmon9_psum
#define p2sum mccmon9_p2sum
#line 36 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    int Nsum;
    double psum, p2sum;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

Coords mcposamod, mcposrmod;
Rotation mcrotamod, mcrotrmod;
Coords mcposamodslit, mcposrmodslit;
Rotation mcrotamodslit, mcrotrmodslit;
Coords mcposatof_test, mcposrtof_test;
Rotation mcrotatof_test, mcrotrtof_test;
Coords mcposamon1, mcposrmon1;
Rotation mcrotamon1, mcrotrmon1;
Coords mcposaslit1, mcposrslit1;
Rotation mcrotaslit1, mcrotrslit1;
Coords mcposaslit2, mcposrslit2;
Rotation mcrotaslit2, mcrotrslit2;
Coords mcposamon2, mcposrmon2;
Rotation mcrotamon2, mcrotrmon2;
Coords mcposasample, mcposrsample;
Rotation mcrotasample, mcrotrsample;
Coords mcposaa2, mcposra2;
Rotation mcrotaa2, mcrotra2;
Coords mcposamon3, mcposrmon3;
Rotation mcrotamon3, mcrotrmon3;
Coords mcposacoll2, mcposrcoll2;
Rotation mcrotacoll2, mcrotrcoll2;
Coords mcposamon4, mcposrmon4;
Rotation mcrotamon4, mcrotrmon4;
Coords mcposarita_ana, mcposrrita_ana;
Rotation mcrotarita_ana, mcrotrrita_ana;
Coords mcposaana1, mcposrana1;
Rotation mcrotaana1, mcrotrana1;
Coords mcposaana2, mcposrana2;
Rotation mcrotaana2, mcrotrana2;
Coords mcposaana3, mcposrana3;
Rotation mcrotaana3, mcrotrana3;
Coords mcposaana4, mcposrana4;
Rotation mcrotaana4, mcrotrana4;
Coords mcposaana5, mcposrana5;
Rotation mcrotaana5, mcrotrana5;
Coords mcposaana6, mcposrana6;
Rotation mcrotaana6, mcrotrana6;
Coords mcposaana7, mcposrana7;
Rotation mcrotaana7, mcrotrana7;
Coords mcposaa3, mcposra3;
Rotation mcrotaa3, mcrotra3;
Coords mcposamon5, mcposrmon5;
Rotation mcrotamon5, mcrotrmon5;
Coords mcposamon6, mcposrmon6;
Rotation mcrotamon6, mcrotrmon6;
Coords mcposapsd, mcposrpsd;
Rotation mcrotapsd, mcrotrpsd;
Coords mcposadetector, mcposrdetector;
Rotation mcrotadetector, mcrotrdetector;
Coords mcposamon9, mcposrmon9;
Rotation mcrotamon9, mcrotrmon9;

MCNUM mcnx, mcny, mcnz, mcnvx, mcnvy, mcnvz, mcnt, mcns1, mcns2, mcnp;

void mcinit(void) {
#define TT mcipTT
#define PHA mcipPHA
#define PHA1 mcipPHA1
#define PHA2 mcipPHA2
#define PHA3 mcipPHA3
#define PHA4 mcipPHA4
#define PHA5 mcipPHA5
#define PHA6 mcipPHA6
#define PHA7 mcipPHA7
#define TTA mcipTTA
#line 184 "examples/prisma2.instr"
  focus_x = 0.52 * sin(TT*DEG2RAD);
  focus_z = 0.52 * cos(TT*DEG2RAD);
  /* Rita-style analyser. */
    double l = 0.0125;
    apos1 = -3*l;
    apos2 = -2*l;
    apos3 = -1*l;
    apos4 =  0*l;
    apos5 =  1*l;
    apos6 =  2*l;
    apos7 =  3*l;
#undef TTA
#undef PHA7
#undef PHA6
#undef PHA5
#undef PHA4
#undef PHA3
#undef PHA2
#undef PHA1
#undef PHA
#undef TT
  /* Component initializations. */
  /* Initializations for component mod. */

#define mccompcurname "mod"
#define radius mccmod_radius
#define E0 mccmod_E0
#define E1 mccmod_E1
#define dist mccmod_dist
#define xw mccmod_xw
#define yh mccmod_yh
#define t0 mccmod_t0
#define Ec mccmod_Ec
#define gam mccmod_gam
#line 38 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Moderator.comp"
  hdiv = atan(xw/(2.0*dist));
  vdiv = atan(yh/(2.0*dist));
  moder_v0 = SE2V*sqrt(E0);
  moder_dv = SE2V*sqrt(E1) - moder_v0;
  p_in = (4*hdiv*vdiv)/(4*PI);
#undef gam
#undef Ec
#undef t0
#undef yh
#undef xw
#undef dist
#undef E1
#undef E0
#undef radius
#undef mccompcurname

  /* Initializations for component modslit. */

  /* Initializations for component tof_test. */

#define mccompcurname "tof_test"
#define xmin mcctof_test_xmin
#define xmax mcctof_test_xmax
#define ymin mcctof_test_ymin
#define ymax mcctof_test_ymax
#define nchan mcctof_test_nchan
#define dt mcctof_test_dt
#define filename mcctof_test_filename
#define TOF_N mcctof_test_TOF_N
#define TOF_p mcctof_test_TOF_p
#define TOF_p2 mcctof_test_TOF_p2
#line 44 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/TOF_monitor.comp"
    int i;

    for (i=0; i<nchan; i++)
      TOF_N[i] = 0;
      TOF_p[i] = 0;
      TOF_p2[i] = 0;
#undef TOF_p2
#undef TOF_p
#undef TOF_N
#undef filename
#undef dt
#undef nchan
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* Initializations for component mon1. */

#define mccompcurname "mon1"
#define xmin mccmon1_xmin
#define xmax mccmon1_xmax
#define ymin mccmon1_ymin
#define ymax mccmon1_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon1_Nsum
#define psum mccmon1_psum
#define p2sum mccmon1_p2sum
#line 40 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    psum = 0;
    p2sum = 0;
    Nsum = 0;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* Initializations for component slit1. */

  /* Initializations for component slit2. */

  /* Initializations for component mon2. */

#define mccompcurname "mon2"
#define xmin mccmon2_xmin
#define xmax mccmon2_xmax
#define ymin mccmon2_ymin
#define ymax mccmon2_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon2_Nsum
#define psum mccmon2_psum
#define p2sum mccmon2_p2sum
#line 40 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    psum = 0;
    p2sum = 0;
    Nsum = 0;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* Initializations for component sample. */
  mccsample_target_x = focus_x;
  mccsample_target_y = 0;
  mccsample_target_z = focus_z;

  /* Initializations for component a2. */

  /* Initializations for component mon3. */

#define mccompcurname "mon3"
#define xmin mccmon3_xmin
#define xmax mccmon3_xmax
#define ymin mccmon3_ymin
#define ymax mccmon3_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon3_Nsum
#define psum mccmon3_psum
#define p2sum mccmon3_p2sum
#line 40 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    psum = 0;
    p2sum = 0;
    Nsum = 0;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* Initializations for component coll2. */

