[mcstas-users] Guide_anyshape

Andrew Jackson andrew.jackson at esss.se
Tue Feb 27 18:28:45 CET 2018

Hi Peter

I’d be interested in how you’ve done it. I had considered making use of the “color” in the OFF format to specify m values. 

(I guess I can go digging in the repo …)

Andrew Jackson
Instrument Scientist - Small Angle Scattering
Deputy Head of Neutron Instruments Division
European Spallation Source, P.O Box 176, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden           
Adjunct Associate Professor (Adjungerad Lektor)
Physical Chemistry, Lund University, P.O. Box 124, SE-221 00, Lund, Sweden
Phone: +46 46 888 3015
Mobile: +46 72 179 2015
E-mail: andrew.jackson at esss.se

On 2018-02-20, 14:50, "mcstas-users on behalf of Peter Kjær Willendrup" <mcstas-users-bounces at mcstas.org on behalf of pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk> wrote:

    Dear Ulrich,
    There is something like that around already, more or less… :-)
    Peter Link (cc:) made a prototype Guide_anyshape that works like that - and I have progressed a little further on it together with Mikhail Feygenson (cc:) for the ESS DREAM project.
    (And it is on my list for McStas 2.5 to polish and make this globally available…)
    If you are interested I can send you a copy - warning: “beta quality” stuff…
    > On 20 Feb 2018, at 13:59 , Wildgruber, Christoph U. <wildgrubercu at ornl.gov> wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > I just started looking into a little McStas project which could possible benefit
    > if we could come up with a way to combine the elegance of Guide_anyshape
    > variable m-values. Any thoughts, suggestions or code :-)
    > Thanks,
    > Uli
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