[mcstas-users] McXtrace school 2023 @ SOLEIL : modelling BL with photon sources, optics, samples and detectors

Emmanuel FARHI emmanuel.farhi at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Wed Mar 29 09:36:11 CEST 2023


The Data Reduction and Analysis Group at SOLEIL (GRADES) is organising a 
school :

  * *McXtrace training, May 9-12, 2023*

on the topic of beam-line modelling, geared towards beam-line scientists.

The McXtrace <https://mcxtrace.org/> tool is indeed suitable for 
simulating complete X beam-lines, with sample models (powder and 
single-crystal diffraction, absorption, inelastic scattering, 
fluorescence, tomography, small angles ), in order to obtain "virtual 
experiments" (aka digital twins). The school will take place at 
Synchrotron SOLEIL. Registration is free, but you will have to pay for 
the travel and accommodation (we have a cheap local guest-house).

Registration before April 17, 2023 (20 seats) at:

  * https://indico.synchrotron-soleil.fr/e/mcxtrace2023

Detailed information about the event:

  * https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/Schools/blob/master/2023/SOLEIL_May_2023

See you soon Emmanuel.

/ ___|__/\_| |   | ____|_ _| |      FARHI Emmanuel
\___ \\ | |   |  _|  | || |      Div Exp/Data Reduction and Analysis Team
  ___) /_  _| |___| |___ | || |___   Tel : +33 (1) 69 35 96 04 
|____/  \/ |_____|_____|___|_____|  Saint-Aubin BP 48 - 91192 GIF/YVETTE 
SYNCHROTRON http://www.synchrotron-soleil.fr
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