[mcstas-users] Fwd: mcresplot results
Marta Klepacka
marta.klepacka at amu.edu.pl
Fri Jan 29 23:17:33 CET 2021
I am having some problems with interpretation of mcresplot results. I am
simulating an inverted geometry tof instrument and I placed
Tof_Res_Sample and Res_Monitor in my simulation. I expected to get
energy resolution, something like a plot of dE/E=f(E_transfer), but I
got some Q,E data instead. I am attaching the results. If I should
provide more files or information, let me know, I will send it asap.
I didn't want to bother You and I really tried to figure it out myself,
but I have to ask for your advice.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Marta Klepacka
Physics Faculty
A. Mickiewicz University
Poznan, Poland
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mcresplot "/home/marta/Pulpit/secondary_spectrometer/15002/4_rows_15002_Copy_20210129_211139/restest.res"
This is a covariance matrix calculator using neutron events,
written by T. Weber <tweber at ill.fr>, 30 March 2019.
Mean (Q, E) vector in lab system:
[5.2324940450139295, 0.29598555016649797, -38.645890277061035, -6310.849331806677]
Covariance matrix in lab system:
[[ 2.1476e+01 1.4710e+00 -1.7184e+02 -7.6140e+04]
[ 1.4710e+00 1.0770e-01 -1.0778e+01 -1.2386e+03]
[-1.7184e+02 -1.0778e+01 1.5163e+03 1.1763e+06]
[-7.6140e+04 -1.2386e+03 1.1763e+06 2.5450e+09]]
Resolution matrix in lab system:
[[ 1.5630e+14 7.3766e+14 2.9701e+13 -8.6927e+09]
[-1.2545e+15 2.7677e+16 1.1418e+14 -7.6835e+10]
[ 8.7961e+12 3.9406e+14 5.3710e+12 -2.0276e+09]
[-0.0000e+00 -1.4660e+11 -1.5384e+09 6.3970e+05]]
Qpara = [ 0.1342 0.0076 -0.9909]
Qperp = [-0.9909 0.0000 -0.1342]
Qup = [0 1 0]
Transformation into (Qpara, Qperp, Qup, E) system:
[[ 0.1342 -0.9909 0.0000 0.0000]
[ 0.0076 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000]
[-0.9909 -0.1342 0.0000 0.0000]
[ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000]]
Mean (Q, E) vector in (Qpara, Qperp, Qup, E) system:
[ 3.9000e+01 0.0000e+00 2.9599e-01 -6.3108e+03]
Covariance matrix in (Qpara, Qperp, Qup, E) system:
[[ 1.5352e+03 3.3098e+01 1.0879e+01 -1.1759e+06]
[ 3.3098e+01 2.6912e+00 -1.1483e-02 -8.2377e+04]
[ 1.0879e+01 -1.1483e-02 1.0770e-01 -1.2386e+03]
[-1.1759e+06 -8.2377e+04 -1.2386e+03 2.5450e+09]]
Resolution matrix in (Qpara, Qperp, Qup, E) system:
[[-4.6656e+12 8.4142e+12 4.5305e+14 -1.6628e+09]
[-1.7013e+13 1.8156e+14 1.7247e+15 -1.1448e+09]
[ 4.4081e+14 -7.2232e+14 -4.2769e+16 1.5947e+11]
[-2.4918e+09 9.4126e+09 2.4434e+11 -7.2773e+05]]
4d resolution ellipsoid diagonal elements fwhm (coherent-elastic scattering) lengths:
[1.0902e-06 1.7476e-07 1.1387e-08 2.7604e-03]
4d resolution ellipsoid principal axes fwhm: [1.1934e-06 1.7514e-07]
Incoherent-elastic fwhm: 131892.3742 meV
Qx,E sliced ellipse fwhm and slope angle: [1.0902e-06 5.8804e-03], -179.9694
Qy,E sliced ellipse fwhm and slope angle: [1.7476e-07 2.8804e-03], 0.0030
Qz,E sliced ellipse fwhm and slope angle: [1.1387e-08 5.4999e-03], 179.9997
