[mcstas-users] Problem of Virtual-output/input
wokaoyan1981 at 126.com
Fri Aug 8 08:00:15 CEST 2008
Hello Emmanuel,
Thank you for your reply.I do not use network disk. I just output to local computer. Taking notice of the neutron file "DataAfterMono_list.p.x.y.z.vx.vy.vz.t.sx.sy.sz", it approximates 1.2GB including 17417317 events (all)! Is it the reason why it takes a long time to "Virtual_input" neutron file?
The codes to generate data is as the following:
* %Parameters
* dist: [m] focusing distance from source to SlitIn
* GapM2_G: [m] distance between M2Exit and guide entrance
* xw: [m] width of neutron guide entrance
* yh: [m] height of neutron guide entrance
* l: [m] length of straight neutron guide
* m: [1] multiplication factor
* CH1: ['] horizontal divergence of the first collimator
* len_C1 [m] length of the first collimator
* L1: [m] distance between first collimator exit and mono,0.01~0.3AA
* lambda: [Angs] Wavelength at monochromator,value:1.2~3
* DM: [Angs] d-spacing of monochromator
* NH: [columns] number of horizontal slabs
* NV: [columns} number of vertical slabs
* mosaich: ['] horizontal mosaics
* mosaicv: ['] vertical mosaics
* RV: [m] Monochromator vertical curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic
* setting(then RV=2*L2*sin(DEG2RAD*A1) )
* RH: [m] Monochromator horizontal curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic
* setting(then RH = 2*L2/sin(DEG2RAD*A1))
* L2: [m] distance between mono and sample
* %Link
* A reference/HTML link for more information
* %End
/* Change name of instrument and input parameters with default values */
DEFINE INSTRUMENT residual_stress(
dist=4.049, GapM2_G=0, xw=0.06, yh=0.11, l=6, m=2, CH1=10,
L1=0.3, A1=30, DM=3.355, len_C1=0.6, NH=1, NV=15, mosaich=25,mosaicv=25,
RV=-1, RH=0, L2=1.9)
/* The DECLARE section allows us to declare variables or small */
/* functions in C syntax. These may be used in the whole instrument. */
double M2Exit_mono; /* distance between M2Exit and monochromator */
double lambda; /*wavelength after diffraction*/
double monow; /*width of mono*/
/* The INITIALIZE section is executed when the simulation starts */
/* (C code). You may use them as component parameter values. */
if (RV<0) RV=2*L2*sin(DEG2RAD*A1);
if (RH<0) RH = 2*L2/sin(DEG2RAD*A1);
/* Here comes the TRACE section, where the actual */
/* instrument is defined as a sequence of components. */
/* Progress_bar is an Arm displaying simulation progress.*/
COMPONENT Origin = Progress_bar()
/********************* reactor source********************************/
COMPONENT Source = Source_Maxwell_3(
height = 0.11, width =0.06 ,
l_low =0.2,l_high =7,
dist = dist,
xw = 0.08, yh = 0.13,
T1 = 320,I1 =9.87E12)
AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE Origin
/***********thermal channel,4.049m*110mm*60mm********/
COMPONENT SlitIn = Slit(
width = 0.06, height = 0.11)
AT (0, 0, 0 ) RELATIVE Source
COMPONENT M2Exit = Slit(
width = 0.06, height = 0.11)
AT (0, 0, 4.049 ) RELATIVE SlitIn
COMPONENT straight_guide = Guide(
w1 = xw, h1 = yh, w2 = xw, h2 = yh, l =l, m = m)
AT (0, 0, GapM2_G) RELATIVE M2Exit
/**********************first collimator**********************/
COMPONENT collimator1 = Collimator_linear(
xmin = -xw/2, xmax = xw/2, ymin = -yh/2, ymax = yh/2,
len = len_C1, divergence = CH1)
AT (0, 0, l) RELATIVE straight_guide
COMPONENT mono_craddle = Arm(
AT (0, 0, M2Exit_mono) RELATIVE M2Exit
ROTATED (0, A1, 0) RELATIVE Origin
COMPONENT monochromator = Monochromator_curved(
width=monow, height=0.13, NH=NH, NV=NV,reflect = "HOPG.rfl", transmit = "HOPG.trm",
gap = 0.0005, mosaich = mosaich, mosaicv = mosaicv, r0 = 1,
t0 = 1.0, RV = RV, RH = RH, DM = DM)
AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE mono_craddle
COMPONENT mono_out = Arm(
AT (0, 0, 0) RELATIVE mono_craddle
ROTATED (0, +2*A1, 0) RELATIVE Origin
COMPONENT psd_after_mono = PSD_monitor(
nx = 90, ny =90, filename = "psd_after_mono ",
xwidth =0.2, yheight =0.2)
AT (0, 0, 0.4) RELATIVE mono_out
COMPONENT DataAfterMono = Virtual_output(
file = "DataAfterMono")
AT (0, 0, 0.4) RELATIVE mono_out
/* This section is executed when the simulation ends (C code). Other */
/* optional sections are : SAVE */
/* The END token marks the instrument definition end */
I run it with ncount=1E8, Scilab on another computer(XP platform).It needs 14.2667 minutes.
Under the same directory, I run the split simulation with repeat=1,lenC2=0.45 and ncout=1E8, Scilab. It takes
* %Parameters
* repeat: [1] repeat count
* lenC2: [m] length of collimator 2
* %Link
* A reference/HTML link for more information
* %End
/* Change name of instrument and input parameters with default values */
DEFINE INSTRUMENT test(repeat=1,lenC2)
/* The DECLARE section allows us to declare variables or small */
/* functions in C syntax. These may be used in the whole instrument. */
/* The INITIALIZE section is executed when the simulation starts */
/* (C code). You may use them as component parameter values. */
/* Here comes the TRACE section, where the actual */
/* instrument is defined as a sequence of components. */
COMPONENT SourceAfterMono = Virtual_input(
file = "DataAfterMono_list.p.x.y.z.vx.vy.vz.t.sx.sy.sz", repeat_count = repeat)
COMPONENT PsdAtEntrance = PSD_monitor(
filename = "PsdAtEntrance", xwidth = 0.2, yheight = 0.2)
AT (0, 0, 1.35-lenC2) RELATIVE SourceAfterMono
/* This section is executed when the simulation ends (C code). Other */
/* optional sections are : SAVE */
/* The END token marks the instrument definition end */
Looking forward to your reply!
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