[mcstas-users] Res_monitor problem

Linda Udby linda.udby at risoe.dk
Tue Aug 19 11:14:16 CEST 2008

Hi Lionel,

sorry for the slow reply, but I have been on vacation.
The res_sample is meant to be inelastic, did you put dE!=0?
The res_monitor is supposed to produce a datafile from which you can 
generate the resolution function my the mcresplot command.


On Fri, 8 Aug 2008 gerard at ill.fr wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I'm working on Mcstas for the ILL as a practice and I don't manage to
> bring the res_monitor to work, neither with res_sample nor with the
> tofres_sample. I always get messages like "process stopped" or "I/O error:
> success" and the simulation breaks down. Has someone a working example
> with this component in use? Here everybody seems to be on holidays, so I
> can't really continue.
> Thanks a lot in advance
> Lionel GERARD
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Phd student Linda Udby
Materials Science Department
RisoeNational Laboratory, of Sustainable Energy
tel: +45 46 77 58 65
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