Monitor_nD v0.15

Emmanuel Farhi farhi at
Thu Jul 26 13:57:46 CEST 2001

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* Component: Monitor_nD
* %Identification
* Written by: <a href="mailto:farhi at">Emmanuel Farhi</a>
* Date: 14th Feb 2000.
* Origin: <a href="">ILL (France)</a>
* Version: 0.15
* Modified by: EF, 29th Feb 2000 : added more options, monitor shape, theta, phi
* Modified by: EF, 10th Mar 2000 : use struct. 
* Modified by: EF, 25th May 2000 : correct Vars.Mon2D_Buffer alloc bug.
* Modified by: EF, 17th Oct 2000 : spin detector ok. (0.13.4)
* Modified by: EF, 19th Jan 2001 : 'auto limits' bug corrected (0.13.5)
* Modified by: EF, 01st Feb 2001 : PreMonitor for correlation studies (0.13.6)
* Modified by: EF, 02nd Feb 2001 : user variable (0.13.7)
* Modified by: EF, 2th  Feb 2001 : 3He gas absorption handling (0.13.8)
* Modified by: EF, 5th  Mar 2001 : intermediate savings (0.13.9)
* Modified by: EF, 5th  Apr 2001 : use global functions (0.14) compile faster
* Modified by: EF, 18th Apr 2001 : passes DETECTOR_OUT to mcdetector_out 0.14.1
* Modified by: EF, 23th Jul 2001 : log of signal, init arrays to 0, box (0.15)
* This component is a general Monitor that can output 0/1/2D signals 
* (Intensity vs. [something] and vs. [something] ...)
* %Description
* This component is a general Monitor that can output 0/1/2D signals 
* It can produce many 1D signals (one for any variable specified in 
* option list), or a single 2D output (two variables related).
* Also, an additional 'list' of neutrons can be produced.
* By default, monitor is square (in x/y plane). disk is also possible
* The 'cylinder' option will change that for banana shaped detector
* The 'sphere' option simulates spherical detector. The 'box' is a box.
* In normal configuration, the Monitor_nD measures the current parameters 
* of the neutron that is beeing detected. But a PreMonitor_nD component can 
* be used in order to study correlations between a neutron being detected in
* a Monitor_nD place, and given parameters that are monitored elsewhere 
* (at <b>PreMonitor_nD</b>).
* It is also possible, using the 'intermediate' keyword, to save monitor results
* every X percent of the simulation. The monitor can also act as a 3He gas
* detector, taking into account the detection efficiency.
* <b>Possible options are</b>
* Variables to record:
*     kx ky kz k wavevector (Angs-1) [    usually axis are
*     vx vy vz v            (m/s)         x=horz., y=vert., z=on axis]
*     x y z radius          (m)      Distance, Position
*     t time                (s)      Time of Flight
*     energy omega          (meV)
*     lambda wavelength     (Angs)
*     p intensity flux      (n/s) or (n/cm^2/s)
*     ncounts               (1)
*     sx sy sz              (1)      Spin
*     vdiv ydiv dy          (deg)    vertical divergence (y)
*     hdiv divergence xdiv  (deg)    horizontal divergence (x)
*     angle                 (deg)    divergence from <z> direction
*     theta longitude       (deg)    longitude (x/z) [for sphere and cylinder]
*     phi   lattitude       (deg)    lattitude (y/z) [for sphere and cylinder]
*     user user1            will monitor the [Mon_Name]_Vars.UserVariable{1|2}
*     user2                 to be assigned in an other component (see below)
* <b>Other options are:</b>
*     auto {limits}             Automatically set detector limits
*     all  {limits or bins}     To set all limits or bins values
*     bins=[bins=20]            Number of bins in the detector along dimension
*     borders                   To also count off-limits neutrons
*                                (X < min or X > max)
*     file=string               Detector image file name. default is component
*                                name, plus date and variable extension.
*     limits=[min max]          Lower/Upper limits for axes
*                                (see up for the variable unit)
*     list=[counts=1000] or all For a long file of neutron characteristics
*                                with [counts] or all events
*     multiple                  For 1D monitors into multiple independant files
*     no or not                 Revert next option
*     outgoing                  Monitor outgoing beam in non flat (sph/cyl) det
*                                (default is incoming beam)
*     per cm2                   Intensity will be per cm^2
*     slit or absorb            Absorb neutrons that are out detector
*     unactivate                To unactivate detector (0D detector)
*     premonitor                Will monitor neutron parameters stored
*                                previously with <b>PreMonitor_nD</b>.
*     verbose                   To display additional informations
*     3He_pressure=[3 in bars]  The 3He gas pressure in detector.
*                               3He_pressure=0 means perfect detector (default)
*     intermediate=[5 in %]     Save results every n% steps in simulation
*     log                       Will monitor the log10 of the signal
*     parallel                  Use this option when the next component is at 
*                                the same position (parallel components)
* Detector shape options (specified as xwidth, yheigth, zthick or x/y/z/min/max)
*     box                       Box of size xwidth, yheigth, zthick
*     cylinder                  To get a cylindrical monitor (e.g. banana)
*                                (radius is xwidth, height is yheigth).
*     disk                      Disk flat xy monitor. radius is xwidth.
*     sphrere                   To get a spherical monitor (e.g. a 4PI)
*                                (radius is xwidth).
*     square                    Square flat xy monitor (xwidth, yheigth)
* <b>EXAMPLES:</b>
* MyMon = Monitor_nD(
*   xwidth = 0.1, yheigth = 0.1, zthick = 0,
*   options = "intensity per cm2 angle,limits=[-5 5] bins=10,with
*              borders, file = mon1");
*                           will monitor neutron angle from [z] axis, between -5
*                        and 5 degrees, in 10 bins, into "mon1.A" output 1D file
*   options = "sphere theta phi outgoing"   for a sphere PSD detector (out beam)
*                                    and saves into file "MyMon_[Date_ID].th_ph"
*   options = "angle radius auto limits"   is a 2D monitor with automatic limits
*   options = "list kx ky kz energy" records each neutron contribution in 1 file
*   options = "multiple kx ky kz energy and list all neutrons" 
*          makes 4 output 1D files and produces a complete list for all neutrons
* How to monitor anything in my simulation: with the 'user' option
*  In a component, you will put for instance in INITIALIZE and/or
*  TRACE sections (same is valid with user2)
*  struct MonitornD_Variables *Vars = &(MC_GETPAR(Guide_Mon, Vars));
*               with name of monitor that you will use in instr 
*  strcpy(Vars->UserName1,"My variable label");
*  Vars->UserVariable1++;
*  and in the instrument description:
*  COMPONENT Guide_Mon = Monitor_nD(
*   xwidth = 0.1, yheigth = 0.1, zthick = 0,
*   options="user1, limits=[0 15], bins=15")
*  AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE GuideEnd
* See also the example in <a href="PreMonitor_nD.html">PreMonitor_nD</a>.
* %Parameters
* xwidth:  (m)  Width/radius of detector (x)
* yheigth: (m)  Height of detector (y)
* zthick:  (m)  Thichness of detector (z)
* options: (str)  String that specifies the configuration of the monitor</br>
*                 The general syntax is "[x] options..." (see <b>Descr.</b>)
* Optional input parameters (override xwidth yheigth zthick):
* xmin:   (m)    Lower x bound of opening
* xmax:   (m)    Upper x bound of opening
* ymin:   (m)    Lower y bound of opening
* ymax:   (m)    Upper y bound of opening
* zmin:   (m)    Lower z bound of opening
* zmax:   (m)    Upper z bound of opening
* DEFS: structure containing Monitor_nD Defines (struct)
* Vars: structure containing Monitor_nD variables (struct)
* %Link 
* <a href="">McStas at ILL</a>
* <a href="PreMonitor_nD.html">PreMonitor_nD</a>
* %End

SETTING PARAMETERS (xwidth=.1, yheigth=.1, zthick=0, xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, zmin=0, zmax=0)
/* these are protected C variables */
STATE PARAMETERS (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,t,s1,s2,p)


