[mcstas-users] McStas 3.0 - running mcgui (WSL 1, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)

Dembski-Villalta, Michal Piotr michal.dembski-villalta at tum.de
Sat Feb 6 18:39:32 CET 2021

Dear McStas users,

I'm writing with a problem, I believe similar to a recent issue (already resolved here https://mailman2.mcstas.org/pipermail/mcstas-users/2021q1/001391.html), however that solution did not help me. After installing McStas 3.0 on Windows 10 (WSL1, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) I get the following error:

.../McStas$ mcgui
/usr/share/mcstas/3.0/bin/mcgui: 14: [[: not found
/usr/share/mcstas/3.0/bin/mcgui: 27: export:
Files/WindowsApps/CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu20.04onWindows_2004.2020.812.0_x64__79rhkp1fndgsc:/mnt/c/Program: bad variable name

I would be grateful for any help with it.
Michał Dembski-Villalta

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