[mcstas-users] [McStas 2.7] Pol_FieldBox with tabled magnetic field

MARTIN Nicolas Nicolas.MARTIN at cea.fr
Mon Dec 14 21:23:31 CET 2020

Dear Erik,

many thanks for your swift reply!
Meanwhile, I've started over from "Test_pol_tabled.instr", changed it stepwise, and everything works like a charm!
The input magnetic field file was actually correct (besides a factor 1e4 error on the field amplitudes :-D), so I guess I was placing the "Pol_Bfield" component in a wrong way or something like that.
Moreover, "Pol_Bfield_stop" was missing, perhaps explaining the interpolation error (?).

Dr. Nicolas MARTIN
Laboratoire Léon Brillouin
Bât 563 CEA Saclay - p. 105
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex
E-mail: nicolas.martin at cea.fr<mailto:nicolas.martin at cea.fr> / nicolas.martin84 at gmail.com<mailto:nicolas.martin84 at gmail.com>
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