[neutron-mc] Trouble with Single_Crystal
Aaron M. Percival
percival at physics.queensu.ca
Tue Jan 23 19:16:22 CET 2007
Hello all,
I'm having a little bit of trouble with the single_crystal component. I've
created a .lau file in Crystallographica to simulate an Si analyzer crystal.
I simply want to reflect a neutron beam of wavelength 2.866 A using the 311
plane (d = 1.637) of Si. So I've set up the crystal to satisfy the Bragg
condition, giving theta = 61.823, and thus 2theta = 123.646. I put a banana
shaped detector around this 2theta, and I get no reflections.
Here is the crystal:
COMPONENT analyzer = Single_crystal(
reflections = "Si.lau", xwidth = 0.1, yheight = 0.1,
zthick = 0.01, delta_d_d = 0, mosaic = 18, order = 0,
p_transmit = 0, absorption = 0, incoherent = 0, ax = 5.430530,
by = 5.430530, cz = 5.430530, aa = 90, bb = 90, cc = 90)
AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE a1
ROTATED ( 0, theta311, 0) RELATIVE sample_arm
Where theta311 = 61.823 relative to the incident beam.
Can any one offer any suggestions as to why this might not be working?
I've also attached the Si.lau file.
Aaron M. Percival
M.Sc. Candidate
Dept. of Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6
Office: 613-533-6000 ext. 74789
Fax: 613-533-6463
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