[mcstas-users] MCSTAS_FORMAT=gnuplot leads to wrong 1D detector output

Peter Kjær Willendrup pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk
Tue Feb 17 09:51:08 CET 2015

Dear Andre,

The bug has been fixed in our SVN repos for next release - see here http://trac.mccode.org/changeset/5365#file0
(Sorry that I named you Markus Appel in the log message - what confused me is that I have a few bug reports from him also at this point… ;-) )

If you want you can hand-edit your mccode-r.c accordingly or  apply the attached diff to your local mccode-r.c file. (e.g. cd /usr/share/mcstas/2.1/share ; patch -p0 /tmp/diff-5365.patch)

Alternatively, you may build a fresh set of packages for yourself via
1) Checking out our SVN trunk:
svn co https://svn.mccode.org/svn/McCode/trunk
2) Install the relevant dependencies listed in the file
3) Run one or more of the build scripts provided in trunk, e.g.
./build_debs_mcstas 2.2beta



On 13 Feb 2015, at 11:12 , Peter Kjær Willendrup <pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>> wrote:

Dear Andre,

On 13 Feb 2015, at 10:53 , André Kusmin <a.kusmin at tudelft.nl<mailto:a.kusmin at tudelft.nl>> wrote:

I am sorry, I forgot some basic rules of a bug report.

This is perfectly OK. :-)

I have Slackware 14.1  64 bit multilib , and I had this problem for both McStas 2.1 and McStas compiled from svn.
Some things do not work on Slackware out of the box, so I tested if this problem is reproducible on Debian.
And it is the same behaviour on Debian.
( DebianEdu/Skolelinux  Release:    7.8 (wheezy)  Arch: amd64 )
where I installed McStas 2.1  stable release using following sequence
apt-get install mcstas-manuals-2.1
(this installed    mcstas-2.1 mcstas-comps-2.1 mcstas-manuals-2.1 )
apt-get install mcstas-suite-python
then I manually installed pgplot5_5.2.2-19_amd64.deb
and then
apt-get install mcstas-suite mcstas-suite-perl mcstas-tools-perl-2.1 libpgplot-perl

The strangest thing to me is that when I run instrument-executable compiled on Debian  (e.g. TestSANS.out)
on a machine with no mcstas (mcplot,etc) installed
I will get wrong 1D detector output file ! (with only one column out of four) if I will issue
MCSTAS_FORMAT="gnuplot" before running
Setting MCSTAS_FORMAT="something" also leads to wrong results

So, I can't see how mcplot or other auxillary McStas tools can be a source of the problem

I will test this behavior on Mac Os Maverics next time I will boot into MacOs.

You indeed seem to have found a general problem! I have just reproduced the bug with a different instrument on OS X Yosemite…

I will try to dig for the cause of this early next week.



Dear Andre,

With which version of McStas did you experience this? - Under some very special circumstances McStas 2.0 can exhibit this type of issue.

It would also help to try reproducing the problem to know the exact system you are running on, i.e. what OS and which version.

I firmly believe the setting of MCSTAS_FORMAT to gnuplot will not affect anything: In the internal c-code of McStas the “gnuplot” format is actually unhandled and we revert to the traditional McStas or PGPLOT format. The setting of gnuplot only affects the tool-layer, i.e. mcplot etc.



Dr André Kusmin
Department Radiation Science and Technology
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Delft University of Technology
Mekelweg 15
2629 JB Delft
the Netherlands

phone:  +31 (0)15 278 4701
fax:    +31 (0)15 278 8303
e-mail:  a.kusmin at tudelft.nl<mailto:a.kusmin at tudelft.nl>

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