Gravity_guide and Monitor_nD components for McStas 1.4
Emmanuel Farhi
farhi at
Mon Aug 6 12:09:00 CEST 2001
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* McStas, the neutron ray-tracing package: Gravity_guide.comp
* Copyright 1997-2001 Risoe National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark
* %I
* Written by: <a href="mailto:farhi at">Emmanuel Farhi</a>
* Date: Aug 03 2001
* Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
* Origin: <a href="">ILL (France)</a>. Aug 03 2001.
* Modified by: E. Farhi, from Gravity_guide by K. Lefmann (buggy).
* Neutron guide with gravity.
* %D
* Models a rectangular guide tube centered on the Z axis. The entrance lies
* in the X-Y plane. Gravitation applies also when reaching the guide input
* window. The guide can be channeled (k,d parameters). The guide coating
* specifications may be entered via different ways (global, opposite side
* pars, each wall m-value).
* For details on the geometry calculation see the description in the McStas
* reference manual.
* %P
* w1: (m) Width at the guide entry
* h1: (m) Height at the guide entry
* w2: (m) Width at the guide exit
* h2: (m) Height at the guide exit
* l: (m) length of guide
* R0: (1) Low-angle reflectivity
* Qc: (AA-1) Critical scattering vector
* alpha: (AA) Slope of reflectivity
* m: (1) m-value of material. Zero means completely absorbing.
* W: (AA-1) Width of supermirror cut-off
* d: (m) Thickness of subdividing walls [0]
* k: (1) Number of channels in the guide (>= 1) [1]
* Optional input parameters: (different ways for m-specifications)
* G: (m/s2) Gravitation acceleration along y axis [-9.81]
* Gx: (m/s2) Gravitation acceleration along x axis [0]
* Gy: (m/s2) Gravitation acceleration along y axis [-9.81]
* Gz: (m/s2) Gravitation acceleration along z axis [0]
* mh: (1) m-value of material for left/right vert. mirrors
* mv: (1) m-value of material for top/bottom horz. mirrors
* mx: (1) m-value of material for left/right vert. mirrors
* my: (1) m-value of material for top/bottom horz. mirrors
* mleft: (1) m-value of material for left. vert. mirror
* mright: (1) m-value of material for right. vert. mirror
* mtop: (1) m-value of material for top. horz. mirror
* mbottom: (1) m-value of material for bottom. horz. mirror
* %D
* Example values: m=4 Qc=0.02 W=1/300 alpha=6.49 R0=1
* %E
SETTING PARAMETERS (w1, h1, w2, h2, l,
R0=0.99, Qc=0.021, alpha=6.07, m=1.0, W=0.003, k=1, d=0.0005,
Gx=0,Gy=-9.81,Gz=0, G=0,
mh=-1,mv=-1,mx=-1, my=-1,
mleft=-1, mright=-1, mtop=-1, mbottom=-1)
OUTPUT PARAMETERS (gx,gy,gz,nx,ny,nz,wx,wy,wz,A,norm_n,norm_n2,N_reflection,w1c,w2c,M)
STATE PARAMETERS (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,t,s1,s2,p)
#ifndef Gravity_guide_here
#define Gravity_guide_here
/* this function calculates the intersection between a neutron trajectory
* and a plane with acceleration gx,gy,gz. The neutron starts at point x,y,z
* with velocity vx, vy, vz. The plane has a normal vector nx,ny,nz and
* contains the point wx,wy,wz
* The function returns 0 if no intersection occured after the neutron started
* and 1 if there is an intersection. Then *Idt is the elapsed time until
* the neutron hits the roof.
