[neutron-mc] Mcformat Problems

Aaron M. Percival percival at physics.queensu.ca
Tue Nov 20 22:45:29 CET 2007

Hi all,


I've been having some problems running the mcformat utility on my windows


I have two directories that contain results from two runs of the same
simulation and I would like to merge the data.  In the directories are the
data from various detectors, along with the list file from a virtual_input.
I run the following command line:


C:\>mcformat --format=McStas --force --test --dir=C:\test c:\temp\one
c:\temp\two --merge

mcformat: Will process and merge/scan 14 data files in 2 directories.


And seemingly the process will work, however, when I remove the --test
option, I find the following errors:


C:\>mcformat --format=McStas --force --dir=C:\test c:\temp\one c:\temp\two

mkdir: EEXIST pathname C:\test already exists (not necessarily as a

mcformat: Warning: re-using output directory 'C:\test'.

mcformat: Will process and merge/scan 14 data files in 2 directories.

mkdir: ERROR 22 using mkdir.

mcformat: Fatal error accessing C:\test\c:\temp\one. Aborting.


And the merging process will not complete.  Even if I remove the --dir and
--force options, I get the same results.  Upon further inspection, it
appears as though the error: 


mcformat: Fatal error accessing C:\test\c:\temp\one 


is directly related to the --dir option, or if this option is unspecified
the current directory, in that 


mcformat: Fatal error accessing [CURRENT_DIR or option --dir]\c:\temp\one


as though the output directory is being concatenated with the first input
directory.  Furthermore, I do notice that before the fatal error,
mcformat.exe does create the desired c:\test folder.







Aaron M. Percival

M.Sc. Candidate

Dept. of Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy

Queen's University

Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6

Office: 613-533-6000 ext. 74789

Fax: 613-533-6463



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