Qx,Qy sliced ellipse fwhm and slope angle: [1.1934e-06 1.7514e-07], -174.7583
Qx,E projected ellipse fwhm and slope angle: [1.0785e-06 1.2405e-02], -179.9712
Qy,E projected ellipse fwhm and slope angle: [1.7289e-07 6.0760e-03], 0.0035
Qz,E projected ellipse fwhm and slope angle: [3.5902e-07 3.6401e-04], 0.0604
Qx,Qy projected ellipse fwhm and slope angle: [2.6552e-06 1.6426e-07], -171.9703
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# Format: McCode list with text headers
# URL: http://www.mccode.org
# Creator: McStas 2.7 - Nov. 27, 2020
# Instrument: 4_rows_15002_Copy.instr
# Ncount: 10000000
# Trace: no
# Gravitation: no
# Seed: 1611952212
# Directory: /home/marta/Pulpit/secondary_spectrometer/15002/4_rows_15002_Copy_20210129_211139
# Param: part=1
# Param: source_lambda_min=0.1
# Param: source_lambda_max=20
# Param: source_pulse_number=3
# Param: source_optics_dist=5.5
# Param: guide_width=0.05
# Param: guide_height=0.16
# Date: Fri Jan 29 21:12:36 2021 (1611943956)
# type: array_2d(11, 9)
# Source: Nera (4_rows_15002_Copy.instr)
# component: res_monitor
# position: 0 0 0
# title: Intensity Position Velocity Spin Position Velocity Spin Position Velocity Spin Time_Of_Flight Monitor (Cylinder) [out]
# Ncount: 10000000
# filename: restest.res
# statistics: X0=0; dX=0; Y0=0; dY=0;
# signal: Min=1.2395; Max=1.2395; Mean=0;
# values: 0 0 0
# xvar: List
# yvar: ki_x
# xlabel: List of neutron events
# ylabel: ki_x ki_y ki_z kf_x kf_y kf_z x y z p_i p_f
# zvar: I
# zlabel: Signal per bin
# xylimits: 1 9 1 11
# variables: ki_x ki_y ki_z kf_x kf_y kf_z x y z p_i p_f
# Data [res_monitor/restest.res] I:
1.239498242 0.01690790451 -0.0004617789973 -9.288420034 -0.6633113503 77.94551438 0.04054290853 0.008073102541 -0.02180912406 17686.92445 0.003358985711
1.446941162 -0.005785209556 -0.01385896096 0.3512177675 0.002894918929 2.877395978 -0.03324841251 0.006397586638 0.006463173007 4.774440251e-21 0.003358747968
1.447398948 0.01921151188 -0.01654320729 51.49461665 22.98233239 1091.142589 0.0209750188 -0.01929927341 0.02071586491 2.269504935e-55 0.003358960867
1.08248737 -0.004678240083 -0.01480273937 5.321046412 -0.1179329566 53.7700472 -0.0299902984 0.005472553688 0.01489358203 8.11931672e-46 0.003358665934
2.898283139 0.0266541818 -0.02344560354 0.002162261097 0.04455602534 4.653730835 0.04224900672 -0.01585723621 -0.00827661431 6.706761293e-96 0.003358923371
1.734101061 0.02494991257 0.02377737745 48.38589574 8.246529936 456.0693384 -0.04024061637 -0.02046127145 -0.01749918358 2.785927544e-170 0.003358985711
1.446584857 0.02475078952 -0.008994862538 -62.00512013 0.6975900223 1211.344079 0.0383377619 -0.008899033634 0.003862788702 11.36121833 0.003358862109
1.444951341 -0.01807339577 0.007458500591 0.0999411382 -0.03441644628 9.455524275 -0.04879574176 0.00383166824 0.00918955748 24264.9544 0.003358685419
1.746259797 0.02136162654 -0.01151025526 -0.0662447808 -0.008596918781 1.464674551 0.0190632282 0.01399680023 0.02097933971 0.006341862102 0.8883759638
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