#ifndef FLT_MAX
#define FLT_MAX 1E37
#ifndef Monitor_nD_Version

#define Monitor_nD_Version "0.15"
#define MONnD_COORD_NMAX  30  /* max number of variables to record */
  /* here we define some DEFINE constants */
  typedef struct MonitornD_Defines
    char COORD_NONE  ;
    char COORD_X     ;
    char COORD_Y     ;
    char COORD_Z     ;
    char COORD_VX    ;
    char COORD_VY    ;
    char COORD_VZ    ;
    char COORD_T     ;
    char COORD_P     ;
    char COORD_SX    ;
    char COORD_SY    ;
    char COORD_SZ    ;
    char COORD_KX    ;
    char COORD_KY    ;
    char COORD_KZ    ;
    char COORD_K     ;
    char COORD_V     ; 
    char COORD_ENERGY; 
    char COORD_LAMBDA; 
    char COORD_RADIUS; 
    char COORD_HDIV  ; 
    char COORD_VDIV  ; 
    char COORD_ANGLE ; 
    char COORD_NCOUNT; 
    char COORD_THETA ; 
    char COORD_PHI   ; 
    char COORD_USER1 ; 
    char COORD_USER2 ;

    /* token modifiers */
    char COORD_VAR   ; /* next token should be a variable or normal option */
    char COORD_MIN   ; /* next token is a min value */
    char COORD_MAX   ; /* next token is a max value */
    char COORD_DIM   ; /* next token is a bin value */
    char COORD_FIL   ; /* next token is a filename */
    char COORD_EVNT  ; /* next token is a buffer size value */
    char COORD_3HE   ; /* next token is a 3He pressure value */
    char COORD_INTERM; /* next token is an intermediate save value (percent) */

    char TOKEN_DEL[32]; /* token separators */

    char SHAPE_SQUARE; /* shape of the monitor */
    char SHAPE_DISK  ; 
    char SHAPE_SPHERE; 
    char SHAPE_CYLIND; 
    char SHAPE_BOX   ; 
  } MonitornD_Defines_type;
  typedef struct MonitornD_Variables
    double area;
    double Sphere_Radius     ;
    double Cylinder_Height   ;
    char   Flag_With_Borders ;   /* 2 means xy borders too */
    char   Flag_List         ;   /* 1 store 1 buffer, 2 is list all */
    char   Flag_Multiple     ;   /* 1 when n1D, 0 for 2D */
    char   Flag_Verbose      ;
    int    Flag_Shape        ;
    char   Flag_Auto_Limits  ;   /* get limits from first Buffer */
    char   Flag_Absorb       ;   /* monitor is also a slit */
    char   Flag_per_cm2      ;   /* flux is per cm2 */
    char   Flag_log          ;   /* log10 of the flux */
    char   Flag_parallel     ;   /* set neutron state back after detection (parallel components) */
    int    Coord_Number      ;   /* total number of variables to monitor, plus intensity (0) */
    long   Buffer_Block      ;   /* Buffer size for list or auto limits */
    long   Neutron_Counter   ;   /* event counter, simulation total counts is mcget_ncount() */
    long   Buffer_Counter    ;   /* index in Buffer size (for realloc) */
    long   Buffer_Size       ;
    char   Coord_Type[MONnD_COORD_NMAX];    /* type of variable */
    char   Coord_Label[MONnD_COORD_NMAX][30];       /* label of variable */
    char   Coord_Var[MONnD_COORD_NMAX][30]; /* short id of variable */
    int    Coord_Bin[MONnD_COORD_NMAX];             /* bins of variable array */
    double Coord_Min[MONnD_COORD_NMAX];             
    double Coord_Max[MONnD_COORD_NMAX];
    char   Monitor_Label[MONnD_COORD_NMAX*30];      /* Label for monitor */
    char   Mon_File[128];    /* output file name */

    double cx,cy,cz;
    double cvx, cvy, cvz;
    double csx, csy, csz;
    double cs1, cs2, ct, cp;
    double He3_pressure;
    char   Flag_UsePreMonitor    ;   /* use a previously stored neutron parameter set */
    char   UserName1[128];
    char   UserName2[128];
    double UserVariable1;
    double UserVariable2;
    double Intermediate;
    double IntermediateCnts;
    char   option[1024];
    int    Nsum;
    double psum, p2sum;
    int    **Mon2D_N;
    double **Mon2D_p;
    double **Mon2D_p2;
    double *Mon2D_Buffer;
    double mxmin,mxmax,mymin,mymax,mzmin,mzmax;
    char   compcurname[128];

  } MonitornD_Variables_type;
/* global functions to be defined once for faster compile */
/* code can anyway get big. may be included in an external .c file 
   to be included once */
/* this routine is used to save results at end of simulation, but also 
 * during simulation (SIGUSR... intermediate steps) */ 
void Monitor_nD_OutPut(aDEFS, aVars, dofree)
  MonitornD_Defines_type *aDEFS;
  MonitornD_Variables_type *aVars;
  char dofree;
  /* dofree = 0 : no free, =1 : free variables (last call) */
    char   *fname;
    long    i,j;
    int    *p0m = NULL;
    double *p1m = NULL;
    double *p2m = NULL;
    char    Coord_X_Label[1024];
    double  min1d, max1d; 
    double  min2d, max2d;
    int     bin1d, bin2d;
    char    While_End = 0;
    long    While_Buffer = 0;
    double  XY, pp;
    double  Coord[MONnD_COORD_NMAX];
    long    Coord_Index[MONnD_COORD_NMAX];
    char    label[1024];
    if (dofree == 0)
      if (aVars->Flag_Verbose) printf("Monitor_nD: %s save intermediate results (%.2f %%).\n", aVars->compcurname, 100*mcget_run_num()/mcget_ncount());

    /* check Buffer flush when end of simulation reached */
    if ((aVars->Buffer_Counter < aVars->Buffer_Block) && aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits)
      /* Get Auto Limits */
      if (aVars->Flag_Verbose) printf("Monitor_nD: %s getting %i Auto Limits from List (%li).\n", aVars->compcurname, aVars->Coord_Number, aVars->Buffer_Counter);
      for (i = 1; i <= aVars->Coord_Number; i++)
        aVars->Coord_Min[i] = FLT_MAX;
        aVars->Coord_Max[i] = -FLT_MAX;

        for (j = 0; j < aVars->Buffer_Counter; j++)
                XY = aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[j*(aVars->Coord_Number+2) + (i-1)];  /* scanning variables in Buffer */
          if (XY < aVars->Coord_Min[i]) aVars->Coord_Min[i] = XY;
          if (XY > aVars->Coord_Max[i]) aVars->Coord_Max[i] = XY;

      aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits = 2;  /* pass to 2nd auto limits step */
      aVars->Buffer_Block = aVars->Buffer_Counter;
      while (!While_End)
      { /* we generate Coord[] and Coord_index[] from Buffer (auto limits) or passing neutron */
        if (While_Buffer < aVars->Buffer_Block)
          /* first while loops (While_Buffer) */
          Coord[0] = aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[While_Buffer*(aVars->Coord_Number+2) + (aVars->Coord_Number)];
          pp = Coord[0];
          /* auto limits case : scan Buffer within limits and store in Mon2D */ 
          for (i = 1; i <= aVars->Coord_Number; i++)
            /* scanning variables in Buffer */
            XY = (aVars->Coord_Max[i]-aVars->Coord_Min[i]);
            Coord[i] = aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[While_Buffer*(aVars->Coord_Number+2) + (i-1)];
            if (XY > 0) Coord_Index[i] = floor((aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[(i-1) + While_Buffer*(aVars->Coord_Number+2)]-aVars->Coord_Min[i])*aVars->Coord_Bin[i]/XY);
            else Coord_Index[i] = 0;
            if (aVars->Flag_With_Borders)
              if (Coord_Index[i] < 0) Coord_Index[i] = 0;
              if (Coord_Index[i] >= aVars->Coord_Bin[i]) Coord_Index[i] = aVars->Coord_Bin[i] - 1;
          } /* end for */
        } /* end if in Buffer */
        else /* (While_Buffer >= aVars->Buffer_Block) && (aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits == 2) */ 
          aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits = 0;
          While_End = 1;
          if (!aVars->Flag_List && dofree) /* free Buffer not needed (no list to output) */
          { /* Dim : (aVars->Coord_Number+2)*aVars->Buffer_Block matrix (for p, dp) */ 