/* Let n=(nx,ny,nz) be the normal plane vector (one of the six sides)
* Let W=(wx,wy,wz) be Any point on this plane (for instance at z=0)
* The problem consists in solving the 2nd order equation:
* 1/2.n.g.t^2 + n.v.t + n.(r-W) = 0 (1)
* Without acceleration, t=-n.(r-W)/n.v
int plane_intersect_Gfast(double *Idt,
double A, double B, double C)
/* plane_intersect_Gfast(&dt, A, B, C)
* A = 0.5 n.g; B = n.v; C = n.(r-W);
* no cceleration when A=0
double D, sD;
double dt1, dt2;
*Idt = -1;
if (A == 0) /* this plane is parallel to the acceleration */
if (B == 0) /* the speed is parallel to the plane, no intersection */
return (0);
else /* no acceleration case */
{ *Idt = -C/B;
if (*Idt >= 0) return (2);
else return (0); }
/* Delta > 0: neutron trajectory hits the mirror */
D = B*B - 4*A*C;
if (D >= 0)
sD = sqrt(D);
dt1 = (-B + sD)/2/A;
dt2 = (-B - sD)/2/A;
if (dt1 <0 && dt2 >=0) *Idt = dt2;
if (dt2 <0 && dt1 >=0) *Idt = dt1;
if (dt1 <0 && dt2 < 0) return (0);
if (dt1 < dt2) *Idt = dt1;
*Idt = dt2;
return (1);
else /* Delta <0: no intersection */
return (0);
#define PROP_GRAV_DT(dt, Ax, Ay, Az) \
do { \
mcnlx += mcnlvx*dt + Ax*dt*dt/2; \
mcnly += mcnlvy*dt + Ay*dt*dt/2; \
mcnlz += mcnlvz*dt + Az*dt*dt/2; \
mcnlvx += Ax*dt; \
mcnlvy += Ay*dt; \
mcnlvz += Az*dt; \
mcnlt += dt; \
} while(0)
/* The rotation of axes is a variable named "mcrota" ## mccompcurname */
/* The position of comp is a variable named "mcposa" ## mccompcurname */
double gx;
double gy;
double gz;
double nx[6], ny[6], nz[6];
double wx[6], wy[6], wz[6];
double A[6], norm_n2[6], norm_n[6];
long N_reflection[7]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
double w1c;
double w2c;
double M[5]={0,0,0,0,0};
int i;
gx = Gx; /* The gravitation vector in the current component axis system */
if (G) gy = G; else gy = Gy;
gz = Gz;
if (k == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Fatal: no channel in this guide (k=0).\n", mccompcurname); exit(-1); }
if (d < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Fatal: subdividing walls have negative thickness in this guide (d<0).\n", mccompcurname); exit(-1); }
w1c = (w1 + d)/(double)k;
w2c = (w2 + d)/(double)k;
for (i=0; i <= 4; M[i++]=m);
if (mx >= 0) { M[1] = mx; M[2] = mx; }
if (mh >= 0) { M[1] = mh; M[2] = mh; }
if (my >= 0) { M[1] = my; M[2] = my; }
if (mv >= 0) { M[1] = mv; M[2] = mv; }
if (mleft >= 0) M[1] = mleft ;
if (mright >= 0) M[2] = mright ;
if (mtop >= 0) M[3] = mtop ;
if (mbottom >= 0) M[4] = mbottom;
/* This is now the downward gravitation vector */
nx[1] = l; ny[1] = 0; nz[1] = -0.5*(w2c-w1c); /* 1:+X left */
nx[2] = -l; ny[2] = 0; nz[2] = nz[1]; /* 2:-X right */
nx[3] = 0; ny[3] = l; nz[3] = -0.5*(h2-h1); /* 3:+Y top */
