Problems with McStas

Adrian Hillier hillier at
Wed Jul 19 14:48:20 CEST 2000


I am probably being a little dumb somewhere, but I am having some problems with McStas. I am trying to use 2 single crystal components in the sample instrument file, but when I try and compile it I receive an error message:

' ../Single_crystal.comp:347 invalid use of undefined type 'struct mccmono1_hkl_info' '. This message is repeated many times and references lines which access hkl_info.

The instr file will compile with one of the single crystal components on their own and it does not matter which one. 

Please find attached the .instr file. 

I would greatly appreciate some advice in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you.


Dr. Adrian Hillier
Institut Laue Langevin
6 rue Jules Horowitz
BP 156
Grenoble Cedex 9
Tel:   +33  (0) 4 76 20 77 34
Fax:  +33  (0) 4 76 20 76 48
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