Travel grants for the Risoe McStas Workshop

Kim Lefmann kim.lefmann at
Wed Dec 27 15:35:29 CET 2000

Dear fellow McStas users,

I am happy to announce that the McStas Workshop at Risoe January 24-27 has
recieved support from the European Neutron Round Table, so that we can
provide free accomodation and travel support for a number of participants.
This support is not available for researchers already supported by the EU
through e.g. the SCANS, TECHNI, or ENPI networks. 

If you like to recieve travel support and/or free accomodation, please
send me an e-mail about this as soon as possible. 


Kim Lefmann
Senior Scientist
Dept. Cond. Matt. Phys. & Chem.
Risoe National Laboratory

Phone: +45 46 77 47 26
Fax:   +45 46 77 47 90

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