nx[4] = 0; ny[4] = -l; nz[4] = nz[3]; /* 4:-Y bottom */
nx[5] = 0; ny[5] = 0; nz[5] = 1; /* 5:+Z exit */
nx[0] = 0; ny[0] = 0; nz[0] = -1; /* 0:Z0 input */
wx[1] = +(w1c-d)/2; wy[1] = 0; wz[1] = 0; /* 1:+X left */
wx[2] = -(w1c-d)/2; wy[2] = 0; wz[2] = 0; /* 2:-X right */
wx[3] = 0; wy[3] = +h1/2; wz[3] = 0; /* 3:+Y top */
wx[4] = 0; wy[4] = -h1/2; wz[4] = 0; /* 4:-Y bottom */
wx[5] = 0; wy[5] = 0; wz[5] = l; /* 5:+Z exit */
wx[0] = 0; wy[0] = 0; wz[0] = 0; /* 0:Z0 input */
for (i=0; i <= 5; i++)
A[i] = scalar_prod(nx[i], ny[i], nz[i], gx, gy, gz)/2;
norm_n2[i] = nx[i]*nx[i] + ny[i]*ny[i] + nz[i]*nz[i];
if (norm_n2[i] <= 0)
{ fprintf(stderr,"%s: Fatal: normal vector norm %i is null/negative ! Check guide dimensions.\n", mccompcurname, i); exit(-1); } /* should never occur */
norm_n[i] = sqrt(norm_n2[i]);
double n_dot_v[6];
double B, C, dt0, dt;
double q;
int ret, side;
double edge;
double hadj; /* Channel displacement */
dt = -1; dt0 = -1;
/* propagate to box input (with gravitation) in comp local coords */
/* 0=Z0 side: n=(0, 0, 1) ; W = (0, 0, 0) (at z=0, guide input)*/
B = -vz; C = -z;
ret = plane_intersect_Gfast(&dt0, A[0], B, C);
if (ret && dt0>0)
dt = dt0;
PROP_GRAV_DT(dt, gx, gy, gz);
/* check if we are in the box input, else absorb */
if(dt < 0 || x <= -w1/2 || x >= w1/2 || y <= -h1/2 || y >= h2/2)
/* Shift origin to center of channel hit (absorb if hit dividing walls) */
x += w1/2.0;
edge = floor(x/w1c)*w1c;
if(x - edge > w1c - d)
x -= w1/2.0; /* Re-adjust origin */
x -= (edge + (w1c - d)/2.0);
hadj = edge + (w1c - d)/2.0 - w1/2.0;
/* neutron is now in the input window of the guide */
/* do loops on reflections in the box */
/* get intersections for all box sides */
/* A = 0.5 n.g; B = n.v; C = n.(r-W);
A = scalar_prod(nx,ny,nz,gx,gy,gz)/2;
B = scalar_prod(nx,ny,nz,vx,vy,vz);
C = scalar_prod(nx,ny,nz,x-wx,y-wy,z-wz);
side = 0;
/* starts with the exit side intersection (the last one !)*/
/* 5=+Z side: n=(0, 0, 1) ; W = (0, 0, l) (at z=l, guide exit)*/
B = vz; C = z - wz[5];
ret = plane_intersect_Gfast(&dt0, A[5], B, C);
if (ret && dt0>0)
{ dt = dt0; side=5;
n_dot_v[5] = B; }
{ fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning: neutron trajectory is parallel to guide exit, and thus can not exit\n", mccompcurname); x += hadj; ABSORB; }
/* now look if there is a previous intersection with guide sides */
/* 1=+X side: n=(l, 0, -0.5*(w2-w1)) ; W = (+w1/2, 0, 0) (left)*/
B = nx[1]*vx + nz[1]*vz; C = nx[1]*(x-wx[1]) + nz[1]*z; /* ny=wz=0 */
ret = plane_intersect_Gfast(&dt0, A[1], B, C);
if (ret && dt0>10e-10 && dt0<dt)
{ dt = dt0; side=1; n_dot_v[1] = B; }
/* 2=-X side: n=(l, 0, +0.5*(w2-w1)) ; W = (-w1/2, 0, 0) (right) */