        /* store n1d/2d section from Buffer */

        /* 1D and n1D case : aVars->Flag_Multiple */
        if (aVars->Flag_Multiple)
        { /* Dim : aVars->Coord_Number*aVars->Coord_Bin[i] vectors (intensity is not included) */ 
          for (i= 0; i < aVars->Coord_Number; i++)
            j = Coord_Index[i+1];
            if (j >= 0 && j < aVars->Coord_Bin[i+1])
              aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j] += pp;
              aVars->Mon2D_p2[i][j] += pp*pp;
        else /* 2D case : aVars->Coord_Number==2 and !aVars->Flag_Multiple and !aVars->Flag_List */
        if ((aVars->Coord_Number == 2) && !aVars->Flag_Multiple)
        { /* Dim : aVars->Coord_Bin[1]*aVars->Coord_Bin[2] matrix */
          i = Coord_Index[1];
          j = Coord_Index[2];
          if (i >= 0 && i < aVars->Coord_Bin[1] && j >= 0 && j < aVars->Coord_Bin[2])
            aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j] += pp;
            aVars->Mon2D_p2[i][j] += pp*pp;
        } /* end store 2D/1D */
      } /* end while */
    } /* end Force Get Limits */

    if (aVars->Flag_Verbose) 
      printf("Monitor_nD: %s is a %s.\n", aVars->compcurname, aVars->Monitor_Label);
      printf("Monitor_nD: version %s with options=%s\n", Monitor_nD_Version, aVars->option);

    /* write oputput files (sent to file as p[i*n + j] vectors) */
    if (aVars->Coord_Number == 0) 
      /* DETECTOR_OUT_0D(aVars->Monitor_Label, aVars->Nsum, aVars->psum, aVars->p2sum); */
      mcdetector_out_0D(aVars->Monitor_Label, aVars->Nsum, aVars->psum, aVars->p2sum, aVars->compcurname);
    if (strlen(aVars->Mon_File) > 0) 
      fname = (char*)malloc(strlen(aVars->Mon_File)+10*aVars->Coord_Number);
      if (aVars->Flag_List) /* List: DETECTOR_OUT_2D */
        if (aVars->Flag_List == 2) aVars->Buffer_Size = aVars->Neutron_Counter;
        if (strchr(aVars->Mon_File,'.') == NULL) strcat(fname, "_list");

        min1d = 1; max1d = aVars->Coord_Number+2;
        min2d = 0; max2d = aVars->Buffer_Size; 
        bin1d = aVars->Coord_Number+2; bin2d = aVars->Buffer_Size;
        for (i= 1; i <= aVars->Coord_Number; i++)
          if (min2d < aVars->Coord_Min[i]) min2d = aVars->Coord_Min[i];
          if (max2d < aVars->Coord_Max[i]) max2d = aVars->Coord_Max[i];
          strcat(Coord_X_Label, aVars->Coord_Var[i]);
          strcat(Coord_X_Label, " ");
          if (strchr(aVars->Mon_File,'.') == NULL)
                  { strcat(fname, "."); strcat(fname, aVars->Coord_Var[i]); }
        strcat(Coord_X_Label, "I I_err");
        if (aVars->Flag_Verbose) printf("Monitor_nD: %s write monitor file %s List (%ix%li).\n", aVars->compcurname, fname,(aVars->Coord_Number+2),aVars->Buffer_Size);
        p0m = (int    *)malloc((aVars->Coord_Number+2)*aVars->Buffer_Size*sizeof(int));
        p1m = (double *)malloc((aVars->Coord_Number+2)*aVars->Buffer_Size*sizeof(double)); 
        if (min2d == max2d) max2d = min2d+1e-6;
        if (min1d == max1d) max1d = min1d+1e-6;
        if (dofree == 0)
          sprintf(label, "%s (%.2f %%)", aVars->Monitor_Label, 100*mcget_run_num()/mcget_ncount());
          strcpy(label, aVars->Monitor_Label);
        if (p1m == NULL) /* use Raw Buffer line output */
          if (aVars->Flag_Verbose) printf("Monitor_nD: %s cannot allocate memory for List transpose. Skipping.\n", aVars->compcurname);
          if (p0m != NULL) free(p0m);
            min2d, max2d, 
            min1d, max1d, 
            (int *)aVars->Mon2D_Buffer,aVars->Mon2D_Buffer,aVars->Mon2D_Buffer,
            fname, aVars->compcurname); 
        else /* transpose for column output */
          for (i=0; i < aVars->Coord_Number+2; i++) 
            for (j=0; j < aVars->Buffer_Size; j++)
              p1m[i*aVars->Buffer_Size+j] = aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[j*(aVars->Coord_Number+2) + i];
              p0m[i*aVars->Buffer_Size+j] = 1;
              min1d, max1d, 
              min2d, max2d, 
              fname, aVars->compcurname); 
      if (aVars->Flag_Multiple) /* n1D: DETECTOR_OUT_1D */
        for (i= 0; i < aVars->Coord_Number; i++)
          if (strchr(aVars->Mon_File,'.') == NULL)
                  { strcat(fname, "."); strcat(fname, aVars->Coord_Var[i+1]); }
          sprintf(Coord_X_Label, "%s monitor", aVars->Coord_Label[i+1]);
          if (dofree == 0)
            sprintf(label, "%s (%.2f %%)", Coord_X_Label, 100*mcget_run_num()/mcget_ncount());
            strcpy(label, Coord_X_Label);
          if (aVars->Flag_Verbose) printf("Monitor_nD: %s write monitor file %s 1D (%i).\n", aVars->compcurname, fname, aVars->Coord_Bin[i+1]);
          min1d = aVars->Coord_Min[i+1];
          max1d = aVars->Coord_Max[i+1];
          if (min1d == max1d) max1d = min1d+1e-6;
          p1m = (double *)malloc(aVars->Coord_Bin[i+1]*sizeof(double));
          p2m = (double *)malloc(aVars->Coord_Bin[i+1]*sizeof(double));
          if (p2m == NULL) /* use Raw Buffer line output */
            if (aVars->Flag_Verbose) printf("Monitor_nD: %s cannot allocate memory for output. Using raw data.\n", aVars->compcurname);
            if (p1m != NULL) free(p1m);
            min1d, max1d, 
            fname, aVars->compcurname); 
            if (aVars->Flag_log != 0)
              XY = FLT_MAX;
              for (j=0; j < aVars->Coord_Bin[i+1]; j++) /* search min of signal */
                if ((XY > aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j]) && (aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j] > 0)) XY = aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j];
              if (XY <= 0) XY = -log(FLT_MAX)/log(10); else XY = log(XY)/log(10)-1;
            for (j=0; j < aVars->Coord_Bin[i+1]; j++)
              if (aVars->Flag_log == 0)
                p1m[j] = aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j];
                p2m[j] = aVars->Mon2D_p2[i][j];
                if (aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j] > 0)
                  p1m[j] = log(aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j])/log(10);
                  p2m[j] = aVars->Mon2D_p2[i][j]/aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j];
                  p1m[j] = XY;
                  p2m[j] = 0;
              min1d, max1d, 
              fname, aVars->compcurname); 
          if (p1m != NULL) free(p1m);
          if (p2m != NULL) free(p2m);
      if (aVars->Coord_Number == 2)  /* 2D: DETECTOR_OUT_2D */

