[mcstas-users] Workaround for installing McStas on Windows without an active internet connection

Peter Kjær Willendrup pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk
Tue Sep 3 12:20:58 CEST 2013

Hi all,

If you had problems getting McStas 2.0 installed on a windows system, perhaps these hints will help you out:

What is not completely clear from the McStas install docs is that on the Windows platform, an active internet connection is required during installation.

To work around this, perform these steps before installing McStas itself:

  *   Download and install a Strawberry Perl 5.16 for your system from http://strawberryperl.com<http://strawberryperl.com/>
  *   Download this zip file<http://ppds.mccode.org/ZipPackage/PPDs.zip> (rightclik, save as)
  *   Unzip the Zip file and using a command window, cd to the folder
  *   Run the enclosed


After these steps, install the McStas packages in this order:

  *   McStas core package (mcstas-NSIS-2.0-*.exe)
  *   McStas component package (mcstas-comps-NSIS-2.0-*.exe)
  *   McStas Perl tool package (mcstas-tools-perl-NSIS-2.0-*.exe)
  *   - then the optional Python packages if wanted

Once everything is installed, use the new links on your desktop for either starting mcgui directly or starting a "mcstas environment shell" with mcrun, mcplot, mcgui etc.

All of this stuff should be easier with 2.1 as we will (again) have a simpler, unified installer...

Best and sorry for the inconvenience,

Peter Willendrup

Peter Kjær Willendrup
Senior Research Engineer, Special Advisor

DTU Physics

Technical University of Denmark

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Department of Physics
Neutrons and X-rays for Materials Physics

Building 307

DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby

Direct +45 2125 4612

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Fax +45 4593 2399

pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>

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