#define mccompcurname "coll2"
#define xmin mcccoll2_xmin
#define xmax mcccoll2_xmax
#define ymin mcccoll2_ymin
#define ymax mcccoll2_ymax
#define len mcccoll2_len
#define divergence mcccoll2_divergence
#define slope mcccoll2_slope
#line 39 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Soller.comp"
  slope = tan(MIN2RAD*divergence);
#undef slope
#undef divergence
#undef len
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* Initializations for component mon4. */

#define mccompcurname "mon4"
#define xmin mccmon4_xmin
#define xmax mccmon4_xmax
#define ymin mccmon4_ymin
#define ymax mccmon4_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon4_Nsum
#define psum mccmon4_psum
#define p2sum mccmon4_p2sum
#line 40 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    psum = 0;
    p2sum = 0;
    Nsum = 0;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* Initializations for component rita_ana. */

  /* Initializations for component ana1. */

  /* Initializations for component ana2. */

  /* Initializations for component ana3. */

  /* Initializations for component ana4. */

  /* Initializations for component ana5. */

  /* Initializations for component ana6. */

  /* Initializations for component ana7. */

  /* Initializations for component a3. */

  /* Initializations for component mon5. */

#define mccompcurname "mon5"
#define xmin mccmon5_xmin
#define xmax mccmon5_xmax
#define ymin mccmon5_ymin
#define ymax mccmon5_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon5_Nsum
#define psum mccmon5_psum
#define p2sum mccmon5_p2sum
#line 40 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    psum = 0;
    p2sum = 0;
    Nsum = 0;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* Initializations for component mon6. */

#define mccompcurname "mon6"
#define xmin mccmon6_xmin
#define xmax mccmon6_xmax
#define ymin mccmon6_ymin
#define ymax mccmon6_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon6_Nsum
#define psum mccmon6_psum
#define p2sum mccmon6_p2sum
#line 40 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    psum = 0;
    p2sum = 0;
    Nsum = 0;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* Initializations for component psd. */

#define mccompcurname "psd"
#define xmin mccpsd_xmin
#define xmax mccpsd_xmax
#define ymin mccpsd_ymin
#define ymax mccpsd_ymax
#define nx mccpsd_nx
#define ny mccpsd_ny
#define filename mccpsd_filename
#define PSD_N mccpsd_PSD_N
#define PSD_p mccpsd_PSD_p
#define PSD_p2 mccpsd_PSD_p2
#line 45 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/PSD_monitor.comp"
    int i,j;

    for (i=0; i<nx; i++)
     for (j=0; j<ny; j++) 
      PSD_N[i][j] = 0;
      PSD_p[i][j] = 0;
      PSD_p2[i][j] = 0;
#undef PSD_p2
#undef PSD_p
#undef PSD_N
#undef filename
#undef ny
#undef nx
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* Initializations for component detector. */

#define mccompcurname "detector"
#define xmin mccdetector_xmin
#define xmax mccdetector_xmax
#define ymin mccdetector_ymin
#define ymax mccdetector_ymax
#define nchan mccdetector_nchan
#define dt mccdetector_dt
#define filename mccdetector_filename
#define maxcolor mccdetector_maxcolor
#define TOF_N mccdetector_TOF_N
#define TOF_p mccdetector_TOF_p
#define TOF_p2 mccdetector_TOF_p2
#line 104 "examples/prisma2.instr"
    int i,c;

    for (i=0; i<nchan; i++)
      for (c=0; c<=maxcolor; c++)
	TOF_N[c][i] = 0;
	TOF_p[c][i] = 0;
	TOF_p2[c][i] = 0;
#undef TOF_p2
#undef TOF_p
#undef TOF_N
#undef maxcolor
#undef filename
#undef dt
#undef nchan
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* Initializations for component mon9. */

#define mccompcurname "mon9"
#define xmin mccmon9_xmin
#define xmax mccmon9_xmax
#define ymin mccmon9_ymin
#define ymax mccmon9_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon9_Nsum
#define psum mccmon9_psum
#define p2sum mccmon9_p2sum
#line 40 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    psum = 0;
    p2sum = 0;
    Nsum = 0;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* Computation of coordinate transformations. */
    Coords mctc1, mctc2;
    Rotation mctr1, mctr2;