        p0m = (int    *)malloc(aVars->Coord_Bin[1]*aVars->Coord_Bin[2]*sizeof(int));
        p1m = (double *)malloc(aVars->Coord_Bin[1]*aVars->Coord_Bin[2]*sizeof(double));
        p2m = (double *)malloc(aVars->Coord_Bin[1]*aVars->Coord_Bin[2]*sizeof(double));
        if (p2m == NULL) 
          if (aVars->Flag_Verbose) printf("Monitor_nD: %s cannot allocate memory for 2D array (%i). Skipping.\n", aVars->compcurname, 3*aVars->Coord_Bin[1]*aVars->Coord_Bin[2]*sizeof(double));
          if (p0m != NULL) free(p0m);
          if (p1m != NULL) free(p1m);
          if (aVars->Flag_log != 0)
            XY = FLT_MAX;
            for (i= 0; i < aVars->Coord_Bin[1]; i++)
              for (j= 0; j < aVars->Coord_Bin[2]; j++) /* search min of signal */
                if ((XY > aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j]) && (aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j]>0)) XY = aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j];
            if (XY <= 0) XY = -log(FLT_MAX)/log(10); else XY = log(XY)/log(10)-1;
          for (i= 0; i < aVars->Coord_Bin[1]; i++)
            for (j= 0; j < aVars->Coord_Bin[2]; j++)
              p0m[j + i*aVars->Coord_Bin[2]] = aVars->Mon2D_N[i][j];
              if (aVars->Flag_log == 0)
                p1m[j + i*aVars->Coord_Bin[2]] = aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j];
                p2m[j + i*aVars->Coord_Bin[2]] = aVars->Mon2D_p2[i][j];
                if (aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j] > 0)
                  p1m[j + i*aVars->Coord_Bin[2]] = log(aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j])/log(10);
                  p2m[j + i*aVars->Coord_Bin[2]] = aVars->Mon2D_p2[i][j]/aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j];
                  p1m[j + i*aVars->Coord_Bin[2]] = XY;
                  p2m[j + i*aVars->Coord_Bin[2]] = 0;
          if (strchr(aVars->Mon_File,'.') == NULL)
                  { strcat(fname, "."); strcat(fname, aVars->Coord_Var[1]);
              strcat(fname, "_"); strcat(fname, aVars->Coord_Var[2]); }
          if (aVars->Flag_Verbose) printf("Monitor_nD: %s write monitor file %s 2D (%ix%i).\n", aVars->compcurname, fname, aVars->Coord_Bin[1], aVars->Coord_Bin[2]);

          min1d = aVars->Coord_Min[1];
          max1d = aVars->Coord_Max[1];
          if (min1d == max1d) max1d = min1d+1e-6;
          min2d = aVars->Coord_Min[2];
          max2d = aVars->Coord_Max[2];
          if (min2d == max2d) max2d = min2d+1e-6;
          if (dofree == 0)
            sprintf(label, "%s (%.2f %%)", aVars->Monitor_Label, 100*mcget_run_num()/mcget_ncount());
            strcpy(label, aVars->Monitor_Label);

            min1d, max1d,  
            min2d, max2d,  
            fname, aVars->compcurname);

          if (p0m != NULL) free(p0m);
          if (p1m != NULL) free(p1m);
          if (p2m != NULL) free(p2m); 

    /* Now Free memory Mon2D.. */
    if ((aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits || aVars->Flag_List) && aVars->Coord_Number)
    { /* Dim : (aVars->Coord_Number+2)*aVars->Buffer_Block matrix (for p, dp) */ 
      if (aVars->Mon2D_Buffer != NULL && dofree) free(aVars->Mon2D_Buffer);
    /* 1D and n1D case : aVars->Flag_Multiple */
    if (aVars->Flag_Multiple && aVars->Coord_Number && dofree)
    { /* Dim : aVars->Coord_Number*aVars->Coord_Bin[i] vectors */ 
      for (i= 0; i < aVars->Coord_Number; i++)

    /* 2D case : aVars->Coord_Number==2 and !aVars->Flag_Multiple and !aVars->Flag_List */
    if ((aVars->Coord_Number == 2) && !aVars->Flag_Multiple && dofree)
    { /* Dim : aVars->Coord_Bin[1]*aVars->Coord_Bin[2] matrix */
      for (i= 0; i < aVars->Coord_Bin[1]; i++)
void Monitor_nD_Init(aDEFS, aVars, m_xwidth, m_yheight, m_zthick, m_xmin, m_xmax, m_ymin, m_ymax, m_zmin, m_zmax)
  MonitornD_Defines_type *aDEFS;
  MonitornD_Variables_type *aVars;
  double m_xwidth, m_yheight, m_zthick;
  double m_xmin, m_xmax, m_ymin, m_ymax, m_zmin, m_zmax;
    long carg = 1;
    char *option_copy, *token;
    char Flag_New_Token = 1;
    char Flag_End       = 1;
    char Flag_All       = 0;
    char Flag_No        = 0;
    char Set_aVars_Coord_Type;
    char Set_Coord_Flag = 0;
    char Set_aVars_Coord_Label[30];
    char Set_aVars_Coord_Var[30];
    char Short_Label[MONnD_COORD_NMAX][30];
    char Set_Coord_Mode;
    long i=0, j=0;
    double lmin, lmax, XY;
    long    t;
    t = (long)time(NULL);

    aDEFS->COORD_NONE   =0;
    aDEFS->COORD_X      =1;
    aDEFS->COORD_Y      =2;
    aDEFS->COORD_Z      =3;
    aDEFS->COORD_VX     =4;
    aDEFS->COORD_VY     =5;
    aDEFS->COORD_VZ     =6;
    aDEFS->COORD_T      =7;
    aDEFS->COORD_P      =8;
    aDEFS->COORD_SX     =9;
    aDEFS->COORD_SY     =10;
    aDEFS->COORD_SZ     =11;
    aDEFS->COORD_KX     =12;
    aDEFS->COORD_KY     =13;
    aDEFS->COORD_KZ     =14;
    aDEFS->COORD_K      =15;
    aDEFS->COORD_V      =16;
    aDEFS->COORD_HDIV   =20;
    aDEFS->COORD_VDIV   =21;
    aDEFS->COORD_ANGLE  =22;
    aDEFS->COORD_THETA  =24;
    aDEFS->COORD_PHI    =25;
    aDEFS->COORD_USER1  =26;
    aDEFS->COORD_USER2  =26;

/* token modifiers */
    aDEFS->COORD_VAR    =0;    /* next token should be a variable or normal option */
    aDEFS->COORD_MIN    =1;    /* next token is a min value */
    aDEFS->COORD_MAX    =2;    /* next token is a max value */
    aDEFS->COORD_DIM    =3;    /* next token is a bin value */
    aDEFS->COORD_FIL    =4;    /* next token is a filename */
    aDEFS->COORD_EVNT   =5;    /* next token is a buffer size value */
    aDEFS->COORD_3HE    =6;    /* next token is a 3He pressure value */
    aDEFS->COORD_INTERM =7;    /* next token is an intermediate save value (%) */

    strcpy(aDEFS->TOKEN_DEL, " =,;[](){}:");  /* token separators */

    aDEFS->SHAPE_SQUARE =0;    /* shape of the monitor */
    aDEFS->SHAPE_DISK   =1;
    aDEFS->SHAPE_BOX    =4;

