[mcstas-users] Mcstas.org webpage

Peter Kjær Willendrup pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk
Thu Feb 28 18:48:52 CET 2013

Hello Nadir,

On Feb 28, 2013, at 16:18 , nadir aliouane <nadir.aliouane at psi.ch<mailto:nadir.aliouane at psi.ch>> wrote:

How are you ?

I am very well - hope things are good at PSI as well?

it seems that with the new webpage of Mcstas some link are missing. Since the Manual is not updated the link of the description of each component is really useful on the webpage.
I have tried to have access to the component(s) and example(s) information and they are missing in the new Mcstas webpage. Indeed if you go to the following link :

I would like to know if you can update the link so that this information can be again accessible.

The reason that these pages are no longer online is that we changed the structure of the McStas package distribution quite a bit with McStas 2.0. Further, we are planning to allow release new versions of the component library alone without releasing a complete new McStas with tools & code generation etc. - And there is always a (small) risk that the components on our webpage does not correspond 100% to what you have on your own machine.

For now, simply use the mcdoc pages available on your own machine using either

* The mcgui menu: Help (McDoc) -> Component Library Index
* The command line documentation tool: mcdoc

Still, your point is taken of course - I will try to add the pages back soon.



Peter Kjær Willendrup
Development engineer

DTU Physics

Technical University of Denmark

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pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>

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