[mcstas-users] Attenuation in powder sample

John.Brokx John.Brokx at open.ac.uk
Wed Jun 14 12:34:31 CEST 2017

Dear all

I am using McStas to run simulations(scans) of a powder sample for the ENGINX instrument (ISIS RAL).

The powder sample is made of an Aluminium hull filled with iron. The density of the real sample is 41 % of

solid iron and has a linear attenuation coefficient of 0.45 /cm. I am using the packing factor as explained in the McStas component manual(section on PowderN component) to reflect this.

I ran several simulations with different values of the packing factor. I started initially with a packing factor of 0.41 but it appeared that I needed a packing factor of 0.82 to get a good match with the  real measurements done on ENGINX. I suspect that the factor 2 comes from the number of atoms in the unit cell but I am not entirely sure. I am interested to understand how the packing factor relates to the attenuation and density and if there are other ways in McStas to adjust the attenuation.


John Brokx

Open University UK
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