[Fwd: monte carlo intercomparisons]

Emmanuel Farhi farhi at ill.fr
Wed Jan 31 10:06:01 CET 2001

Larry Passell wrote:

> Emmanuel:
>         Thanks for your e-mail.  We're very pleased that you will join us as the
> MCSTAS representative.  The other people involved in the intercomparison
> are Phil Seeger (LANL), Xun-li Wong (ORNL), Hal Lee (ANL) and Geza Zsigmond
> (Hahn-Meitner).  My contribution is mostly an organizational one. I have
> prepared some documentary material describing the (slightly simplified) H-8
> spectrometer model that will be used for the first round of
> inter-comparisons.  There is also an outline of the model that Xun-li Wong
> prepared.  I'll air mail you copies of the descriptive material I put
> together and ask Xun-li to e-mail you a copy of his outline.  Together I
> think they will give you a sufficiently clear picture of the first phase
> model to set up your MCSTAS simulation.  But if after looking through the
> material you still have questions please let me know and I will do my best
> to answer them promptly.
>         As far as the schedule is concerned, making these intercomparisons is
> obviously not the top priority of any of the people involved so it's not
> realistic to set up a hard and fast deadline. I'm suggesting instead that
> we try to have the first intercomparisons done within a time frame of, say,
> three to four months. Basically my view is that people should move forward
> at whatever speed they can.  Phil Seeger, as one of the original
> participants, had a head start and has already completed his simulations.
> The others, however, are just getting their simulations together.  I'll ask
> Phil to e-mail you a copy of his results. You may find them helpful when
> setting up your MCSTAS simulation.
>         For the simulation you will need subroutines for a disk source of
> neutrons, beam defining apertures, Soller collimators, vertical focusing
> pyrolytic graphite crystals (with isotropic mosaic distributions), a
> vanadium (isotropic scattering) sample and a 3He neutron detector.  My
> understanding is that MCSTAS is able to handle all of these things so I
> hope the setting up of the simulation won't be too time-consuming for you.
>         We look forward to an interesting and mutually rewarding interaction.
>                                                                                 Larry Passell
> ################################################################
> #    Larry Passell

What's up Doc ?
Emmanuel FARHI, http://www.ill.fr/tas/people/Farhi.html   \|/ ____ \|/
CS-Group ILL4/156, Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) Grenoble  ~@-/ oO \-@~
Avenue des Martyrs, BP 156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9,France /_( \__/ )_\
Work :Tel (33/0) 4 76 20 71 35. Fax (33/0) 4 76 48 39 06     \__U_/

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