    aVars->Sphere_Radius     = 0;
    aVars->Cylinder_Height   = 0;
    aVars->Flag_With_Borders = 0;   /* 2 means xy borders too */
    aVars->Flag_List         = 0;   /* 1 store 1 buffer, 2 is list all */
    aVars->Flag_Multiple     = 0;   /* 1 when n1D, 0 for 2D */
    aVars->Flag_Verbose      = 0;
    aVars->Flag_Shape        = aDEFS->SHAPE_SQUARE;
    aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits  = 0;   /* get limits from first Buffer */
    aVars->Flag_Absorb       = 0;   /* monitor is also a slit */
    aVars->Flag_per_cm2      = 0;   /* flux is per cm2 */
    aVars->Flag_log          = 0;   /* log10 of the flux */
    aVars->Flag_parallel     = 0;   /* set neutron state back after detection (parallel components) */
    aVars->Coord_Number      = 0;   /* total number of variables to monitor, plus intensity (0) */
    aVars->Buffer_Block      = 1000;     /* Buffer size for list or auto limits */
    aVars->Neutron_Counter   = 0;   /* event counter, simulation total counts is mcget_ncount() */
    aVars->Buffer_Counter    = 0;   /* index in Buffer size (for realloc) */
    aVars->Buffer_Size       = 0;
    aVars->UserVariable1     = 0;
    aVars->UserVariable2     = 0;
    aVars->He3_pressure      = 0;
    aVars->IntermediateCnts  = 0;
    Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_NONE;
    Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_VAR;
    /* handle size parameters */
    /* normal use is with xwidth, yheight, zthick */
    /* if xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax are non 0, use them */
    if (fabs(m_xmin-m_xmax) == 0) 
      { aVars->mxmin = -fabs(m_xwidth)/2; aVars->mxmax = fabs(m_xwidth)/2; }
      { if (m_xmin < m_xmax) {aVars->mxmin = m_xmin; aVars->mxmax = m_xmax;}
        else {aVars->mxmin = m_xmax; aVars->mxmax = m_xmin;}
    if (fabs(m_ymin-m_ymax) == 0) 
      { aVars->mymin = -fabs(m_yheight)/2; aVars->mymax = fabs(m_yheight)/2; }
      { if (m_ymin < m_ymax) {aVars->mymin = m_ymin; aVars->mymax = m_ymax;}
        else {aVars->mymin = m_ymax; aVars->mymax = m_ymin;}
    if (fabs(m_zmin-m_zmax) == 0) 
      { aVars->mzmin = -fabs(m_zthick)/2; aVars->mzmax = fabs(m_zthick)/2; }
      { if (m_zmin < m_zmax) {aVars->mzmin = m_zmin; aVars->mzmax = m_zmax; }
        else {aVars->mzmin = m_zmax; aVars->mzmax = m_zmin; }
    if (fabs(zmax-zmin) == 0)
      aVars->Flag_Shape        = aDEFS->SHAPE_SQUARE;
      aVars->Flag_Shape        = aDEFS->SHAPE_BOX;
    /* parse option string */ 
    option_copy = (char*)malloc(strlen(aVars->option));
    if (option_copy == NULL)
      printf("Monitor_nD: %s cannot allocate option_copy (%i). Fatal.\n", aVars->compcurname, strlen(aVars->option));
    if (strlen(aVars->option))
      Flag_End = 0;
      strcpy(option_copy, aVars->option);
    if (strstr(aVars->option, "cm2") || strstr(aVars->option, "cm^2")) aVars->Flag_per_cm2 = 1;
    if (aVars->Flag_per_cm2) strcpy(aVars->Coord_Label[0],"Intensity [n/cm^2/s]");
    else strcpy(aVars->Coord_Label[0],"Intensity [n/s]");
    aVars->Coord_Type[0] = aDEFS->COORD_P;
    aVars->Coord_Bin[0] = 1;
    aVars->Coord_Min[0] = 0;
    aVars->Coord_Max[0] = FLT_MAX;
    /* default file name is comp name+dateID */
    sprintf(aVars->Mon_File, "%s_%i", aVars->compcurname, t); 
    carg = 1;
    while((Flag_End == 0) && (carg < 128))
      if (Flag_New_Token) /* to get the previous token sometimes */
        if (carg == 1) token=(char *)strtok(option_copy,aDEFS->TOKEN_DEL);
        else token=(char *)strtok(NULL,aDEFS->TOKEN_DEL);
        if (token == NULL) Flag_End=1;
      Flag_New_Token = 1;
      if ((token != NULL) && (strlen(token) != 0))
      /* first handle option values from preceeding keyword token detected */
        if (Set_Coord_Mode == aDEFS->COORD_MAX)
          if (!Flag_All) 
            aVars->Coord_Max[aVars->Coord_Number] = atof(token); 
            for (i = 0; i <= aVars->Coord_Number; aVars->Coord_Max[i++] = atof(token));
          Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_VAR; Flag_All = 0;
        if (Set_Coord_Mode == aDEFS->COORD_MIN)
          if (!Flag_All) 
            aVars->Coord_Min[aVars->Coord_Number] = atof(token); 
            for (i = 0; i <= aVars->Coord_Number; aVars->Coord_Min[i++] = atof(token));
          Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_MAX; 
        if (Set_Coord_Mode == aDEFS->COORD_DIM)
          if (!Flag_All) 
            aVars->Coord_Bin[aVars->Coord_Number] = atoi(token); 
            for (i = 0; i <= aVars->Coord_Number; aVars->Coord_Bin[i++] = atoi(token));
          Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_VAR; Flag_All = 0;
        if (Set_Coord_Mode == aDEFS->COORD_FIL)
          if (!Flag_No) strcpy(aVars->Mon_File,token); 
          else { strcpy(aVars->Mon_File,""); aVars->Coord_Number = 0; Flag_End = 1;}
          Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_VAR;
        if (Set_Coord_Mode == aDEFS->COORD_EVNT)
          if (!strcmp(token, "all") || Flag_All) aVars->Flag_List = 2;
          else { i = atoi(token); if (i) aVars->Buffer_Counter = i; }
          Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_VAR; Flag_All = 0;
        if (Set_Coord_Mode == aDEFS->COORD_3HE)
            aVars->He3_pressure = atof(token); 
            Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_VAR; Flag_All = 0; 
        if (Set_Coord_Mode == aDEFS->COORD_INTERM)
            aVars->Intermediate = atof(token); 
            Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_VAR; Flag_All = 0; 

        /* now look for general option keywords */
        if (!strcmp(token, "borders")) 
        { if (Flag_No) { aVars->Flag_With_Borders = 0; Flag_No = 0; }
          else aVars->Flag_With_Borders = 1; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "verbose")) 
        { if (Flag_No) { aVars->Flag_Verbose = 0; Flag_No = 0; }
          else aVars->Flag_Verbose      = 1; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "log")) 
        { if (Flag_No) { aVars->Flag_log = 0; Flag_No = 0; }
          else aVars->Flag_log      = 1; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "multiple")) 
        { if (Flag_No) { aVars->Flag_Multiple = 0; Flag_No = 0; }
          else aVars->Flag_Multiple = 1; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "list")) 
        { if (Flag_No) { aVars->Flag_List = 0; Flag_No = 0; }
          else aVars->Flag_List = 1; 
          Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_EVNT; }

        if (!strcmp(token, "limits") || !strcmp(token, "min")) Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_MIN;
        if (!strcmp(token, "slit") || !strcmp(token, "absorb")) 
        { if (Flag_No) { aVars->Flag_Absorb = 0; Flag_No = 0; }
          else aVars->Flag_Absorb = 1; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "max")) Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_MAX;
        if (!strcmp(token, "bins")) Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_DIM;
        if (!strcmp(token, "file")) 
        { Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_FIL;
          if (Flag_No) { strcpy(aVars->Mon_File,""); aVars->Coord_Number = 0; Flag_End = 1;}}
        if (!strcmp(token, "unactivate")) { Flag_End = 1; aVars->Coord_Number = 0; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "all")) 
        { if (Flag_No) { Flag_All = 0; Flag_No = 0; }
          else Flag_All = 1; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "sphere")) 
        { if (Flag_No) { aVars->Flag_Shape = aDEFS->SHAPE_SQUARE; Flag_No = 0; }
          else aVars->Flag_Shape = aDEFS->SHAPE_SPHERE; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "cylinder")) 
        { if (Flag_No) { aVars->Flag_Shape = aDEFS->SHAPE_SQUARE; Flag_No = 0; }
          else aVars->Flag_Shape = aDEFS->SHAPE_CYLIND; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "square")) aVars->Flag_Shape = aDEFS->SHAPE_SQUARE; 
        if (!strcmp(token, "disk")) aVars->Flag_Shape = aDEFS->SHAPE_DISK; 
        if (!strcmp(token, "box")) aVars->Flag_Shape = aDEFS->SHAPE_BOX; 
        if (!strcmp(token, "parallel")) aVars->Flag_parallel = 1; 
        if (!strcmp(token, "auto")) 
        { if (Flag_No) { aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits = 0; Flag_No = 0; }
          else aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits = 1; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "premonitor"))
        { if (Flag_No) { aVars->Flag_UsePreMonitor = 0; Flag_No = 0; }
        else aVars->Flag_UsePreMonitor == 1; } 
        if (!strcmp(token, "3He_pressure"))
        { if (!Flag_No)  Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_3HE; 
          aVars->He3_pressure = 3; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "intermediate"))
        { if (!Flag_No)  Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_INTERM; 
          aVars->Intermediate = 5; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "no") || !strcmp(token, "not")) Flag_No = 1;
        /* now look for variable names to monitor */
        Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_NONE; lmin = 0; lmax = 0;

