[mcstas-users] MCSTAS_FORMAT=gnuplot leads to wrong 1D detector output

André Kusmin a.kusmin at tudelft.nl
Tue Feb 17 10:45:05 CET 2015

Dear Peter,
that was fast, thank you!

As for calling me Markus Appel  -  I don't mind;  the main thing is that 
the bug is fixed :)


On 02/17/2015 09:51 AM, Peter Kjær Willendrup wrote:
> Dear Andre,
> The bug has been fixed in our SVN repos for next release - see here 
> http://trac.mccode.org/changeset/5365#file0
> (Sorry that I named you Markus Appel in the log message - what 
> confused me is that I have a few bug reports from him also at this 
> point… ;-) )
> If you want you can hand-edit your mccode-r.c accordingly or  apply 
> the attached diff to your local mccode-r.c file. (e.g. cd 
> /usr/share/mcstas/2.1/share ; patch -p0 /tmp/diff-5365.patch)
> Alternatively, you may build a fresh set of packages for yourself via
> 1) Checking out our SVN trunk:
> svn co https://svn.mccode.org/svn/McCode/trunk
> 2) Install the relevant dependencies listed in the file
> 3) Run one or more of the build scripts provided in trunk, e.g.
> ./build_debs_mcstas 2.2beta
> Best,
> Peter
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