Workshop summary

Emmanuel Farhi farhi at
Wed Jan 31 10:06:32 CET 2001

Hy Per-Olof,

I agree on these two points. The log scale is ok in mcplot, as well as the
non-interactive behaviour for iterative PS generation of all scan step plots at
the end of simulation.

Concerning the 'targetting' , I mean that the position and orientation of the
different components of the simulation should be accessible, without giving them
'by hand', using soemthing like (for instance in res_sample or vanadium)

COMPONENT V-sample(...,
focus_r = MyNextComp.parameter.radius,
target_x = MyNextComp.position.x,

COMPONENT MyNextComp = ... (
radius = 23,...

So each component could have a structure containing fields 'position',
'rotation',' and 'parameter'. These fields could be also structures ([x,y,z] for
position, [rho, theta, phi] for rotation, and parameter list).

This is probably feasible, but with some work !


Per-Olof Åstrand wrote:

> Dear Kim, Ulrich and Emmanuel,
> First of all. The workshop was very interesting and motivating for me. In
> particular, I was impressed by the open and generous atmosphere and I am sure
> that current and future collaborations within the McStas community will be
> both fruitful and inspiring.
> I will only make a small comment on the priority-list. Emmanuel had two
> points that should be added to "high priority".
> i) Corrections to mcplot: logaritmic scales as an option and a possibility to
> "remove" user interactions.
> ii) This point I did not understand fully (even if Emmanuel explained it
> twice). It was about "targetting", which I assume means the possibility for a
> component to refer to the position of the next component, but I and Emmanuel
> have to discuss it in more detail to get it right.
> Best regards,
> Per-Olof
> Kim Lefmann wrote:
> > Dear Ulrich, Emmanuel, and Per-Olof,
> >
> > Thank you once again for a nice Workshop. I promised to write down the
> > priority list - here it is. I also did an update of the participant list
> > and the programme.
> >
> > The priority list goes to the web page after your possible comments, and
> > the participant lists and the programme goes into the report for the
> > Neutron round table. I will need to write some proper text as well,
> > hopefully just one page. I plan to mention that
> > - we had a very good workshop
> > - we had 14 foreign participants and 7 from Riso.
> > - talks showed the widespread use of McStas
> > - There was extensive discussions and exchange of ideas.
> > - Collaboration with VITESS group was enhanced
> > - Actual results for curved guide simulation and ESS moderators.
> > - At the end a whishlist was produced to guide the future McStas
> > development to the need of the users.
> >
> > - the funding was essential for a large number of people showing up
> > - Many participants suggested the deal the they'd pay the flight if the
> >   fee was free. So we did that.
> > - And then of course I present them the total bill.
> >
> > Any comments to any of this?
> >
> > Bye, Kim
> > ------------------------------
> > Kim Lefmann
> > Senior Scientist
> > Dept. Cond. Matt. Phys. & Chem.
> > Risoe National Laboratory
> >
> > Phone: +45 46 77 47 26
> > Fax:   +45 46 77 47 90
> >
> >   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > McStas Workshop, 24-27 January, 2001
> > at Risoe National Laboratóry
> >
> > Participants:
> >
> > E. Fahri, ILL (co-organiser)
> > J. Preston, ILL
> > U. Wildgruber, MPI Stuttgart/FRM-II (co-organiser)
> > S. Geckle, MPI Stuttgart/FRM-II
> > O. Kirstein, Julich
> > G. Zsigmont, HMI
> > K. Lieutenant, HMI
> > M. Hagen, Keele/ISIS
> > S. Campbell, ISIS
> > R. Kreuger, Delft
> > S. Rycroft, Delft
> > R. McGreevy, Studsvik
> > P. Zetterstrom, Studsvik
> > R. Zsolt, Budapest
> > P.-O. Astrand, Riso (co-organiser)
> > B.H. Larsen, Riso
> > S.N. Klausen, Riso
> > B. Lebech, Riso
> > K. Norgaard, Riso
> > H. Edwards, Riso
> > K. Lefmann, Riso (organiser)
> >
> > Actual Programme:
> >
> > Wednesday
> > ---------
> >
> > 13.30-15.00  Oral session, Introduction
> >    - Welcome, pratical details (K. Lefmann)
> >    - Presentation of the participants
> >    - "Software for neutron scattering" (R. McGreevy)
> >    - General discussion
> >
> > 15.30-18.30  Computer session
> >    - Demonstration of McStas tutorial for education (B.H.Larsen)
