[mcstas-users] Question regarding scan

Peter Willendrup pkwi at risoe.dtu.dk
Tue Mar 17 13:06:04 CET 2009

Hello El'ad,

Could it be that you are running McStas on windows? In that case, you  
are the victim of a known bug, see


Replace your c:\McStas\bin\mcrun.pl with this one:

The problem will be fixed in mcstas-1.12a which is in preparation.

Regards and hope this helps,

Peter Willendrup

Peter Willendrup - Development engineer

Materials Research Division
Frederiksborgvej 399
DK-4000 Roskilde

Tlf.: (+45) 4677 5862
Mobil.: (+45) 2125 4612
Fax.: (+45) 4766 5758
NEW EMAIL ADR.: pkwi at risoe.dtu.dk

On 17/03/2009, at 12.07, אלעד כספי wrote:

> Dear fellows,
> I am a neutron user, new to the field of neutron beam tracking. I  
> had started using mcstas few weeks ago. During my toying with the  
> program, I had managed to describe a simple diffraction setup with a  
> 1D disk detector. I would like to perform a scanning procedure with  
> this detector, using the scan option. However, it seems as if mcstas  
> (version 1.12), while in the scan option, "does not" take into  
> consideration the number of "neutron counts" I am asking it to use.  
> The resulting data have the same statistics when I use either 1000  
> neutron counts, or 100000000 neutron counts. Whenever I perform only  
> one point (NO SCAN) the difference between the data resulted from  
> different values of "neutron counts" is obvious both in the  
> calculation time and the statistics.
> I would appreciate any help regarding this problem.
> Sincerely,
> El'ad Caspi.
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