    /* Component mod. */
    rot_set_rotation(mcrotamod, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_copy(mcrotrmod, mcrotamod);
    mcposamod = coords_set(0, 0, 0);
    mctc1 = coords_neg(mcposamod);
    mcposrmod = rot_apply(mcrotamod, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("mod", mcposamod, mcrotamod)
    /* Component modslit. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotamod, mcrotamodslit);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamod, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotamodslit, mctr1, mcrotrmodslit);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamod, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposamodslit = coords_add(mcposamod, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposamod, mcposamodslit);
    mcposrmodslit = rot_apply(mcrotamodslit, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("modslit", mcposamodslit, mcrotamodslit)
    /* Component tof_test. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotamod, mcrotatof_test);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamodslit, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotatof_test, mctr1, mcrotrtof_test);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0.005);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamod, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposatof_test = coords_add(mcposamod, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposamodslit, mcposatof_test);
    mcposrtof_test = rot_apply(mcrotatof_test, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("tof_test", mcposatof_test, mcrotatof_test)
    /* Component mon1. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotamod, mcrotamon1);
    rot_transpose(mcrotatof_test, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotamon1, mctr1, mcrotrmon1);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0.01);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamod, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposamon1 = coords_add(mcposamod, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposatof_test, mcposamon1);
    mcposrmon1 = rot_apply(mcrotamon1, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("mon1", mcposamon1, mcrotamon1)
    /* Component slit1. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotamod, mcrotaslit1);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamon1, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotaslit1, mctr1, mcrotrslit1);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 1.7);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamod, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposaslit1 = coords_add(mcposamod, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposamon1, mcposaslit1);
    mcposrslit1 = rot_apply(mcrotaslit1, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("slit1", mcposaslit1, mcrotaslit1)
    /* Component slit2. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotamod, mcrotaslit2);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaslit1, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotaslit2, mctr1, mcrotrslit2);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 7);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaslit1, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposaslit2 = coords_add(mcposaslit1, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposaslit1, mcposaslit2);
    mcposrslit2 = rot_apply(mcrotaslit2, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("slit2", mcposaslit2, mcrotaslit2)
    /* Component mon2. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotamod, mcrotamon2);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaslit2, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotamon2, mctr1, mcrotrmon2);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 9);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamod, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposamon2 = coords_add(mcposamod, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposaslit2, mcposamon2);
    mcposrmon2 = rot_apply(mcrotamon2, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("mon2", mcposamon2, mcrotamon2)
    /* Component sample. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotamod, mcrotasample);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamon2, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotasample, mctr1, mcrotrsample);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 9.035);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamod, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposasample = coords_add(mcposamod, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposamon2, mcposasample);
    mcposrsample = rot_apply(mcrotasample, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("sample", mcposasample, mcrotasample)
    /* Component a2. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (mcipTT)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotasample, mcrotaa2);
    rot_transpose(mcrotasample, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotaa2, mctr1, mcrotra2);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0);
    rot_transpose(mcrotasample, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposaa2 = coords_add(mcposasample, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposasample, mcposaa2);
    mcposra2 = rot_apply(mcrotaa2, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("a2", mcposaa2, mcrotaa2)
    /* Component mon3. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotaa2, mcrotamon3);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaa2, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotamon3, mctr1, mcrotrmon3);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0.39);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaa2, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposamon3 = coords_add(mcposaa2, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposaa2, mcposamon3);
    mcposrmon3 = rot_apply(mcrotamon3, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("mon3", mcposamon3, mcrotamon3)
    /* Component coll2. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotaa2, mcrotacoll2);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamon3, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotacoll2, mctr1, mcrotrcoll2);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0.4);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaa2, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposacoll2 = coords_add(mcposaa2, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposamon3, mcposacoll2);
    mcposrcoll2 = rot_apply(mcrotacoll2, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("coll2", mcposacoll2, mcrotacoll2)
    /* Component mon4. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotaa2, mcrotamon4);
    rot_transpose(mcrotacoll2, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotamon4, mctr1, mcrotrmon4);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0.521);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaa2, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposamon4 = coords_add(mcposaa2, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposacoll2, mcposamon4);
    mcposrmon4 = rot_apply(mcrotamon4, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("mon4", mcposamon4, mcrotamon4)
    /* Component rita_ana. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (mcipPHA)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotaa2, mcrotarita_ana);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamon4, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotarita_ana, mctr1, mcrotrrita_ana);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0.58);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaa2, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposarita_ana = coords_add(mcposaa2, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposamon4, mcposarita_ana);
    mcposrrita_ana = rot_apply(mcrotarita_ana, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("rita_ana", mcposarita_ana, mcrotarita_ana)
    /* Component ana1. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (mcipPHA1)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotarita_ana, mcrotaana1);
    rot_transpose(mcrotarita_ana, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotaana1, mctr1, mcrotrana1);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, apos1);
    rot_transpose(mcrotarita_ana, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposaana1 = coords_add(mcposarita_ana, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposarita_ana, mcposaana1);
    mcposrana1 = rot_apply(mcrotaana1, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("ana1", mcposaana1, mcrotaana1)
    /* Component ana2. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (mcipPHA2)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotarita_ana, mcrotaana2);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaana1, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotaana2, mctr1, mcrotrana2);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, apos2);
    rot_transpose(mcrotarita_ana, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposaana2 = coords_add(mcposarita_ana, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposaana1, mcposaana2);
    mcposrana2 = rot_apply(mcrotaana2, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("ana2", mcposaana2, mcrotaana2)
    /* Component ana3. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (mcipPHA3)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotarita_ana, mcrotaana3);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaana2, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotaana3, mctr1, mcrotrana3);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, apos3);
    rot_transpose(mcrotarita_ana, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposaana3 = coords_add(mcposarita_ana, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposaana2, mcposaana3);
    mcposrana3 = rot_apply(mcrotaana3, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("ana3", mcposaana3, mcrotaana3)
    /* Component ana4. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (mcipPHA4)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotarita_ana, mcrotaana4);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaana3, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotaana4, mctr1, mcrotrana4);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, apos4);
    rot_transpose(mcrotarita_ana, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposaana4 = coords_add(mcposarita_ana, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposaana3, mcposaana4);
    mcposrana4 = rot_apply(mcrotaana4, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("ana4", mcposaana4, mcrotaana4)
    /* Component ana5. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (mcipPHA5)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotarita_ana, mcrotaana5);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaana4, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotaana5, mctr1, mcrotrana5);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, apos5);
    rot_transpose(mcrotarita_ana, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposaana5 = coords_add(mcposarita_ana, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposaana4, mcposaana5);
    mcposrana5 = rot_apply(mcrotaana5, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("ana5", mcposaana5, mcrotaana5)
    /* Component ana6. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (mcipPHA6)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotarita_ana, mcrotaana6);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaana5, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotaana6, mctr1, mcrotrana6);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, apos6);
    rot_transpose(mcrotarita_ana, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposaana6 = coords_add(mcposarita_ana, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposaana5, mcposaana6);
    mcposrana6 = rot_apply(mcrotaana6, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("ana6", mcposaana6, mcrotaana6)
    /* Component ana7. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (mcipPHA7)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotarita_ana, mcrotaana7);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaana6, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotaana7, mctr1, mcrotrana7);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, apos7);
    rot_transpose(mcrotarita_ana, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposaana7 = coords_add(mcposarita_ana, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposaana6, mcposaana7);
    mcposrana7 = rot_apply(mcrotaana7, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("ana7", mcposaana7, mcrotaana7)
    /* Component a3. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (mcipTTA)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotaa2, mcrotaa3);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaana7, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotaa3, mctr1, mcrotra3);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0);
    rot_transpose(mcrotarita_ana, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposaa3 = coords_add(mcposarita_ana, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposaana7, mcposaa3);
    mcposra3 = rot_apply(mcrotaa3, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("a3", mcposaa3, mcrotaa3)
    /* Component mon5. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotaa3, mcrotamon5);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaa3, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotamon5, mctr1, mcrotrmon5);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0.06);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaa3, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposamon5 = coords_add(mcposaa3, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposaa3, mcposamon5);
    mcposrmon5 = rot_apply(mcrotamon5, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("mon5", mcposamon5, mcrotamon5)
    /* Component mon6. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotaa3, mcrotamon6);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamon5, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotamon6, mctr1, mcrotrmon6);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0.161);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaa3, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposamon6 = coords_add(mcposaa3, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposamon5, mcposamon6);
    mcposrmon6 = rot_apply(mcrotamon6, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("mon6", mcposamon6, mcrotamon6)
    /* Component psd. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotaa3, mcrotapsd);
    rot_transpose(mcrotamon6, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotapsd, mctr1, mcrotrpsd);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0.2);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaa3, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposapsd = coords_add(mcposaa3, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposamon6, mcposapsd);
    mcposrpsd = rot_apply(mcrotapsd, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("psd", mcposapsd, mcrotapsd)
    /* Component detector. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotaa3, mcrotadetector);
    rot_transpose(mcrotapsd, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotadetector, mctr1, mcrotrdetector);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0.2);
    rot_transpose(mcrotaa3, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposadetector = coords_add(mcposaa3, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposapsd, mcposadetector);
    mcposrdetector = rot_apply(mcrotadetector, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("detector", mcposadetector, mcrotadetector)
    /* Component mon9. */
    rot_set_rotation(mctr1, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD, (0)*DEG2RAD);
    rot_mul(mctr1, mcrotaa3, mcrotamon9);
    rot_transpose(mcrotadetector, mctr1);
    rot_mul(mcrotamon9, mctr1, mcrotrmon9);
    mctc1 = coords_set(0, 0, 0.01);
    rot_transpose(mcrotadetector, mctr1);
    mctc2 = rot_apply(mctr1, mctc1);
    mcposamon9 = coords_add(mcposadetector, mctc2);
    mctc1 = coords_sub(mcposadetector, mcposamon9);
    mcposrmon9 = rot_apply(mcrotamon9, mctc1);
    mcDEBUG_COMPONENT("mon9", mcposamon9, mcrotamon9)


void mcraytrace(void) {
  /* Copy neutron state to local variables. */
  MCNUM mcnlx = mcnx;
  MCNUM mcnly = mcny;
  MCNUM mcnlz = mcnz;
  MCNUM mcnlvx = mcnvx;
  MCNUM mcnlvy = mcnvy;
  MCNUM mcnlvz = mcnvz;
  MCNUM mcnlt = mcnt;
  MCNUM mcnls1 = mcns1;
  MCNUM mcnls2 = mcns2;
  MCNUM mcnlp = mcnp;

