[mcstas-users] Fwd: [Neutron] First Circular: Joint Vitess and McStas School and Workshop in Berlin, September 18th-20th
Peter Kjær Willendrup
pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk
Fri Aug 30 16:29:02 CEST 2013
Begin forwarded message:
From: Daniil Nekrassov <daniil.nekrassov at helmholtz-berlin.de<mailto:daniil.nekrassov at helmholtz-berlin.de>>
Subject: Re: [Neutron] [mcstas-users] First Circular: Joint Vitess and McStas School and Workshop in Berlin, September 18th-20th
Date: August 30, 2013 15:57:21 GMT+02:00
To: <neutron at neutronsources.org<mailto:neutron at neutronsources.org>>, "Lieutenant, Klaus" <klaus.lieutenant at helmholtz-berlin.de<mailto:klaus.lieutenant at helmholtz-berlin.de>>, Peter Kjær Willendrup <pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>>
Dear colleagues,
this is the final call for the "Joint Vitess and McStas school & workshop" to be held on September 18th-20th in Berlin at the Grand City Hotel Globus Berlin. We still have capacity for a small number of participants. If you intend to take part in the workshop, please register using the link below until 04.09.13.
We kindly ask all participants to book their room by either sending an e-mail to info.ber07 at grandcityhotels.com<mailto:info.ber07 at grandcityhotels.com> or katrin.sieben at gchbm.de<mailto:katrin.sieben at gchbm.de> or by calling +49 (0) 30 555 07<tel:%2B49%20%280%29%2030%20555%2007> 0 or +49 (0) 30 4950003224<tel:%2B49%20%280%29%2030%204950003224>. Please state that you participate in the "neutron simulation school". Note that we cannot guarantee that there are still rooms available at the conference hotel, since our reservation ran out this week.
On behalf of the organizers,
Daniil Nekrassov
Am 09.08.2013 07:02, schrieb Peter Kjær Willendrup:
Dear colleagues,
The registration for the "Joint Vitess and McStas school & workshop"
September 18th-20th in Berlin at the Grand City Hotel Globus Berlin.
is now open.
Please register visiting the following website: https://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/events/joint-vitess/index_de.html
Please make your own arrangements with the meeting hotel. Refer to "HZB" or "neutron simulation school" when booking your room that they know you belong to the workshop.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Berlin!
Peter Willendrup on behalf of the organisers
On Jul 4, 2013, at 07:01 , Peter Kjær Willendrup <pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk><mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk> wrote:
Hello fellow simulators!
The joint Vitess and McStas teams are planning a common simulation school and workshop this fall - scheduled for
September 18th-20th in the Berlin area.
A rough program of the three-day school is:
Day 1: Introduction and tutorials for the two packages, intended mainly for new users. Hands-on exercises.
Day 2: Advanced features demonstrated by examples and talks. Hands-on exercises.
Day 3: Users have an option to present their own work, give feedback and suggestions for new features.
To have an estimate of the number of participants, please send us a short email to vitess at helmholtz-berlin.de<mailto:vitess at helmholtz-berlin.de> indicating this, preferably before the end of July. If you are already experienced with the packages and hence would like to skip the first day, please also indicate this.
Send us the email does not oblige you to participate. :-)
All the best from the combined Vitess and McStas teams!
Peter Kjær Willendrup
Senior Research Engineer, Special Advisor
DTU Physics
Technical University of Denmark
Department of Physics
Neutrons and X-rays for Materials Physics
Building 307
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
Direct +45 2125 4612
Mobil +45 2125 4612
Fax +45 4593 2399
pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>
mcstas-users mailing list
mcstas-users at mcstas.org<mailto:mcstas-users at mcstas.org>
Peter Kjær Willendrup
Senior Research Engineer, Special Advisor
DTU Physics
Technical University of Denmark
[cid:part10.08040804.08030305 at helmholtz-berlin.de][cid:part11.06070507.06060306 at helmholtz-berlin.de]
Department of Physics
Neutrons and X-rays for Materials Physics
Building 307
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
Direct +45 2125 4612
Mobil +45 2125 4612
Fax +45 4593 2399
pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>
Neutron mailing list
Neutron at neutronsources.org<mailto:Neutron at neutronsources.org>
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH
Mitglied der Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V.
Aufsichtsrat: Vorsitzender Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Joachim Treusch, stv. Vorsitzende Dr. Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph
Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Anke Rita Kaysser-Pyzalla, Thomas Frederking
Sitz Berlin, AG Charlottenburg, 89 HRB 5583
Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1
D-14109 Berlin
Peter Kjær Willendrup
Senior Research Engineer, Special Advisor
DTU Physics
Technical University of Denmark
[cid:image002.gif at 01CCCAF1.5E6331F0][cid:EC2A3CAB-AF57-4CEB-96B0-23F6DC35FE76 at fysik.dtu.dk]
Department of Physics
Neutrons and X-rays for Materials Physics
Building 307
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
Direct +45 2125 4612
Mobil +45 2125 4612
Fax +45 4593 2399
pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>
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