[mcstas-users] NeXus format problem.

Federico M. Bertalot federicobertalot at cnea.gov.ar
Mon Feb 20 17:59:04 CET 2017


I am using NeXus format for my output files in mcstas, and it works 
fine. But now i have added some divergence monitors to my instrument and 
found this warning:

/Warning: could not open DataSet data 'Divergence monitor' (NeXus)//
//Warning: could not open DataSet errors 'Divergence monitor' (NeXus)//
//Warning: could not open DataSet ncount 'Divergence monitor' (NeXus)/

/In fact, the resulting file has only the fields "acquisition_mode" and 
"distance" fields for the divergence monitor.

Do you know why? Is there some way to solve it?

Thank you very much.


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