  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
  /* Component mod. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrmod, mcrotrmod,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "mod"
#define radius mccmod_radius
#define E0 mccmod_E0
#define E1 mccmod_E1
#define dist mccmod_dist
#define xw mccmod_xw
#define yh mccmod_yh
#define t0 mccmod_t0
#define Ec mccmod_Ec
#define gam mccmod_gam
#line 46 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Moderator.comp"
  double theta0,phi0,chi,theta,phi,v,r,tauv,E;


  chi = 2*PI*rand01();          /* Choose point on source */
  r = sqrt(rand01())*radius;    /* with uniform distribution. */
  x = r*cos(chi);
  y = r*sin(chi);

  theta0 = -atan(x/dist);       /* Angles to aim at target centre */
  phi0 = -atan(y/dist);

  theta = theta0 + hdiv*randpm1(); /* Small angle approx. */ 
  phi = phi0 + vdiv*randpm1();

  v = moder_v0 + moder_dv*rand01(); /* Assume linear distribution */

  vz = v*cos(phi)*cos(theta);   /* Small angle approx. */
  vy = v*sin(phi);
  vx = v*cos(phi)*sin(theta);

  E = VS2E*v*v;
  if(E < Ec)
    tauv = t0;
    double tmp = ((E - Ec) / gam);
    tauv = t0 / (1 + (tmp*tmp));
  t = -tauv*log(rand01())*1E-6;
#undef gam
#undef Ec
#undef t0
#undef yh
#undef xw
#undef dist
#undef E1
#undef E0
#undef radius
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component modslit. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrmodslit, mcrotrmodslit,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "modslit"
#define xmin mccmodslit_xmin
#define xmax mccmodslit_xmax
#define ymin mccmodslit_ymin
#define ymax mccmodslit_ymax
#line 28 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Slit.comp"
    if (x<xmin || x>xmax || y<ymin || y>ymax)
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component tof_test. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrtof_test, mcrotrtof_test,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "tof_test"
#define xmin mcctof_test_xmin
#define xmax mcctof_test_xmax
#define ymin mcctof_test_ymin
#define ymax mcctof_test_ymax
#define nchan mcctof_test_nchan
#define dt mcctof_test_dt
#define filename mcctof_test_filename
#define TOF_N mcctof_test_TOF_N
#define TOF_p mcctof_test_TOF_p
#define TOF_p2 mcctof_test_TOF_p2
#line 55 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/TOF_monitor.comp"
    int i;

    if (x>xmin && x<xmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      i = floor(1E6*t/dt);              /* Bin number */
      if(i >= nchan) i = nchan;
      if(i < 0)
        printf("FATAL ERROR: negative time-of-flight.\n");
      TOF_p[i] += p;
      TOF_p2[i] += p*p;
#undef TOF_p2
#undef TOF_p
#undef TOF_N
#undef filename
#undef dt
#undef nchan
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component mon1. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrmon1, mcrotrmon1,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "mon1"
#define xmin mccmon1_xmin
#define xmax mccmon1_xmax
#define ymin mccmon1_ymin
#define ymax mccmon1_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon1_Nsum
#define psum mccmon1_psum
#define p2sum mccmon1_p2sum
#line 46 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    if (x>xmin && x<xmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      psum += p;
      p2sum += p*p;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component slit1. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrslit1, mcrotrslit1,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "slit1"
#define xmin mccslit1_xmin
#define xmax mccslit1_xmax
#define ymin mccslit1_ymin
#define ymax mccslit1_ymax
#line 28 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Slit.comp"
    if (x<xmin || x>xmax || y<ymin || y>ymax)
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component slit2. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrslit2, mcrotrslit2,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "slit2"
#define xmin mccslit2_xmin
#define xmax mccslit2_xmax
#define ymin mccslit2_ymin
#define ymax mccslit2_ymax
#line 28 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Slit.comp"
    if (x<xmin || x>xmax || y<ymin || y>ymax)
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component mon2. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrmon2, mcrotrmon2,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "mon2"
#define xmin mccmon2_xmin
#define xmax mccmon2_xmax
#define ymin mccmon2_ymin
#define ymax mccmon2_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon2_Nsum
#define psum mccmon2_psum
#define p2sum mccmon2_p2sum
#line 46 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    if (x>xmin && x<xmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      psum += p;
      p2sum += p*p;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component sample. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrsample, mcrotrsample,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "sample"
#define radius_i mccsample_radius_i
#define radius_o mccsample_radius_o
#define h mccsample_h
#define pack mccsample_pack
#define focus_r mccsample_focus_r
#define target_x mccsample_target_x
#define target_y mccsample_target_y
#define target_z mccsample_target_z
#line 49 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/V_sample.comp"
  double t0, t3;                /* Entry/exit time for outer cylinder */
  double t1, t2;                /* Entry/exit time for inner cylinder */
  double v;                     /* Neutron velocity */
  double dt0, dt1, dt2, dt;     /* Flight times through sample */
  double l_full;                /* Flight path length for non-scattered neutron */
  double l_i, l_o;              /* Flight path lenght in/out for scattered neutron */
  double my_a;                  /* Velocity-dependent attenuation factor */
  double solid_angle;           /* Solid angle of target as seen from scattering point */
  double aim_x, aim_y, aim_z;   /* Position of target relative to scattering point */

  if(cylinder_intersect(&t0, &t3, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, radius_o, h))
    if(t0 < 0)
    /* Neutron enters at t=t0. */
    if(!cylinder_intersect(&t1, &t2, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, radius_i, h))
      t1 = t2 = t3;

    dt0 = t1-t0;                /* Time in sample, ingoing */
    dt1 = t2-t1;                /* Time in hole */
    dt2 = t3-t2;                /* Time in sample, outgoing */
    v = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz);
    l_full = v * (dt0 + dt2);   /* Length of full path through sample */
    dt = rand01()*(dt0+dt2);    /* Time of scattering (relative to t0) */
    l_i = v*dt;                 /* Penetration in sample */
    if (dt > dt0)
      dt += dt1;

