[mcstas-users] McStas simulation of nested elliptical optic with many levels crashes

Erik B Knudsen erkn at fysik.dtu.dk
Wed Aug 18 13:54:11 CEST 2021

Dear Richard
(writing to the mailing list as well as it may interest others)
I have now understood what happens: Your issue is caused by a buffer 
overrun. If the number of intersections computed by off_intersect 
exceeds 100 - this results in undefined behaviour.
The number 100 is hardcoded (via a #define) within the interoff library.

In your particular case, it appears that when a neutron is on a 
trajectory towards a corner of your square channels it may reflect many 
times, each time with a higher angle, and eventually be on a trajectory 
which intersects many polygons, thus triggering the buffer overrun. Also 
this error was not properly caught in the code.

I'll increase the number of possible intersections in the development 
tree, and fix the check. That way it'll get better in the next release.

In the meantime, as a workaround, you may edit the generated c-file
or the interoff-lib.h file found in your McStas-tree.
Change the line
  #define OFF_INTERSECT_MAX 100
to something bigger such as
  #define OFF_INTERSECT_MAX 1000

Any bigger than 1024 is not really meaningful because that is what the 
overrun-check checks for :-).

This makes the code run and it appears to work also with your original 
file, i.e. the smaller ones. So that's good I suppose.


