[mcstas-users] thermal moderator

Anna Fedrigo anna.fedrigo at fi.isc.cnr.it
Wed Nov 19 15:49:07 CET 2014

Dear mcstas users,

I finally moved to the new mcstas version and I have problems with the
moderator. For the selection of the thermal source is this command
(sourcedef="TDR") enough? I managed to get only a cold source.
Which parameters should I use? Sorry but it's not very clear from the
manual to me.

Best regards,



*Anna Fedrigo*
PhD Student

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi
Via Madonna del Piano, 10
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Italy)

Phone: +39 055 522 6631
E_mail: anna.fedrigo at fi.isc.cnr.it
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