    PROP_DT(dt+t0);             /* Point of scattering */
    aim_x = target_x-x;         /* Vector pointing at target (anal./det.) */
    aim_y = target_y-y;
    aim_z = target_z-z;
    randvec_target_sphere(&vx, &vy, &vz, &solid_angle, aim_x, aim_y, aim_z, focus_r);
    NORM(vx, vy, vz);
    vx *= v;
    vy *= v;
    vz *= v;

    if(!cylinder_intersect(&t0, &t3, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, radius_o, h))
      /* ??? did not hit cylinder */
      printf("FATAL ERROR: Did not hit cylinder from inside.\n");
    dt = t3;
    if(cylinder_intersect(&t1, &t2, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, radius_i, h) &&
       t2 > 0)
      dt -= (t2-t1);            /* Subtract hollow part */
    l_o = v*dt;

    my_a = V_my_a_v/v;
    p *= l_full*V_my_s*exp(-(my_a+V_my_s)*(l_i+l_o));
    p /= 4*PI/solid_angle;     
#undef target_z
#undef target_y
#undef target_x
#undef focus_r
#undef pack
#undef h
#undef radius_o
#undef radius_i
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component a2. */
  mccoordschange(mcposra2, mcrotra2,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define mccompcurname "a2"
#undef mccompcurname
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component mon3. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrmon3, mcrotrmon3,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "mon3"
#define xmin mccmon3_xmin
#define xmax mccmon3_xmax
#define ymin mccmon3_ymin
#define ymax mccmon3_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon3_Nsum
#define psum mccmon3_psum
#define p2sum mccmon3_p2sum
#line 46 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    if (x>xmin && x<xmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      psum += p;
      p2sum += p*p;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component coll2. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrcoll2, mcrotrcoll2,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "coll2"
#define xmin mcccoll2_xmin
#define xmax mcccoll2_xmax
#define ymin mcccoll2_ymin
#define ymax mcccoll2_ymax
#define len mcccoll2_len
#define divergence mcccoll2_divergence
#define slope mcccoll2_slope
#line 43 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Soller.comp"
    double phi, dt;
    if (x<xmin || x>xmax || y<ymin || y>ymax)
    dt = len/vz;
    if (x<xmin || x>xmax || y<ymin || y>ymax)

    if(slope > 0.0)
      phi = fabs(vx/vz);  
      if (phi > slope)   
        p *= 1.0 - phi/slope;
#undef slope
#undef divergence
#undef len
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component mon4. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrmon4, mcrotrmon4,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "mon4"
#define xmin mccmon4_xmin
#define xmax mccmon4_xmax
#define ymin mccmon4_ymin
#define ymax mccmon4_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon4_Nsum
#define psum mccmon4_psum
#define p2sum mccmon4_p2sum
#line 46 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    if (x>xmin && x<xmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      psum += p;
      p2sum += p*p;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component rita_ana. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrrita_ana, mcrotrrita_ana,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define mccompcurname "rita_ana"
#undef mccompcurname
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component ana1. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrana1, mcrotrana1,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "ana1"
#define zmin mccana1_zmin
#define zmax mccana1_zmax
#define ymin mccana1_ymin
#define ymax mccana1_ymax
#define mosaich mccana1_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana1_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana1_r0
#define Q mccana1_Q
#define color mccana1_color
#line 33 "examples/prisma2.instr"
    double dphi,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,vratio,phi,theta0,theta,v,cs,sn;
    double old_x = x, old_y = y, old_z = z, old_t = t;
    double dt;

    if(vx != 0.0 && (dt = -x/vx) >= 0.0)
      y += vy*dt; z += vz*dt; t += dt; x = 0.0;

    if (z>zmin && z<zmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      /* First: scattering in plane */

      theta0 = atan2(vx,vz);           /* neutron angle to slab */
      v = sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
      theta = asin(Q2V*Q/(2.0*v));               /* Bragg's law */
      if(theta0 < 0)
        theta = -theta;
      tmp3 = (theta-theta0)/(MIN2RAD*mosaich);
      if(tmp3 > DIV_CUTOFF)
        x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
        p *= r0*exp(-tmp3*tmp3*4*log(2)); /* Use mosaics */
        tmp1 = 2*theta;
        cs = cos(tmp1);
        sn = sin(tmp1);
        tmp2 = cs*vx - sn*vz; 
        vy = vy;
        vz = cs*vz + sn*vx; 
        vx = tmp2;

        /* Second: scatering out of plane. 
           Approximation is that Debye-Scherrer cone is a plane */

        phi = atan2(vy,vz);                            /* out-of plane angle */
        dphi = (MIN2RAD*mosaicv)/(2*sqrt(2*log(2)))*randnorm();  /* MC choice: */
        /* Vertical angle of the crystallite */
        vy = vz*tan(phi+2*dphi*sin(theta));
        vratio = v/sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
        vz = vz*vratio;
        vy = vy*vratio;                             /* Renormalize v */
        vx = vx*vratio;
	neu_color = color;
      x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component ana2. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrana2, mcrotrana2,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "ana2"
#define zmin mccana2_zmin
#define zmax mccana2_zmax
#define ymin mccana2_ymin
#define ymax mccana2_ymax
#define mosaich mccana2_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana2_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana2_r0
#define Q mccana2_Q
#define color mccana2_color
#line 33 "examples/prisma2.instr"
    double dphi,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,vratio,phi,theta0,theta,v,cs,sn;
    double old_x = x, old_y = y, old_z = z, old_t = t;
    double dt;

    if(vx != 0.0 && (dt = -x/vx) >= 0.0)
      y += vy*dt; z += vz*dt; t += dt; x = 0.0;

    if (z>zmin && z<zmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      /* First: scattering in plane */

      theta0 = atan2(vx,vz);           /* neutron angle to slab */
      v = sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
      theta = asin(Q2V*Q/(2.0*v));               /* Bragg's law */
      if(theta0 < 0)
        theta = -theta;
      tmp3 = (theta-theta0)/(MIN2RAD*mosaich);
      if(tmp3 > DIV_CUTOFF)
        x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
        p *= r0*exp(-tmp3*tmp3*4*log(2)); /* Use mosaics */
        tmp1 = 2*theta;
        cs = cos(tmp1);
        sn = sin(tmp1);
        tmp2 = cs*vx - sn*vz; 
        vy = vy;
        vz = cs*vz + sn*vx; 
        vx = tmp2;