        if (!strcmp(token, "x")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_X; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"x [m]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"x"); lmin = aVars->mxmin; lmax = aVars->mxmax; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "y")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_Y; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"y [m]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"y"); lmin = aVars->mymin; lmax = aVars->mymax; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "z")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_Z; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"z [m]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"z"); lmin = aVars->mzmin; lmax = aVars->mzmax; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "k") || !strcmp(token, "wavevector")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_K; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"|k| [Angs-1]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"k"); lmin = 0; lmax = 10; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "v"))
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_V; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"Velocity [m/s]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"v"); lmin = 0; lmax = 10000; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "t") || !strcmp(token, "time")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_T; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"TOF [s]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"t"); lmin = 0; lmax = .1; }
        if ((aVars->Coord_Number > 0) && (!strcmp(token, "p") || !strcmp(token, "intensity") || !strcmp(token, "flux")))
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_P;  
            if (aVars->Flag_per_cm2) strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"Intensity [n/cm^2/s]");
            else strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"Intensity [n/s]"); 
            lmin = 0; lmax = FLT_MAX; }

        if (!strcmp(token, "vx")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_VX; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"vx [m/s]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"vx"); lmin = -1000; lmax = 1000; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "vy")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_VY; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"vy [m/s]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"vy"); lmin = -1000; lmax = 1000; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "vz")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_VZ; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"vz [m/s]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"vz"); lmin = -10000; lmax = 10000; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "kx")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_KX; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"kx [Angs-1]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"kx"); lmin = -1; lmax = 1; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "ky")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_KY; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"ky [Angs-1]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"ky"); lmin = -1; lmax = 1; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "kz")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_KZ; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"kz [Angs-1]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"kz"); lmin = -10; lmax = 10; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "sx")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_SX; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"sx [1]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"sx"); lmin = -1; lmax = 1; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "sy")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_SY; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"sy [1]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"sy"); lmin = -1; lmax = 1; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "sz")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_SZ; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"sz [1]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"sz"); lmin = -1; lmax = 1; }

        if (!strcmp(token, "energy") || !strcmp(token, "omega")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_ENERGY; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"Energy [meV]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"E"); lmin = 0; lmax = 100; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "lambda") || !strcmp(token, "wavelength")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_LAMBDA; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"Wavelength [Angs]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"L"); lmin = 0; lmax = 100; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "radius")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_RADIUS; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"Radius [m]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"R"); lmin = 0; lmax = m_xmax; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "angle")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_ANGLE; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"Angle [deg]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"A"); lmin = -5; lmax = 5; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "hdiv")|| !strcmp(token, "divergence") || !strcmp(token, "xdiv") || !strcmp(token, "dx")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_HDIV; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"Hor. Divergence [deg]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"HD"); lmin = -5; lmax = 5; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "vdiv") || !strcmp(token, "ydiv") || !strcmp(token, "dy")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_VDIV; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"Vert. Divergence [deg]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"VD"); lmin = -5; lmax = 5; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "theta") || !strcmp(token, "longitude")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_THETA; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"Longitude [deg]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"th"); lmin = -180; lmax = 180; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "phi") || !strcmp(token, "lattitude")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_PHI; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"Lattitude [deg]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"ph"); lmin = -180; lmax = 180; }
        if (!strcmp(token, "ncounts")) 
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_NCOUNT; strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,"Neutrons [1]"); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"N"); lmin = 0; lmax = 1e10; }
              if (!strcmp(token, "user") || !strcmp(token, "user1"))
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_USER1; strncpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,aVars->UserName1,32); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"U1"); lmin = -1e10; lmax = 1e10; }
              if (!strcmp(token, "user2"))
          { Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_USER2; strncpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Label,aVars->UserName2,32); strcpy(Set_aVars_Coord_Var,"U2"); lmin = -1e10; lmax = 1e10; }

        /* now stores variable keywords detected, if any */ 
        if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type != aDEFS->COORD_NONE)
          if (aVars->Coord_Number < MONnD_COORD_NMAX) aVars->Coord_Number++;
          else if (aVars->Flag_Verbose) printf("Monitor_nD: %s reached max number of variables (%i).\n", aVars->compcurname, MONnD_COORD_NMAX);
          aVars->Coord_Type[aVars->Coord_Number] = Set_aVars_Coord_Type;
          strcpy(aVars->Coord_Label[aVars->Coord_Number], Set_aVars_Coord_Label); 
          strcpy(aVars->Coord_Var[aVars->Coord_Number], Set_aVars_Coord_Var);
          if (lmin > lmax) { XY = lmin; lmin=lmax; lmax = XY; }
          aVars->Coord_Min[aVars->Coord_Number] = lmin;
          aVars->Coord_Max[aVars->Coord_Number] = lmax;
          aVars->Coord_Bin[aVars->Coord_Number] = 20;
          Set_Coord_Mode = aDEFS->COORD_VAR;
          Flag_All = 0;
          Flag_No = 0;
      } /* end if token */
    } /* end while carg */
    if (carg == 128) printf("Monitor_nD: %s reached max number of tokens (%i). Skipping.\n", aVars->compcurname, 128);
    if ((aVars->Flag_Shape == aDEFS->SHAPE_BOX) && (fabs(aVars->mzmax - aVars->mzmin) == 0)) aVars->Flag_Shape = aDEFS->SHAPE_SQUARE;