On 12/07/2021 13:39, Richard Wagner wrote:
> Dear Erik,
> the random seed has an influence on the point (in time) when the 
> simulation crashes.
> That means for certain seeds a simulation run will survive and crash 
> only after repeating the run with another seed,
> or depending on our simulation we have a crash at a run were we added 
> more nested optical elements.
> If the seed is held fix and an error occurs, it is repeated each run and 
> becomes reproducible.
> Hope that info helps to shed light on the issue.
> Best,
> Richard
> On 07/07/2021 14:56, Erik B Knudsen wrote:
>> Dear Richard,
>> That is unfortunate. We will investigate the matter on our end.
>> From what you describe - it sounds like there is a memory leak somewhere.
>> Is the "point of crash" always the same across simulation runs or does 
>> it vary (as I would expect)? I.e. does it depend on the random seed?
>> Also thank you for the very thorough report btw. If only they were all 
>> like this.
>> cheers
>> Erik
>> On 07/07/2021 14:08, Richard Wagner wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> here is a follow up.
>>> In short crashes still occur.
>>> Of our many tests I will point out two scenarios:
>>> a) double planar optic with corrected OFF File. Now the surfaces 
>>> don't intersect each other anymore they have only common sides. With 
>>> this approach the number of points and faces explodes as one goes to 
>>> a higher number of levels (vertices scale with the square of the levels)
>>> The simulation start to take noticeably longer (several minutes 
>>> compared two ~20 sec). and we get a crash after increasing to 90 
>>> levels with the message
>>> # McStas 2.7 - Nov. 27, 2020: [pid 4509] Signal 11 detected SIGSEGV 
>>> (Mem Error)
>>> # Simulation: NNb (NNb_90.instr)
>>> # Breakpoint: end_event (Trace) 0.68 % ( 6771.0/ 1000000.0)
>>> # Date: Wed Jul 7 14:03:06 2021
>>> # Started: Wed Jul 7 14:03:00 2021
>>> # Last I/O Error: No such file or directory
>>> b) a Single mono Planar mirror
>>> The simulation crashes with either of the following messages, when 
>>> the amount of nested levels is above 115.
>>> # McStas 2.7 - Nov. 27, 2020: [pid 98724] Signal 11 detected SIGSEGV 
>>> (Mem Error)
>>> # Simulation: NNb (NNb_115.instr)
>>> # Breakpoint: nested (Trace) 0.18 % ( 1821.0/ 1000000.0)
>>> # Date: Wed Jul 7 12:57:49 2021
>>> # Started: Wed Jul 7 12:57:49 2021
>>> # Last I/O Error: No such file or directory
>>> # McStas 2.7 - Nov. 27, 2020: [pid 1196] Signal 11 detected SIGSEGV 
>>> (Mem Error) # Simulation: NNb (NNb.instr) # Breakpoint: end_event 
>>> (Trace) 2.17 % ( 21733.0/ 1000000.0)
>>> Any ideas, which memory runs out?
>>> We made the observation that when running the same simulation with 
>>> McStasScript we run into the crash earlier (level 75 instead of the 115)
>>> I put the off files of the two cases in the attachment. The 
>>> instrument files is the same during all tests (means only the OFF of 
>>> the Guide_anyshape) is changed
>>> Hope for any ideas, how to proceed further.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Best,
>>> Richard
>>> On 05/07/2021 11:55, Erik B Knudsen wrote:
>>>> Dear Richard,
>>>> Very good to hear. For sure, overlapping polygons is expected to 
>>>> create problems and undefined behaviour. The underlying routine that 
>>>> checks polygon intersections does not check for consistency, and 
>>>> instead only checks which polygon it hits first, which could be the 
>>>> wrong one.
>>>> That the problem only arises at a certain level of complexity is 
>>>> perhaps connected to the sheer number of overlaps becoming large - 
>>>> but that is merely guesswork on my part.
>>>> Looking forward to hearing the further output of your efforts.
>>>> cheers
>>>> Erik
>>>> On 02/07/2021 13:30, Richard Wagner wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> we had in the meantime a detailed look in the matter from our side 
>>>>> and suspect know a problem with the OFF-file
>>>>> If we use a mono planar version of the optic (see example in the 
>>>>> attachment) we can increase the nested levels ad lib.
>>>>> We are only limited by the fact that the spacing between the levels 
>>>>> is becoming so small, that it makes no sense to continue.
>>>>> A major difference between the single and double planar optic is 
>>>>> that the double planar OFF-File has surfaces that intersect each 
>>>>> other.
>>>>> I don't know if this is "allowed" or if it can cause McStas to have 
>>>>> problems during the simulation.
>>>>> Until a certain level of complexity it worked fine.
>>>>> What we are currently doing is to change the function (written in 
>>>>> python), that generates the double planar OFF-file to generate 
>>>>> additional vertexes and faces at the intersection of the surfaces. 
>>>>> So we end up having a cleanly defined optic with no 'undefined 
>>>>> intersections'.
>>>>> I will report the outcome of this changes.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Richard
>>>>> On 02/07/2021 09:35, Erik B Knudsen wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Richard,
>>>>>> Thank you for the thorough and detailed report. We will take a 
>>>>>> look at your problem asap and report back.
>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>> Erik
>>>>>> On 29/06/2021 18:31, Richard Wagner wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear McStas experts,
>>>>>>> We are currently doing simulations with nested elliptical optics 
>>>>>>> and so far things ran quiet smoothly.
>>>>>>> We generate the OFF file for the optic ourselves and use the 
>>>>>>> Guide_anyshape component.
>>>>>>> We start with an outer layer and continue to add inner layers one 
>>>>>>> at a time.
>>>>>>> If we then get to optical components that have a high number of 
>>>>>>> levels we run into the problem, that McStas crashes resp. aborts 
>>>>>>> the simulation.
>>>>>>> Output in that case reads:
>>>>>>> # McStas 2.7 - Nov. 27, 2020: [pid 64818] Signal 11 detected 
>>>>>>> SIGSEGV (Mem Error)
>>>>>>> # Simulation: NNb (NNb.instr)
>>>>>>> # Breakpoint: psd_monitor (Trace) 2.46 % (   24574.0/ 1000000.0)
>>>>>>> # Date:      Tue Jun 29 17:44:13 2021
>>>>>>> # Started:   Tue Jun 29 17:44:13 2021
>>>>>>> # Last I/O Error: No such file or directory
>>>>>>> # McStas 2.7 - Nov. 27, 2020: Simulation stop (abort).
>>>>>>> Or
>>>>>>> # McStas 2.7 - Nov. 27, 2020: [pid 66573] Signal 10 detected 
>>>>>>> [proc 0] SIGBUS (Bus error)
>>>>>>> # Simulation: NNb (NNb.instr)
>>>>>>> # Breakpoint: nested (Trace) 85.56 % (  855555.0/ 1000000.0)
>>>>>>> # Date:      Tue Jun 29 18:00:32 2021
>>>>>>> # Started:   Tue Jun 29 18:00:28 2021
>>>>>>> # Last I/O Error: No such file or directory
>>>>>>> There are many messages such as the following in the Mcstas 
>>>>>>> Window, too:
>>>>>>> Guide_anyshape: nested: Warning: Reflectivity R=7.02318 > 1 
>>>>>>> lowered to R=1.
>>>>>>> Guide_anyshape: nested: Warning: Reflectivity R=7.02365 > 1 
>>>>>>> lowered to R=1.
>>>>>>> Guide_anyshape: nested: Warning: Reflectivity R=7.02412 > 1 
>>>>>>> lowered to R=1.
>>>>>>> Guide_anyshape: nested: Warning: Reflectivity R=7.0246 > 1 
>>>>>>> lowered to R=1.
>>>>>>> I put an example of an instrument file (+OFF , +Source Component) 
>>>>>>> of a failed run for a 1m optic in the attachment.
>>>>>>> The trace run for instrument visualization works.
>>>>>>> We only run into the problem for short optics <=2 m, were a high 
>>>>>>> number of nested levels is needed to completely cover the cross 
>>>>>>> section.
>>>>>>> We run into the problem on Ubuntu 18.04 and MacOs Big Sur machines.
>>>>>>> Any ideas what's the problem? Are the spacing of the elliptical 
>>>>>>> getting to narrow, perhaps?
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> *Richard Wagner*
>>>>>>> Research Engineer
>>>>>>> Nuclear and Particle Physics Group
>>>>>>> Institut Laue-Langevin - ILL
>>>>>>> 71, avenue des Martyrs
>>>>>>> CS 20156
>>>>>>> 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9
>>>>>>> France
>>>>>>> www.ill.eu <www.ill.eu>
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> mcstas-users mailing list
>>>>>>> mcstas-users at mcstas.org
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>>>>> -- 
>>>>> *Richard Wagner*
>>>>> Research Engineer
>>>>> Nuclear and Particle Physics Group
>>>>> Institut Laue-Langevin - ILL
>>>>> 71, avenue des Martyrs
>>>>> CS 20156
>>>>> 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9
>>>>> France
>>>>> www.ill.eu <www.ill.eu>
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> mcstas-users mailing list
>>>>> mcstas-users at mcstas.org
>>>>> https://mailman2.mcstas.org/mailman/listinfo/mcstas-users
>>> -- 
>>> *Richard Wagner*
>>> Research Engineer
>>> Nuclear and Particle Physics Group
>>> Institut Laue-Langevin - ILL
>>> 71, avenue des Martyrs
>>> CS 20156
>>> 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9
>>> France
>>> www.ill.eu <www.ill.eu>
> -- 
> *Richard Wagner*
> Research Engineer
> Nuclear and Particle Physics Group
> Institut Laue-Langevin - ILL
> 71, avenue des Martyrs
> CS 20156
> 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9
> France
> www.ill.eu <www.ill.eu>

Erik Bergbäck Knudsen, Research Engineer         | DTU | morituri
NEXMAP, DTU Fysik, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark  |<>-<>|    te
phone: (+45) 2132 6655                           |<>-<>| salutant

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