[mcstas-users] [McStas 2.7] Pol_FieldBox with tabled magnetic field

Erik B Knudsen erkn at fysik.dtu.dk
Mon Dec 14 23:43:54 CET 2020

Dear Nicolas,
Well that was the easiest bug to fix in a long time :-).
The missing Pol_Bfield_stop would explain it. The system is a bit 
sensitive to form I'm afraid.

Anyway great to hear that things are working!

On 14/12/2020 21:23, MARTIN Nicolas wrote:
> Dear Erik,
> many thanks for your swift reply!
> Meanwhile, I've started over from "/Test_pol_tabled.instr/", changed it 
> stepwise, and everything works like a charm!
> The input magnetic field file was actually correct (besides a factor 1e4 
> error on the field amplitudes :-D), so I guess I was placing the 
> "/Pol_Bfield/" component in a wrong way or something like that.
> Moreover, "/Pol_Bfield_stop/" was missing, perhaps explaining the 
> interpolation error (?).
> Cheers,
> Nicolas
> _______________________________
> Dr. Nicolas MARTIN
> Laboratoire Léon Brillouin
> Bât 563 CEA Saclay - p. 105
> 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex
> France
> _/E-mail:/_ nicolas.martin at cea.fr <mailto:nicolas.martin at cea.fr> / 
> nicolas.martin84 at gmail.com <mailto:nicolas.martin84 at gmail.com>
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Erik Bergbäck Knudsen, Research Engineer         | DTU | morituri
NEXMAP, DTU Fysik, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark  |<>-<>|    te
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