    /* now setting Monitor Name from variable labels */
    for (i = 0; i <= aVars->Coord_Number; i++)
      Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aVars->Coord_Type[i];
      if ((Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_THETA)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_PHI)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_X)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_Y)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_Z)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_RADIUS))
      if ((Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_VX)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_VY)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_VZ)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_V))
      if ((Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_KX)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_KY)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_KZ)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_K))
      if ((Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_SX)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_SY)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_SZ))
      if ((Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_HDIV)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_VDIV)
       || (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_ANGLE))
      if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_ENERGY)
      if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_LAMBDA)
      if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_NCOUNT)
       strcpy(Short_Label[i],"Neutron counts");
      if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_T)
          strcpy(Short_Label[i],"Time Of Flight");
      if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_P)
      if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_USER1)
      if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_USER2)
      strcat(aVars->Monitor_Label, " ");
      strcat(aVars->Monitor_Label, Short_Label[i]);
    } /* end for Short_Label */
    strcat(aVars->Monitor_Label, " Monitor");
    if (aVars->Flag_Shape == aDEFS->SHAPE_SQUARE) strcat(aVars->Monitor_Label, " (Square)");
    if (aVars->Flag_Shape == aDEFS->SHAPE_DISK)   strcat(aVars->Monitor_Label, " (Disk)");
    if (aVars->Flag_Shape == aDEFS->SHAPE_SPHERE) strcat(aVars->Monitor_Label, " (Sphere)");
    if (aVars->Flag_Shape == aDEFS->SHAPE_CYLIND) strcat(aVars->Monitor_Label, " (Cylinder)");
    if (aVars->Flag_Shape == aDEFS->SHAPE_BOX)    strcat(aVars->Monitor_Label, " (Box)");
    if (((aVars->Flag_Shape == aDEFS->SHAPE_CYLIND) || (aVars->Flag_Shape == aDEFS->SHAPE_SPHERE) || (aVars->Flag_Shape == aDEFS->SHAPE_BOX))
        && strstr(aVars->option, "outgoing"))
      aVars->Flag_Shape *= -1;
      strcat(aVars->Monitor_Label, " [out]");
    if (aVars->Flag_UsePreMonitor == 1)
        strcat(aVars->Monitor_Label, " at ");
        strncat(aVars->Monitor_Label, aVars->UserName1,32);
    if (aVars->Flag_log == 1)
        strcat(aVars->Monitor_Label, " (log) ");
    /* aVars->Coord_Number  0   : intensity
     * aVars->Coord_Number  1:n : detector variables */
    /* now allocate memory to store variables in TRACE */
    if ((aVars->Coord_Number != 2) && !aVars->Flag_Multiple && !aVars->Flag_List) 
    { aVars->Flag_Multiple = 1; aVars->Flag_List = 0; } /* default is n1D */
   /* list and auto limits case : aVars->Flag_List or aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits 
    * -> Buffer to flush and suppress after aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits
    if ((aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits || aVars->Flag_List) && aVars->Coord_Number)
    { /* Dim : (aVars->Coord_Number+2)*aVars->Buffer_Block matrix (for p, dp) */ 
      aVars->Mon2D_Buffer = (double *)malloc((aVars->Coord_Number+2)*aVars->Buffer_Block*sizeof(double));
      if (aVars->Mon2D_Buffer == NULL)
      { printf("Monitor_nD: %s cannot allocate aVars->Mon2D_Buffer (%li). No list and auto limits.\n", aVars->compcurname, aVars->Buffer_Block*(aVars->Coord_Number+2)*sizeof(double)); aVars->Flag_List = 0; aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits = 0; }
        for ( i=0; i < (aVars->Coord_Number+2)*aVars->Buffer_Block; aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[i++] = (double)0);
      aVars->Buffer_Size = aVars->Buffer_Block;
    /* 1D and n1D case : aVars->Flag_Multiple */
    if (aVars->Flag_Multiple && aVars->Coord_Number)
    { /* Dim : aVars->Coord_Number*aVars->Coord_Bin[i] vectors */ 
      aVars->Mon2D_N  = (int    **)malloc((aVars->Coord_Number)*sizeof(int *));
      aVars->Mon2D_p  = (double **)malloc((aVars->Coord_Number)*sizeof(double *));
      aVars->Mon2D_p2 = (double **)malloc((aVars->Coord_Number)*sizeof(double *));
      if ((aVars->Mon2D_N == NULL) || (aVars->Mon2D_p == NULL) || (aVars->Mon2D_p2 == NULL))
      { printf("Monitor_nD: %s n1D cannot allocate aVars->Mon2D_N/p/2p (%i). Fatal.\n", aVars->compcurname, (aVars->Coord_Number)*sizeof(double *)); exit(-1); }
      for (i= 1; i <= aVars->Coord_Number; i++)
        aVars->Mon2D_N[i-1]  = (int    *)malloc(aVars->Coord_Bin[i]*sizeof(int));
        aVars->Mon2D_p[i-1]  = (double *)malloc(aVars->Coord_Bin[i]*sizeof(double));
        aVars->Mon2D_p2[i-1] = (double *)malloc(aVars->Coord_Bin[i]*sizeof(double));
        if ((aVars->Mon2D_N == NULL) || (aVars->Mon2D_p == NULL) || (aVars->Mon2D_p2 == NULL))
        { printf("Monitor_nD: %s n1D cannot allocate %s aVars->Mon2D_N/p/2p[%li] (%i). Fatal.\n", aVars->compcurname, aVars->Coord_Var[i], i, (aVars->Coord_Bin[i])*sizeof(double *)); exit(-1); }
          for (j=0; j < aVars->Coord_Bin[i]; j++ )
          { aVars->Mon2D_N[i-1][j] = (int)0; aVars->Mon2D_p[i-1][j] = (double)0; aVars->Mon2D_p2[i-1][j] = (double)0; }
    else /* 2D case : aVars->Coord_Number==2 and !aVars->Flag_Multiple and !aVars->Flag_List */
    if ((aVars->Coord_Number == 2) && !aVars->Flag_Multiple)
    { /* Dim : aVars->Coord_Bin[1]*aVars->Coord_Bin[2] matrix */ 
      aVars->Mon2D_N  = (int    **)malloc((aVars->Coord_Bin[1])*sizeof(int *));
      aVars->Mon2D_p  = (double **)malloc((aVars->Coord_Bin[1])*sizeof(double *));
      aVars->Mon2D_p2 = (double **)malloc((aVars->Coord_Bin[1])*sizeof(double *));
      if ((aVars->Mon2D_N == NULL) || (aVars->Mon2D_p == NULL) || (aVars->Mon2D_p2 == NULL))
      { printf("Monitor_nD: %s 2D cannot allocate %s aVars->Mon2D_N/p/2p (%i). Fatal.\n", aVars->compcurname, aVars->Coord_Var[1], (aVars->Coord_Bin[1])*sizeof(double *)); exit(-1); }
      for (i= 0; i < aVars->Coord_Bin[1]; i++)
        aVars->Mon2D_N[i]  = (int    *)malloc(aVars->Coord_Bin[2]*sizeof(int));
        aVars->Mon2D_p[i]  = (double *)malloc(aVars->Coord_Bin[2]*sizeof(double));
        aVars->Mon2D_p2[i] = (double *)malloc(aVars->Coord_Bin[2]*sizeof(double));
        if ((aVars->Mon2D_N == NULL) || (aVars->Mon2D_p == NULL) || (aVars->Mon2D_p2 == NULL))
        { printf("Monitor_nD: %s 2D cannot allocate %s aVars->Mon2D_N/p/2p[%li] (%i). Fatal.\n", aVars->compcurname, aVars->Coord_Var[1], i, (aVars->Coord_Bin[2])*sizeof(double *)); exit(-1); }
          for (j=0; j < aVars->Coord_Bin[2]; j++ )
          { aVars->Mon2D_N[i][j] = (int)0; aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j] = (double)0; aVars->Mon2D_p2[i][j] = (double)0; }
      /* no Mon2D allocated for 
       * (aVars->Coord_Number != 2) && !aVars->Flag_Multiple && aVars->Flag_List */
    aVars->psum  = 0;
    aVars->p2sum = 0;
    aVars->Nsum  = 0;
    aVars->area  = fabs(aVars->mxmax - aVars->mxmin)*fabs(aVars->mymax - aVars->mymin)*1E4; /* in cm**2 for square and box shapes */
    aVars->Sphere_Radius = fabs(aVars->mxmax - aVars->mxmin);
    if ((abs(aVars->Flag_Shape) == aDEFS->SHAPE_DISK) || (abs(aVars->Flag_Shape) == aDEFS->SHAPE_SPHERE))
      aVars->area = PI*aVars->Sphere_Radius*aVars->Sphere_Radius; /* disk shapes */
    if (aVars->area == 0) aVars->Coord_Number = 0;
    if (aVars->Coord_Number == 0 && aVars->Flag_Verbose)  printf("Monitor_nD: %s is unactivated (0D)\n", aVars->compcurname);
    aVars->Cylinder_Height = fabs(aVars->mymax - aVars->mymin);
    if (aVars->Intermediate < 0) aVars->Intermediate = 0;
    if (aVars->Intermediate > 1) aVars->Intermediate /= 100;
    aVars->IntermediateCnts = aVars->Intermediate*mcget_ncount();
void Monitor_nD_Trace(aDEFS, aVars)
  MonitornD_Defines_type *aDEFS;
  MonitornD_Variables_type *aVars;