> >    - Demonstration of TASCOM/McStas interface (H.Edwards)
> >    - Demonstration of McStas Status Monitor (S. Geckle)
> >    - Group projects and discussions
> >
> > 18.30  Informal get together party
> >
> > Thursday
> > --------
> >
> > 9.00-10.30  Oral session, McStas and other packages
> >    - Status of the McStas project (K. Lefmann)
> >    - Program structure of McStas (P.-O. Astrand)
> >    - The VITESS simulation package (G. Zsigmond)
> >    - Intercomparisons of packages (E. Fahri)
> >
> > 11.00-12.00  Oral session, McStas components etc.
> >    - Ballistically curved guides (E. Fahri)
> >    - Analytical calculation of guides (R. Zsolt)
> >
> > 13.00-14.00  Oral session, McStas components etc. (cont.)
> >    - Kernels for inelastic scattering samples (M. Hagen)
> >    - Sample components in McStas (K. Lefmann)
> >    - Multiple scattering in a filter component (S.N. Klausen)
> >
> > 14.30-16.00  Oral session, McStas simulations (cont. source)
> >    - Simulation of the PREFECT reflectometer (S. Rycroft)
> >    - McStas Simulations at the FRM-II (U. Wildgruber)
> >    - McStas Simulations at the ILL (E. Fahri)
> >
> > 16.00-17.30  Computer session
> >
> > 18.30  Workshop dinner
> >
> > Friday
> > ------
> >
> > 9.30-12.00  Oral session, McStas for TOF instruments
> >    - Simulations of TOF instruments (M. Hagen)
> >    - ESS simulations with VITESS (K. Lieutenant)
> >    - McStas simulation of IRIS (S.N. Klausen)
> >    - Simulations at ISIS (S. Campbell)
> >
> > 13.00-18.00  Computer session
> >    - group projects on: curved guides, ESS moderator, ...
> >
> > 18.30  Restaurant dinner
> >
> > Saturday
> > --------
> >
> > 9.00-10.00  Oral session, polarisation
> >    - Group discussion of implementation of polarisation in McStas
> >    - Magnetic fields for polarisation simulations (E. Fahri)
> >
> > 10.30-12.30  Oral session, Workshop conclusion
> >    - List of priorities for the McStas development (K. Lefmann)
> >    - Extensive group discussion
> >
> >
> > Kernel level
> > ------------
> >
> > High:
> > - Component grouping (squential, exclusive, neutron splitting)
> > - Support for Status Monitor
> > - Event logging / logfile (or MCNP file) as virtual source
> > - Representation of neutron spin
> >
> > Medium:
> > - On-fly interactions with ongoing simulation
> > - Efficiency diagnostics
> > - Shape/function decoupling
> >
> > Low:
> > - Automatic optimization of instrument parameters
> > - General gravity
> > - Use neutron histories in importance sampling
> > - Options for background events
> >
> > Component level
> > ---------------
> >
> > High:
> > - Prepare all components for polarisation representation
> > - Inelastic samples
> > - Tabular input to powder sample
> > - ESS moderators
> > - Empty space with gravity
> >
> > Low:
> > - Monochromator with parasitic reflections
> >
> > User contributions:
> > - SANS sample
> > - Amorphous sample
> > - Single curved guide
> > - components for polarisation
> >
> >
> > Web page / mailing list level
> > -----------------------------
> >
> > High:
> > - Reminders to the mailing list to report on activities
> > - Add information on L.Passell intercomparison project
> > - Update Riso and ILL components
> > - Make an archive with upload facilities for:
> >     simulations, instrument files, comments, preprints, ...
> >
> > User contributions:
> > - Use the mailing list for reports on ongoing activities
> > - Use the archive
> > - Perform intercomparisons between packages
> >
> > Organisational level
> > --------------------
> >
> > High:
> > - Select a proper journal as "default" for neutron simulations
> >
> > Medium:
> > - Investigate the future funding of McStas
> >
> > User contributions:
> > - Agitate the importance of computer simulations
> --
> Per-Olof Åstrand
> Dept. of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen
> and Materials Research Department, Risø National Laboratory
> per-olof.aastrand at or per-olof.aastrand at
> and

What's up Doc ?
Emmanuel FARHI,   \|/ ____ \|/
CS-Group ILL4/156, Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) Grenoble  ~@-/ oO \-@~
Avenue des Martyrs, BP 156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9,France /_( \__/ )_\
Work :Tel (33/0) 4 76 20 71 35. Fax (33/0) 4 76 48 39 06     \__U_/

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