[mcstas-users] Can' Scan McStas3 on Win11
Sherline, Todd
sherlinete at ornl.gov
Thu Jun 13 21:55:15 CEST 2024
Thank you for the reply. Since my previous email, I tested scans using BNL_H9.instr as downloaded from the McStas site. I was able to scan over lambda using that instr file.
I’ve attached the instr I’m using and the supplementary files it calls. When I run it with a single set of parameters, it runs fine. When I scan over a parameter, it generates output for the first value within a subdirectory “0” and creates an empty mccode.dat file.
The screenshot shows what I type in. The scan is over the IncidentCollRadius and has argument 0.002,0.0025, but it got cut off from the screen.
The end of the output looks like:
Detector: Norm_Mon_2_Flux_I=709023 Norm_Mon_2_Flux_ERR=5152.36 Norm_Mon_2_Flux_N=21731 "Norm_Mon_2_Flux"
Detector: SampleColl_up_Flux_Tile_I=709023 SampleColl_up_Flux_Tile_ERR=5152.36 SampleColl_up_Flux_Tile_N=21731 "SampleColl_up_Flux_Tile"
Detector: SampleColl_dn_Flux_Ap_I=53261.2 SampleColl_dn_Flux_Ap_ERR=1421.34 SampleColl_dn_Flux_Ap_N=1563 "SampleColl_dn_Flux_Ap"
Detector: Sample_Position_Flux_Tile_I=53261.2 Sample_Position_Flux_Tile_ERR=1421.34 Sample_Position_Flux_Tile_N=1563 "Sample_Position_Flux_Tile"
Detector: Sample_Position_Flux_Ap_I=45675.9 Sample_Position_Flux_Ap_ERR=1321.34 Sample_Position_Flux_Ap_N=1324 "Sample_Position_Flux_Ap"
Finally [SNAP: Z:\Sherline\Work\Experiments\ULT_DAC\IPTS-32577.1\McStas_SNAP\MyStuff\TestingForScans\StartWithThomass\SNAP_McStas3_5_20240613_153300/0]. Time: 7 [s]
INFO: Finish running step, get detectors
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\mcstas-3.4\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\mcrun.py", line 562, in <module>
File "C:\mcstas-3.4\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\mcrun.py", line 531, in main
scanner.run() # in optimisation.py
File "C:\mcstas-3.4\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\optimisation.py", line 259, in run
detectors = mcsimdetectors(current_dir)
File "C:\mcstas-3.4\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\optimisation.py", line 169, in mcsimdetectors
return [Detector(d['component'], *d['values'].split(), d['filename']) for d in blocks]
File "C:\mcstas-3.4\lib\tools\Python\mcrun\optimisation.py", line 169, in <listcomp>
return [Detector(d['component'], *d['values'].split(), d['filename']) for d in blocks]
KeyError: 'filename'
[cid:image001.png at 01DABDA8.F41A7160]
From: Peter Kjær Willendrup <pkwi at dtu.dk>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2024 3:12 PM
To: mcstas <mcstas-users at mcstas.org>
Cc: Sherline, Todd <sherlinete at ornl.gov>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [mcstas-users] Can' Scan McStas3 on Win11
Hi Todd
I believe we are no longer sensitive to the mention proxy issue, and this should have nothing to do with the issue you mention.
- And there should be no reason to reinstall anything if you are able to bring up the gui.
Can you elaborate a bit on how you are attempting to scan - and how it fails for you? (e.g. send me a screenshot)
To run a scan in mcgui:
- Bring up the “run dialogue”
- Supply the scan-range by adding e.g. 0,1 (no whitespace) in a parameter entry box
- Supply the wanted number of steps e.g. 11
To run a scan on the commandline
- use mcrun and supply parameter range and number of steps using e.g.
mcrun instrument.instr par1=0,1 -N11
Sherlinete at ornl.gov wrote:
HI all,
I cannot perform parameter scans using my installation of McStas 3.4. I am running on a 64 bit Windows 10 Enterprise machine.
I noticed that there are specific installation instructions for the case when my machine is behind a proxy server. I am at the SNS, so I assume that is the case, but I did not follow those instructions when I installed the McStas 3.4 Metapackage. Could this be the reason I cannot run a scan? Other than the problem with scans, the installation seems to work fine. Should I try reinstalling it using the instructions specific to proxy servers?
Any other ideas why this problem may crop up?
Peter Kjær Willendrup
Forskningsingeniør, Specialkonsulent
DTU Physics
Technical University of Denmark
[cid:image003.gif at 01DABDA8.F41A7160]
Department of Physics
Building 307
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
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pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk<mailto:pkwi at fysik.dtu.dk>
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