McStas: components on web-page

Per-Olof Åstrand per-olof.aastrand at
Tue Sep 18 12:24:47 CEST 2001

Dear McStas user,

Today, there is not a one-to-one correspondence between the components
in the official McStas release and the components generated by McDoc on
our web page. The web page also includes a number of unofficial
components and is identical to the ILL page. This has caused some
confusion and is changed when version 1.5 is released.

There will be a "one-to-one-to-one" correspondence between the
components included in the McStas release (the tar file that is
downloaded), the McStas web-page, and the forthcoming McStas component
manual, which means that the McStas web-page will only include official
components and components that will become official in the next release.
It is of course still possible for others (like ILL) to create a
web-page using McDoc which includes additional unofficial components .

It is still possible to submit components to be included in McStas 1.5,
and if you have a component that may be useful for the McStas community,
you should consider submitting it.  The first McStas component manual
will be released in late October/early November, and I will (soon)
return to component authors with details on how to include a
contribution to the manual.

Best regards,

Per-Olof Åstrand

Per-Olof Åstrand
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen
and Materials Research Department, Risø National Laboratory
per-olof.aastrand at or per-olof.aastrand at

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