[mcstas-users] Focusing monochromator
"Voigt, Jörg"
j.voigt at fz-juelich.de
Thu Jun 8 17:44:19 CEST 2017
Dear McStas users,
I would like to use a horizontally focusing monochromator with a virtual or point like source. The crystals should then be located approximately on the Rowland circle with radius L/sin(theta), while the lattice planes should be parallel to a circle with Radius 2L/sin(theta), where L denotes the equal distance source-mono and mono-sample (symmetric Rowland configuration). Assuming a parallel incoming beam the lattice planes should be on a circle with radius 2*L/sin(theta), L being the distance between monochromator and sample, as also written in the documentation. But how can I correctly realise the case of a symmetric Rowland circle?
Thanks in advance
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