        /* Second: scatering out of plane. 
           Approximation is that Debye-Scherrer cone is a plane */

        phi = atan2(vy,vz);                            /* out-of plane angle */
        dphi = (MIN2RAD*mosaicv)/(2*sqrt(2*log(2)))*randnorm();  /* MC choice: */
        /* Vertical angle of the crystallite */
        vy = vz*tan(phi+2*dphi*sin(theta));
        vratio = v/sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
        vz = vz*vratio;
        vy = vy*vratio;                             /* Renormalize v */
        vx = vx*vratio;
	neu_color = color;
      x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component ana3. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrana3, mcrotrana3,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "ana3"
#define zmin mccana3_zmin
#define zmax mccana3_zmax
#define ymin mccana3_ymin
#define ymax mccana3_ymax
#define mosaich mccana3_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana3_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana3_r0
#define Q mccana3_Q
#define color mccana3_color
#line 33 "examples/prisma2.instr"
    double dphi,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,vratio,phi,theta0,theta,v,cs,sn;
    double old_x = x, old_y = y, old_z = z, old_t = t;
    double dt;

    if(vx != 0.0 && (dt = -x/vx) >= 0.0)
      y += vy*dt; z += vz*dt; t += dt; x = 0.0;

    if (z>zmin && z<zmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      /* First: scattering in plane */

      theta0 = atan2(vx,vz);           /* neutron angle to slab */
      v = sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
      theta = asin(Q2V*Q/(2.0*v));               /* Bragg's law */
      if(theta0 < 0)
        theta = -theta;
      tmp3 = (theta-theta0)/(MIN2RAD*mosaich);
      if(tmp3 > DIV_CUTOFF)
        x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
        p *= r0*exp(-tmp3*tmp3*4*log(2)); /* Use mosaics */
        tmp1 = 2*theta;
        cs = cos(tmp1);
        sn = sin(tmp1);
        tmp2 = cs*vx - sn*vz; 
        vy = vy;
        vz = cs*vz + sn*vx; 
        vx = tmp2;

        /* Second: scatering out of plane. 
           Approximation is that Debye-Scherrer cone is a plane */

        phi = atan2(vy,vz);                            /* out-of plane angle */
        dphi = (MIN2RAD*mosaicv)/(2*sqrt(2*log(2)))*randnorm();  /* MC choice: */
        /* Vertical angle of the crystallite */
        vy = vz*tan(phi+2*dphi*sin(theta));
        vratio = v/sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
        vz = vz*vratio;
        vy = vy*vratio;                             /* Renormalize v */
        vx = vx*vratio;
	neu_color = color;
      x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component ana4. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrana4, mcrotrana4,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "ana4"
#define zmin mccana4_zmin
#define zmax mccana4_zmax
#define ymin mccana4_ymin
#define ymax mccana4_ymax
#define mosaich mccana4_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana4_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana4_r0
#define Q mccana4_Q
#define color mccana4_color
#line 33 "examples/prisma2.instr"
    double dphi,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,vratio,phi,theta0,theta,v,cs,sn;
    double old_x = x, old_y = y, old_z = z, old_t = t;
    double dt;

    if(vx != 0.0 && (dt = -x/vx) >= 0.0)
      y += vy*dt; z += vz*dt; t += dt; x = 0.0;

    if (z>zmin && z<zmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      /* First: scattering in plane */

      theta0 = atan2(vx,vz);           /* neutron angle to slab */
      v = sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
      theta = asin(Q2V*Q/(2.0*v));               /* Bragg's law */
      if(theta0 < 0)
        theta = -theta;
      tmp3 = (theta-theta0)/(MIN2RAD*mosaich);
      if(tmp3 > DIV_CUTOFF)
        x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
        p *= r0*exp(-tmp3*tmp3*4*log(2)); /* Use mosaics */
        tmp1 = 2*theta;
        cs = cos(tmp1);
        sn = sin(tmp1);
        tmp2 = cs*vx - sn*vz; 
        vy = vy;
        vz = cs*vz + sn*vx; 
        vx = tmp2;

        /* Second: scatering out of plane. 
           Approximation is that Debye-Scherrer cone is a plane */

        phi = atan2(vy,vz);                            /* out-of plane angle */
        dphi = (MIN2RAD*mosaicv)/(2*sqrt(2*log(2)))*randnorm();  /* MC choice: */
        /* Vertical angle of the crystallite */
        vy = vz*tan(phi+2*dphi*sin(theta));
        vratio = v/sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
        vz = vz*vratio;
        vy = vy*vratio;                             /* Renormalize v */
        vx = vx*vratio;
	neu_color = color;
      x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component ana5. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrana5, mcrotrana5,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "ana5"
#define zmin mccana5_zmin
#define zmax mccana5_zmax
#define ymin mccana5_ymin
#define ymax mccana5_ymax
#define mosaich mccana5_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana5_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana5_r0
#define Q mccana5_Q
#define color mccana5_color
#line 33 "examples/prisma2.instr"
    double dphi,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,vratio,phi,theta0,theta,v,cs,sn;
    double old_x = x, old_y = y, old_z = z, old_t = t;
    double dt;

    if(vx != 0.0 && (dt = -x/vx) >= 0.0)
      y += vy*dt; z += vz*dt; t += dt; x = 0.0;

    if (z>zmin && z<zmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      /* First: scattering in plane */

      theta0 = atan2(vx,vz);           /* neutron angle to slab */
      v = sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
      theta = asin(Q2V*Q/(2.0*v));               /* Bragg's law */
      if(theta0 < 0)
        theta = -theta;
      tmp3 = (theta-theta0)/(MIN2RAD*mosaich);
      if(tmp3 > DIV_CUTOFF)
        x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
        p *= r0*exp(-tmp3*tmp3*4*log(2)); /* Use mosaics */
        tmp1 = 2*theta;
        cs = cos(tmp1);
        sn = sin(tmp1);
        tmp2 = cs*vx - sn*vz; 
        vy = vy;
        vz = cs*vz + sn*vx; 
        vx = tmp2;

        /* Second: scatering out of plane. 
           Approximation is that Debye-Scherrer cone is a plane */

        phi = atan2(vy,vz);                            /* out-of plane angle */
        dphi = (MIN2RAD*mosaicv)/(2*sqrt(2*log(2)))*randnorm();  /* MC choice: */
        /* Vertical angle of the crystallite */
        vy = vz*tan(phi+2*dphi*sin(theta));
        vratio = v/sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
        vz = vz*vratio;
        vy = vy*vratio;                             /* Renormalize v */
        vx = vx*vratio;
	neu_color = color;
      x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component ana6. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrana6, mcrotrana6,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "ana6"
#define zmin mccana6_zmin
#define zmax mccana6_zmax
#define ymin mccana6_ymin
#define ymax mccana6_ymax
#define mosaich mccana6_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana6_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana6_r0
#define Q mccana6_Q
#define color mccana6_color
#line 33 "examples/prisma2.instr"
    double dphi,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,vratio,phi,theta0,theta,v,cs,sn;
    double old_x = x, old_y = y, old_z = z, old_t = t;
    double dt;

    if(vx != 0.0 && (dt = -x/vx) >= 0.0)
      y += vy*dt; z += vz*dt; t += dt; x = 0.0;

    if (z>zmin && z<zmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      /* First: scattering in plane */

      theta0 = atan2(vx,vz);           /* neutron angle to slab */
      v = sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
      theta = asin(Q2V*Q/(2.0*v));               /* Bragg's law */
      if(theta0 < 0)
        theta = -theta;
      tmp3 = (theta-theta0)/(MIN2RAD*mosaich);
      if(tmp3 > DIV_CUTOFF)
        x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
        p *= r0*exp(-tmp3*tmp3*4*log(2)); /* Use mosaics */
        tmp1 = 2*theta;
        cs = cos(tmp1);
        sn = sin(tmp1);
        tmp2 = cs*vx - sn*vz; 
        vy = vy;
        vz = cs*vz + sn*vx; 
        vx = tmp2;

