McStas: component library

Per-Olof Åstrand per-olof.aastrand at
Wed Apr 4 11:53:15 CEST 2001

Dear McStas user,

A substantial part of the components in McStas are and will be developed
by the users. To facilitate for users to make their components available
for the McStas community with an appropriate credit for actually writing
the component, the following is suggested:

McStas is separated into two packages and two manuals: "McStas" and
"McStas-comp". The "McStas-comp" manual is only edited by the McStas
authors, and consists of contributions from users writing components.
The manual will be published as a Risø report and will therefore have
for example an ISBN number. There are of course many details to sort
out, but let's first find out if we can agree on the basic idea.

It should be emphasized that the McStas authors still will take the
responsibility for that there exists a large set of working components
for McStas. These components include the current components in the
McStas release and possibly other components that will be regarded as
essential by the users.

This will of course only work if the users think it is a good idea, so
let's see if there are any comments.

Best regards,

Per-Olof Åstrand

Per-Olof Åstrand
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen
and Materials Research Department, Risø National Laboratory
per-olof.aastrand at or per-olof.aastrand at and

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