[neutron-mc] SCANS report

McGreevy, RL (Robert) R.L.McGreevy at rl.ac.uk
Mon Aug 5 17:57:38 CEST 2002


Can I remind you that I still need a small letter regarding your budget for
SCANS. I have sent in the annual report and it will take some while in
processing, so there is still some time before they ask.

Can I have the E-mail address for Peter Willendrup?



Professor Robert McGreevy
Head, ISIS Diffraction and Muons
ISIS Facility,
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
Chilton, Didcot,
Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
Tel (direct line): +44 1235 445599
Tel (secretary): +44 1235 445188
FAX: +44 1235 445642
E-mail: r.l.mcgreevy at rl.ac.uk

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