        /* Second: scatering out of plane. 
           Approximation is that Debye-Scherrer cone is a plane */

        phi = atan2(vy,vz);                            /* out-of plane angle */
        dphi = (MIN2RAD*mosaicv)/(2*sqrt(2*log(2)))*randnorm();  /* MC choice: */
        /* Vertical angle of the crystallite */
        vy = vz*tan(phi+2*dphi*sin(theta));
        vratio = v/sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
        vz = vz*vratio;
        vy = vy*vratio;                             /* Renormalize v */
        vx = vx*vratio;
	neu_color = color;
      x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component ana7. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrana7, mcrotrana7,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "ana7"
#define zmin mccana7_zmin
#define zmax mccana7_zmax
#define ymin mccana7_ymin
#define ymax mccana7_ymax
#define mosaich mccana7_mosaich
#define mosaicv mccana7_mosaicv
#define r0 mccana7_r0
#define Q mccana7_Q
#define color mccana7_color
#line 33 "examples/prisma2.instr"
    double dphi,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,vratio,phi,theta0,theta,v,cs,sn;
    double old_x = x, old_y = y, old_z = z, old_t = t;
    double dt;

    if(vx != 0.0 && (dt = -x/vx) >= 0.0)
      y += vy*dt; z += vz*dt; t += dt; x = 0.0;

    if (z>zmin && z<zmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      /* First: scattering in plane */

      theta0 = atan2(vx,vz);           /* neutron angle to slab */
      v = sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
      theta = asin(Q2V*Q/(2.0*v));               /* Bragg's law */
      if(theta0 < 0)
        theta = -theta;
      tmp3 = (theta-theta0)/(MIN2RAD*mosaich);
      if(tmp3 > DIV_CUTOFF)
        x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
        p *= r0*exp(-tmp3*tmp3*4*log(2)); /* Use mosaics */
        tmp1 = 2*theta;
        cs = cos(tmp1);
        sn = sin(tmp1);
        tmp2 = cs*vx - sn*vz; 
        vy = vy;
        vz = cs*vz + sn*vx; 
        vx = tmp2;

        /* Second: scatering out of plane. 
           Approximation is that Debye-Scherrer cone is a plane */

        phi = atan2(vy,vz);                            /* out-of plane angle */
        dphi = (MIN2RAD*mosaicv)/(2*sqrt(2*log(2)))*randnorm();  /* MC choice: */
        /* Vertical angle of the crystallite */
        vy = vz*tan(phi+2*dphi*sin(theta));
        vratio = v/sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
        vz = vz*vratio;
        vy = vy*vratio;                             /* Renormalize v */
        vx = vx*vratio;
	neu_color = color;
      x = old_x; y = old_y; z = old_z; t = old_t;
#undef color
#undef Q
#undef r0
#undef mosaicv
#undef mosaich
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef zmax
#undef zmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component a3. */
  mccoordschange(mcposra3, mcrotra3,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define mccompcurname "a3"
#undef mccompcurname
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component mon5. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrmon5, mcrotrmon5,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "mon5"
#define xmin mccmon5_xmin
#define xmax mccmon5_xmax
#define ymin mccmon5_ymin
#define ymax mccmon5_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon5_Nsum
#define psum mccmon5_psum
#define p2sum mccmon5_p2sum
#line 46 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    if (x>xmin && x<xmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      psum += p;
      p2sum += p*p;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component mon6. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrmon6, mcrotrmon6,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "mon6"
#define xmin mccmon6_xmin
#define xmax mccmon6_xmax
#define ymin mccmon6_ymin
#define ymax mccmon6_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon6_Nsum
#define psum mccmon6_psum
#define p2sum mccmon6_p2sum
#line 46 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    if (x>xmin && x<xmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      psum += p;
      p2sum += p*p;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component psd. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrpsd, mcrotrpsd,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "psd"
#define xmin mccpsd_xmin
#define xmax mccpsd_xmax
#define ymin mccpsd_ymin
#define ymax mccpsd_ymax
#define nx mccpsd_nx
#define ny mccpsd_ny
#define filename mccpsd_filename
#define PSD_N mccpsd_PSD_N
#define PSD_p mccpsd_PSD_p
#define PSD_p2 mccpsd_PSD_p2
#line 57 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/PSD_monitor.comp"
    int i,j;

    if (x>xmin && x<xmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      i = floor((x - xmin)*nx/(xmax - xmin));
      j = floor((y - ymin)*ny/(ymax - ymin));
      PSD_p[i][j] += p;
      PSD_p2[i][j] += p*p;
#undef PSD_p2
#undef PSD_p
#undef PSD_N
#undef filename
#undef ny
#undef nx
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component detector. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrdetector, mcrotrdetector,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "detector"
#define xmin mccdetector_xmin
#define xmax mccdetector_xmax
#define ymin mccdetector_ymin
#define ymax mccdetector_ymax
#define nchan mccdetector_nchan
#define dt mccdetector_dt
#define filename mccdetector_filename
#define maxcolor mccdetector_maxcolor
#define TOF_N mccdetector_TOF_N
#define TOF_p mccdetector_TOF_p
#define TOF_p2 mccdetector_TOF_p2
#line 116 "examples/prisma2.instr"
    int i;

    if (x>xmin && x<xmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      i = floor(1E6*t/dt);		/* Bin number */
      if(i >= nchan) i = nchan;
      if(i < 0)
	printf("FATAL ERROR: negative time-of-flight.\n");
      if(neu_color < 0 || neu_color > maxcolor)
	printf("FATAL ERROR: wrong color neutron.\n");
      TOF_p[neu_color][i] += p;
      TOF_p2[neu_color][i] += p*p;
#undef TOF_p2
#undef TOF_p
#undef TOF_N
#undef maxcolor
#undef filename
#undef dt
#undef nchan
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  /* Component mon9. */
  mccoordschange(mcposrmon9, mcrotrmon9,
    &mcnlx, &mcnly, &mcnlz,
    &mcnlvx, &mcnlvy, &mcnlvz,
    &mcnlt, &mcnls1, &mcnls2);
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
#define x mcnlx
#define y mcnly
#define z mcnlz
#define vx mcnlvx
#define vy mcnlvy
#define vz mcnlvz
#define t mcnlt
#define s1 mcnls1
#define s2 mcnls2
#define p mcnlp
#define mccompcurname "mon9"
#define xmin mccmon9_xmin
#define xmax mccmon9_xmax
#define ymin mccmon9_ymin
#define ymax mccmon9_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon9_Nsum
#define psum mccmon9_psum
#define p2sum mccmon9_p2sum
#line 46 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    if (x>xmin && x<xmax && y>ymin && y<ymax)
      psum += p;
      p2sum += p*p;
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname
#undef p
#undef s2
#undef s1
#undef t
#undef vz
#undef vy
#undef vx
#undef z
#undef y
#undef x
  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)