B = nx[2]*vx + nz[2]*vz; C = nx[2]*(x-wx[2]) + nz[2]*z; /* ny=wz=0 */
ret = plane_intersect_Gfast(&dt0, A[2], B, C);
if (ret && dt0>10e-10 && dt0<dt)
{ dt = dt0; side=2; n_dot_v[2] = B; }
/* 3=+Y side: n=(0, l, -0.5*(h2-h1)) ; W = (0, +h1/2, 0) (up) */
B = ny[3]*vy + nz[3]*vz; C = ny[3]*(y-wy[3]) + nz[3]*z; /* nx=wz=0 */
ret = plane_intersect_Gfast(&dt0, A[3], B, C);
if (ret && dt0>10e-10 && dt0<dt)
{ dt = dt0; side=3; n_dot_v[3] = B; }
/* 4=-Y side: n=(0, l, +0.5*(h2-h1)) ; W = (0, -h1/2, 0) (down) */
B = ny[4]*vy + nz[4]*vz; C = ny[4]*(y-wy[4]) + nz[4]*z; /* nx=wz=0 */
ret = plane_intersect_Gfast(&dt0, A[4], B, C);
if (ret && dt0>10e-10 && dt0<dt)
{ dt = dt0; side=4; n_dot_v[4] = B; }
/* only positive dt are valid */
/* exit reflection loops if no intersection (neutron is after box) */
if (side == 0 || dt < 0)
{ fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning: neutron has entered guide, but can not exit !\n", mccompcurname); ABSORB; } /* should never occur */
if (side < 5 && (x < -w1 || x > w1 || y < -h1 || y > h2 ))
ABSORB; */ /* neutron has left guide through wall */
/* propagate to dt */
PROP_GRAV_DT(dt, gx, gy, gz);
/* do reflection on speed for l/r/u/d sides */
if (side == 5) /* neutron reaches end of guide: end loop and exit comp */
{ N_reflection[side]++; break; }
/* else reflection on a guide wall */
if(M[side] == 0 || Qc == 0) /* walls are absorbing */
{ x += hadj; ABSORB; }
/* change/mirror velocity: v_f = v - n.2*n.v/|n|^2 */
N_reflection[side]++; /* norm_n2 > 0 was checked at INIT */
dt0 = 2*n_dot_v[side]/norm_n2[side]; /* 2*n.v/|n|^2 */
vx -= nx[side]*dt0;
vy -= ny[side]*dt0;
vz -= nz[side]*dt0;
/* compute q and modify neutron weight */
/* scattering q=|k_i-k_f| = V2Q*|vf - v| = V2Q*2*n.v/|n| */
q = 2*V2Q*fabs(n_dot_v[side])/norm_n[side];
if(q > Qc)
double arg;
if (W>0)
arg = (q-M[side]*Qc)/W;
arg = (q-M[side]*Qc)*10000; /* W = 0.00001 */
if(arg < 10)
p *= .5*(1-tanh(arg))*(1-alpha*(q-Qc));
{ x += hadj; ABSORB; }; /* Cutoff ~ 1E-10 */
p *= R0;
x += hadj; SCATTER; x -= hadj;
/* go to the next reflection */
x += hadj; /* Re-adjust origin after SCATTER */
double x;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < k; i++)
i*w1c - w1/2.0, -h1/2.0, 0.0,
i*w2c - w2/2.0, -h2/2.0, (double)l,
i*w2c - w2/2.0, h2/2.0, (double)l,
i*w1c - w1/2.0, h1/2.0, 0.0,
i*w1c - w1/2.0, -h1/2.0, 0.0);
(i+1)*w1c - d - w1/2.0, -h1/2.0, 0.0,
(i+1)*w2c - d - w2/2.0, -h2/2.0, (double)l,
(i+1)*w2c - d - w2/2.0, h2/2.0, (double)l,
(i+1)*w1c - d - w1/2.0, h1/2.0, 0.0,
(i+1)*w1c - d - w1/2.0, -h1/2.0, 0.0);
line(-w1/2.0, -h1/2.0, 0.0, w1/2.0, -h1/2.0, 0.0);
line(-w2/2.0, -h2/2.0, (double)l, w2/2.0, -h2/2.0, (double)l);
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