New tested components for McStas
farhi at
Tue Mar 7 17:32:31 CET 2000
Hello McStas users,
I here annouce 3 new / updated components for McStas. These are
available at
< >
< >
1-The Source_Optimizer (v 0.07) is a component that optimizes the McStas
neutron shots in order to reach a given place in the simulation. These
places (you should even be able to use more that one) are indicated by
the Monitor_Optimizer positions.
The Source_Optimizer only requires 1 parameter (it acts on the whole
neutron beam) that is a string, and can be empty.
This 'options' parameter is parsed, and can contain some user choices
concerning the optimization process, specified with flexible keywords.
I personnally use : options = "", that is the default configuration.
This component is 'intelligent' and can adapt it's features to your
simulation. The optimization is made on neutron variables x y vx vy vz,
considered to be independent. The energy distribution is kept, as far as
possible. The flux is kept of course.
The speedup on neutron counts reaching monitors is at least of 20. I
just obtained 50 in my last test !
(near the source, at a distance of 1 mm in my tests)
COMPONENT optim_s = Source_Optimizer(
2- The Monitor_Optimizer (v 0.07) works with the Source_Optimizer. It
only requires x/y dimension (4 parameters)
(near the optimisation point, usually sample or detector)
COMPONENT optim_m = Monitor_Optimizer(
xmin = -0.05, xmax = 0.05,
ymin = -0.05, ymax = 0.05)
3- The Monitor_nD (v 0.13) is a general monitor that can act as any of
all previous monitors. It only requires dimension (4 params in x/y
size), and an 'options' string specifying what to monitor.
This 'options' parameter is parsed, and can contain some user choices
concerning the monitor. A 0D monitor is default (just flux).
There are 25 variables available for monitoring (wavevector, speed,
position, divergences, etc...), and you can decide to output these as 1D
or 2D (related variables) signals. A log (list) of neutron variables is
also possible ('list all neutrons' or 'list 1000 neutrons' options).
A special 'auto limits' feature compute what are the necessary limits
for the monitor.
The shape of the monitor can be plane square, disk, sphere and cylinder.
I just recorded a kz_kx image of neutron beam at sample position with
(this one is just after the Monitor_Optimizer up-there, near my sample
position, at a distance of 1 mm)
COMPONENT MSample = Monitor_nD(
xmin = -0.05, xmax = 0.05,
ymin = -0.05, ymax = 0.05,
options = "kx kz, all bins = 50, auto limits, file=MSample")
I hope that these components will be usefull to you, and don't hesitate
to contact me in case of questions, bugs, etc...
Cheers. EF.
Emmanuel FARHI, \|/ ____ \|/
TAS-Group, Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) Grenoble ~@-/ oO \-@~
Avenue J. Horowitz, BP 156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9,France /_( \__/ )_\
Work :Tel (33/0) 4 76 20 71 83. Fax (33/0) 4 76 48 39 06 \__U_/
La Grande Arche, Chateau d'Uriage, 38410 Saint Martin d'Uriage 04 76 59 73 94
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