[mcstas-users] MCPL_input and Emin/Emax

Richard Wagner wagnerrichard at ill.fr
Tue Nov 16 18:12:47 CET 2021

Dear All

I did same tests with the MCPL_Input component and ran into the 
following behavior when using the Emin, Emax parameters (see the 
attached file).
One can select an energy range with them.

It seems that the the effect of the Emin resp. Emax is mixed up.
Could this be or am I missing something.



*Richard Wagner*
Research Engineer
Nuclear and Particle Physics Group
Institut Laue-Langevin - ILL
71, avenue des Martyrs
CS 20156
38042 Grenoble Cedex 9

www.ill.eu <www.ill.eu>

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