[mcstas-users] Can' Scan McStas3 on Win11
Peter Kjær Willendrup
pkwi at dtu.dk
Thu Jun 13 22:30:59 CEST 2024
Hi Todd.
I reproduce your issue with McStas 3.4 - also here on my mac, and looking a bit further was actually known already :-)
The problem is that the scan-tool in 3.4 and earlier attempts to pick up monitor-data from “datafiles” and in fact the simple Monitor() does not store output files in those versions.
A simple workaround is to replace the (scalar counting) Monitor() instances with (pixellated) PSD_monitor(), see attached instr file.
( For reference the issue has in fact been fixed in the McStas sources and will disappear with the next release of McStas. :-) )
Hope the workaround is OK for your use - and sorry for the inconvenience.
All the best, ,
On 13 Jun 2024, at 21.55, Sherline, Todd <sherlinete at ornl.gov> wrote:
Thank you for the reply. Since my previous email, I tested scans using BNL_H9.instr as downloaded from the McStas site. I was able to scan over lambda using that instr file.
I’ve attached the instr I’m using and the supplementary files it calls. When I run it with a single set of parameters, it runs fine. When I scan over a parameter, it generates output for the first value within a subdirectory “0” and creates an empty mccode.dat file.
The screenshot shows what I type in. The scan is over the IncidentCollRadius and has argument 0.002,0.0025, but it got cut off from the screen.
The end of the output looks like:
Detector: Norm_Mon_2_Flux_I=709023 Norm_Mon_2_Flux_ERR=5152.36 Norm_Mon_2_Flux_N=21731 "Norm_Mon_2_Flux"
Detector: SampleColl_up_Flux_Tile_I=709023 SampleColl_up_Flux_Tile_ERR=5152.36 SampleColl_up_Flux_Tile_N=21731 "SampleColl_up_Flux_Tile"
Detector: SampleColl_dn_Flux_Ap_I=53261.2 SampleColl_dn_Flux_Ap_ERR=1421.34 SampleColl_dn_Flux_Ap_N=1563 "SampleColl_dn_Flux_Ap"
Detector: Sample_Position_Flux_Tile_I=53261.2 Sample_Position_Flux_Tile_ERR=1421.34 Sample_Position_Flux_Tile_N=1563 "Sample_Position_Flux_Tile"
Detector: Sample_Position_Flux_Ap_I=45675.9 Sample_Position_Flux_Ap_ERR=1321.34 Sample_Position_Flux_Ap_N=1324 "Sample_Position_Flux_Ap"
Finally [SNAP: Z:\Sherline\Work\Experiments\ULT_DAC\IPTS-32577.1\McStas_SNAP\MyStuff\TestingForScans\StartWithThomass\SNAP_McStas3_5_20240613_153300/0]. Time: 7 [s]
INFO: Finish running step, get detectors
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\mcstas-3.4\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\mcrun.py", line 562, in <module>
File "C:\mcstas-3.4\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\mcrun.py", line 531, in main
scanner.run() # in optimisation.py
File "C:\mcstas-3.4\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\optimisation.py", line 259, in run
detectors = mcsimdetectors(current_dir)
File "C:\mcstas-3.4\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\optimisation.py", line 169, in mcsimdetectors
return [Detector(d['component'], *d['values'].split(), d['filename']) for d in blocks]
File "C:\mcstas-3.4\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\optimisation.py", line 169, in <listcomp>
return [Detector(d['component'], *d['values'].split(), d['filename']) for d in blocks]
KeyError: 'filename'
From: Peter Kjær Willendrup <pkwi at dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at dtu.dk>>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2024 3:12 PM
To: mcstas <mcstas-users at mcstas.org<mailto:mcstas-users at mcstas.org>>
Cc: Sherline, Todd <sherlinete at ornl.gov<mailto:sherlinete at ornl.gov>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [mcstas-users] Can' Scan McStas3 on Win11
Hi Todd
I believe we are no longer sensitive to the mention proxy issue, and this should have nothing to do with the issue you mention.
- And there should be no reason to reinstall anything if you are able to bring up the gui.
Can you elaborate a bit on how you are attempting to scan - and how it fails for you? (e.g. send me a screenshot)
To run a scan in mcgui:
- Bring up the “run dialogue”
- Supply the scan-range by adding e.g. 0,1 (no whitespace) in a parameter entry box
- Supply the wanted number of steps e.g. 11
To run a scan on the commandline
- use mcrun and supply parameter range and number of steps using e.g.
mcrun instrument.instr par1=0,1 -N11
Sherlinete at ornl.gov<http://ornl.gov/> wrote:
HI all,
I cannot perform parameter scans using my installation of McStas 3.4. I am running on a 64 bit Windows 10 Enterprise machine.
I noticed that there are specific installation instructions for the case when my machine is behind a proxy server. I am at the SNS, so I assume that is the case, but I did not follow those instructions when I installed the McStas 3.4 Metapackage. Could this be the reason I cannot run a scan? Other than the problem with scans, the installation seems to work fine. Should I try reinstalling it using the instructions specific to proxy servers?
Any other ideas why this problem may crop up?
Peter Kjær Willendrup
Forskningsingeniør, Specialkonsulent
DTU Physics
Technical University of Denmark
Department of Physics
Building 307
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
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Building 305
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
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pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>
<Screenshot 2024-06-13 153819.jpg><a1G0AD-2-f5.dat><SNAP_McStas3_5.instr><SNAPguide_new_final_final>_______________________________________________
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Peter Kjær Willendrup
Forskningsingeniør, Specialkonsulent
DTU Physics
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pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk
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