[mcstas-users] About Laz files in Single_crystal component

Jesús P. de Vicente jesuspedrodevicente at gmail.com
Thu Sep 25 12:23:25 CEST 2014

Hello Peter,

Thank you very much for your help.
I would like to attach you the *.instr file in order to I am doing
something wrong.

Also I would like to attach you two VRML files about the reflections for
the C_graphite.lau and C_graphite.laz comparison.

Thank you.
Kind regards.

*Jesús P. de Vicente.-*

2014-09-25 2:49 GMT+02:00 Peter Kjær Willendrup <pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>:

>  Dear Jesus,
>  In principle, the only difference between .lau and .laz files are the
> order of the columns, as indicated in the headers,  plus and the unit of
> the |F| or |F2| column which is barn^0.5 or barn in the .laz case and
> fm^0.5 or fm in the .lau case - cf. Ge.lau vs Ge.laz.
>  - I suspect something else is wrong. Could you send along exactly what
> you fail to get running?
>  Best,
>  Peter Willendrup
>  On 25 Sep 2014, at 01:35 , Jesús P. de Vicente <
> jesuspedrodevicente at gmail.com> wrote:
>   Dear McStas team,
>  I am trying to use Laz files with Single_crystal component.
>  I use the barns=1 parameter. But it produces a continuous spectra (no
> peaks)
>  Do I need to taken into account other parameters?
>  Lau files work perfectly for me.
>  Thank you very much.
>  Kind regards.
>  *Jesús P. de Vicente.-*
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