  mcDEBUG_STATE(mcnlx, mcnly, mcnlz, mcnlvx, mcnlvy, mcnlvz,mcnlt,mcnls1,mcnls2, mcnlp)
  /* Copy neutron state to global variables. */
  mcnx = mcnlx;
  mcny = mcnly;
  mcnz = mcnlz;
  mcnvx = mcnlvx;
  mcnvy = mcnlvy;
  mcnvz = mcnlvz;
  mcnt = mcnlt;
  mcns1 = mcnls1;
  mcns2 = mcnls2;
  mcnp = mcnlp;

void mcfinally(void) {
  /* User component FINALLY code. */

  /* User FINALLY code for component 'tof_test'. */
#define mccompcurname "tof_test"
#define xmin mcctof_test_xmin
#define xmax mcctof_test_xmax
#define ymin mcctof_test_ymin
#define ymax mcctof_test_ymax
#define nchan mcctof_test_nchan
#define dt mcctof_test_dt
#define filename mcctof_test_filename
#define TOF_N mcctof_test_TOF_N
#define TOF_p mcctof_test_TOF_p
#define TOF_p2 mcctof_test_TOF_p2
#line 74 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/TOF_monitor.comp"
    int i, Nsum;
    double psum, p2sum;
    FILE *outfile;

    Nsum = psum = p2sum = 0;
              "FATAL ERROR: could not open output file '%s'\n", filename);
    for (i=0; i<nchan; i++)
      Nsum += TOF_N[i];
      psum += TOF_p[i];
      p2sum += TOF_p2[i];
      if(TOF_p[i] != 0.0 || TOF_N[i] != 0)
        fprintf(outfile,"%g %d %g %g\n",
                (double)i*dt, TOF_N[i], TOF_p[i], TOF_p2[i]);
    DETECTOR_OUT(Nsum, psum, p2sum);
#undef TOF_p2
#undef TOF_p
#undef TOF_N
#undef filename
#undef dt
#undef nchan
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* User FINALLY code for component 'mon1'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon1"
#define xmin mccmon1_xmin
#define xmax mccmon1_xmax
#define ymin mccmon1_ymin
#define ymax mccmon1_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon1_Nsum
#define psum mccmon1_psum
#define p2sum mccmon1_p2sum
#line 56 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    DETECTOR_OUT(Nsum, psum, p2sum);
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* User FINALLY code for component 'mon2'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon2"
#define xmin mccmon2_xmin
#define xmax mccmon2_xmax
#define ymin mccmon2_ymin
#define ymax mccmon2_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon2_Nsum
#define psum mccmon2_psum
#define p2sum mccmon2_p2sum
#line 56 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    DETECTOR_OUT(Nsum, psum, p2sum);
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* User FINALLY code for component 'mon3'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon3"
#define xmin mccmon3_xmin
#define xmax mccmon3_xmax
#define ymin mccmon3_ymin
#define ymax mccmon3_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon3_Nsum
#define psum mccmon3_psum
#define p2sum mccmon3_p2sum
#line 56 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    DETECTOR_OUT(Nsum, psum, p2sum);
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* User FINALLY code for component 'mon4'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon4"
#define xmin mccmon4_xmin
#define xmax mccmon4_xmax
#define ymin mccmon4_ymin
#define ymax mccmon4_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon4_Nsum
#define psum mccmon4_psum
#define p2sum mccmon4_p2sum
#line 56 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    DETECTOR_OUT(Nsum, psum, p2sum);
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* User FINALLY code for component 'mon5'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon5"
#define xmin mccmon5_xmin
#define xmax mccmon5_xmax
#define ymin mccmon5_ymin
#define ymax mccmon5_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon5_Nsum
#define psum mccmon5_psum
#define p2sum mccmon5_p2sum
#line 56 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    DETECTOR_OUT(Nsum, psum, p2sum);
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* User FINALLY code for component 'mon6'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon6"
#define xmin mccmon6_xmin
#define xmax mccmon6_xmax
#define ymin mccmon6_ymin
#define ymax mccmon6_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon6_Nsum
#define psum mccmon6_psum
#define p2sum mccmon6_p2sum
#line 56 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    DETECTOR_OUT(Nsum, psum, p2sum);
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* User FINALLY code for component 'psd'. */
#define mccompcurname "psd"
#define xmin mccpsd_xmin
#define xmax mccpsd_xmax
#define ymin mccpsd_ymin
#define ymax mccpsd_ymax
#define nx mccpsd_nx
#define ny mccpsd_ny
#define filename mccpsd_filename
#define PSD_N mccpsd_PSD_N
#define PSD_p mccpsd_PSD_p
#define PSD_p2 mccpsd_PSD_p2
#line 71 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/PSD_monitor.comp"
    int i,j;
    FILE *outfile;
    int Nsum;
    double Psum, P2sum;

    Nsum = Psum = P2sum = 0;
    for (j=0; j<ny; j++)
     for (i=0; i<nx; i++)
      fprintf(outfile,"%g ", PSD_p[i][j]);
      Nsum += PSD_N[i][j];
      Psum += PSD_p[i][j];
      P2sum += PSD_p2[i][j];
    DETECTOR_OUT(Nsum, Psum, P2sum);
#undef PSD_p2
#undef PSD_p
#undef PSD_N
#undef filename
#undef ny
#undef nx
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* User FINALLY code for component 'detector'. */
#define mccompcurname "detector"
#define xmin mccdetector_xmin
#define xmax mccdetector_xmax
#define ymin mccdetector_ymin
#define ymax mccdetector_ymax
#define nchan mccdetector_nchan
#define dt mccdetector_dt
#define filename mccdetector_filename
#define maxcolor mccdetector_maxcolor
#define TOF_N mccdetector_TOF_N
#define TOF_p mccdetector_TOF_p
#define TOF_p2 mccdetector_TOF_p2
#line 140 "examples/prisma2.instr"
    int i,c;
    FILE *outfile;

    for (i=0; i<nchan; i++)
      int empty = 1;
      for(c=0; c<=maxcolor; c++)
	if(TOF_p[c][i] != 0.0)
	  empty = 0;
      fprintf(outfile,"%g", (double)i*dt);
      for(c=0; c<=maxcolor; c++)
	fprintf(outfile," %g", TOF_p[c][i]);
#undef TOF_p2
#undef TOF_p
#undef TOF_N
#undef maxcolor
#undef filename
#undef dt
#undef nchan
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname

  /* User FINALLY code for component 'mon9'. */
#define mccompcurname "mon9"
#define xmin mccmon9_xmin
#define xmax mccmon9_xmax
#define ymin mccmon9_ymin
#define ymax mccmon9_ymax
#define Nsum mccmon9_Nsum
#define psum mccmon9_psum
#define p2sum mccmon9_p2sum
#line 56 "/usr/users/batman/mc01/lib/mcstas/Monitor.comp"
    DETECTOR_OUT(Nsum, psum, p2sum);
#undef p2sum
#undef psum
#undef Nsum
#undef ymax
#undef ymin
#undef xmax
#undef xmin
#undef mccompcurname


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