  double  XY=0;
  double  t0 = 0;
  double  t1 = 0;
  long    i,j;
  double  pp;
  double  Coord[MONnD_COORD_NMAX];
  long    Coord_Index[MONnD_COORD_NMAX];
  char    While_End   =0;
  long    While_Buffer=0;
  int     intersect = 0;
  char    Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aDEFS->COORD_NONE;
  pp = aVars->cp;
  if (aVars->Coord_Number > 0)
      /* aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits */
      if ((aVars->Buffer_Counter >= aVars->Buffer_Block) && (aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits == 1))
        /* auto limits case : get limits in Buffer for each variable */ 
              /* Dim : (aVars->Coord_Number+2)*aVars->Buffer_Block matrix (for p, dp) */ 
        if (aVars->Flag_Verbose) printf("Monitor_nD: %s getting %i Auto Limits from List (%li).\n", aVars->compcurname, aVars->Coord_Number, aVars->Buffer_Counter);
        for (i = 1; i <= aVars->Coord_Number; i++)
          aVars->Coord_Min[i] = FLT_MAX;
          aVars->Coord_Max[i] = -FLT_MAX;
          for (j = 0; j < aVars->Buffer_Block; j++)
            XY = aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[j*(aVars->Coord_Number+2) + (i-1)];  /* scanning variables in Buffer */
            if (XY < aVars->Coord_Min[i]) aVars->Coord_Min[i] = XY;
            if (XY > aVars->Coord_Max[i]) aVars->Coord_Max[i] = XY;
        aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits = 2;  /* pass to 2nd auto limits step */

      /* manage realloc for list all if Buffer size exceeded */
      if ((aVars->Buffer_Counter >= aVars->Buffer_Block) && (aVars->Flag_List == 2))
        aVars->Mon2D_Buffer  = (double *)realloc(aVars->Mon2D_Buffer, (aVars->Coord_Number+2)*(aVars->Neutron_Counter+aVars->Buffer_Block)*sizeof(double));
        if (aVars->Mon2D_Buffer == NULL)
              { printf("Monitor_nD: %s cannot reallocate aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[%li] (%li). Skipping.\n", aVars->compcurname, i, (aVars->Neutron_Counter+aVars->Buffer_Block)*sizeof(double)); aVars->Flag_List = 1; }
        else { aVars->Buffer_Counter = 0; aVars->Buffer_Size = aVars->Neutron_Counter+aVars->Buffer_Block; }

      while (!While_End)
      { /* we generate Coord[] and Coord_index[] from Buffer (auto limits) or passing neutron */
        if (aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits == 2)
          if (While_Buffer < aVars->Buffer_Block)
            /* first while loops (While_Buffer) */
            /* auto limits case : scan Buffer within limits and store in Mon2D */ 
            Coord[0] = aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[While_Buffer*(aVars->Coord_Number+2) + (aVars->Coord_Number)];
            for (i = 1; i <= aVars->Coord_Number; i++)
              /* scanning variables in Buffer */
              XY = (aVars->Coord_Max[i]-aVars->Coord_Min[i]);
              Coord[i] = aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[While_Buffer*(aVars->Coord_Number+2) + (i-1)];
              if (XY > 0) Coord_Index[i] = floor((aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[(i-1) + While_Buffer*(aVars->Coord_Number+2)]-aVars->Coord_Min[i])*aVars->Coord_Bin[i]/XY);
              else Coord_Index[i] = 0;
              if (aVars->Flag_With_Borders)
                if (Coord_Index[i] < 0) Coord_Index[i] = 0;
                if (Coord_Index[i] >= aVars->Coord_Bin[i]) Coord_Index[i] = aVars->Coord_Bin[i] - 1;
            } /* end for */
          } /* end if in Buffer */
          else /* (While_Buffer >= aVars->Buffer_Block) && (aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits == 2) */ 
            aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits = 0;
            if (!aVars->Flag_List) /* free Buffer not needed (no list to output) */
            { /* Dim : (aVars->Coord_Number+2)*aVars->Buffer_Block matrix (for p, dp) */ 
        else /* aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits == 0 or 1 */
          for (i = 0; i <= aVars->Coord_Number; i++)
          { /* handle current neutron : last while */

            XY = 0;
            Set_aVars_Coord_Type = aVars->Coord_Type[i];
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_X) XY = aVars->cx; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_Y) XY = aVars->cy; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_Z) XY = aVars->cz; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_VX) XY = aVars->cvx; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_VY) XY = aVars->cvy; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_VZ) XY = aVars->cvz; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_KX) XY = V2K*aVars->cvx; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_KY) XY = V2K*aVars->cvy; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_KZ) XY = V2K*aVars->cvz; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_SX) XY = aVars->csx; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_SY) XY = aVars->csy; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_SZ) XY = aVars->csz; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_T) XY = aVars->ct; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_P) XY = aVars->cp; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_HDIV) XY = RAD2DEG*atan2(aVars->cvx,aVars->cvz); 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_VDIV) XY = RAD2DEG*atan2(aVars->cvy,aVars->cvz); 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_V) XY = sqrt(aVars->cvx*aVars->cvx+aVars->cvy*aVars->cvy+aVars->cvz*aVars->cvz); 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_RADIUS) XY = sqrt(aVars->cx*aVars->cx+aVars->cy*aVars->cy); 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_K) { XY = sqrt(aVars->cvx*aVars->cvx+aVars->cvy*aVars->cvy+aVars->cvz*aVars->cvz);  XY *= V2K; }
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_ENERGY) { XY = aVars->cvx*aVars->cvx+aVars->cvy*aVars->cvy+aVars->cvz*aVars->cvz;  XY *= VS2E; }
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_LAMBDA) { XY = sqrt(aVars->cvx*aVars->cvx+aVars->cvy*aVars->cvy+aVars->cvz*aVars->cvz);  XY *= V2K; if (XY != 0) XY = 2*PI/XY; }
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_NCOUNT) XY = Coord[i]+1; 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_ANGLE) 
            {  XY = sqrt(aVars->cvx*aVars->cvx+aVars->cvy*aVars->cvy+aVars->cvz*aVars->cvz);
               if (aVars->cvz != 0) 
                 XY= RAD2DEG*atan2(XY,aVars->cvz);
               } else XY = 0;
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_THETA)  { if (aVars->cz != 0) XY = RAD2DEG*atan2(aVars->cx,aVars->cz); } 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_PHI) { if (aVars->cz != 0) XY = RAD2DEG*atan2(aVars->cy,aVars->cz); } 
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_USER1) XY = aVars->UserVariable1;
            if (Set_aVars_Coord_Type == aDEFS->COORD_USER2) XY = aVars->UserVariable2;
            XY = 0;

            Coord[i] = XY;
            if (!aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits)
              XY = (aVars->Coord_Max[i]-aVars->Coord_Min[i]);
              if (XY > 0) Coord_Index[i] = floor((Coord[i]-aVars->Coord_Min[i])*aVars->Coord_Bin[i]/XY);
              else Coord_Index[i] = 0;
              if (aVars->Flag_With_Borders)
                if (Coord_Index[i] < 0) Coord_Index[i] = 0;
                if (Coord_Index[i] >= aVars->Coord_Bin[i]) Coord_Index[i] = aVars->Coord_Bin[i] - 1;
            } /* else Auto_Limits will get Index later from Buffer */
          } /* end for i */
          While_End = 1;
        } /* end else if aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits == 2 */

        if (aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits != 2) /* not when reading auto limits Buffer */
        { /* now store Coord into Buffer (no index needed) if necessary */
          if ((aVars->Buffer_Counter < aVars->Buffer_Block) && ((aVars->Flag_List) || (aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits == 1)))
            for (i = 0; i < aVars->Coord_Number; i++)
              aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[i + aVars->Neutron_Counter*(aVars->Coord_Number+2)] = Coord[i+1];
            aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[aVars->Coord_Number + aVars->Neutron_Counter*(aVars->Coord_Number+2)]   = pp;
            aVars->Mon2D_Buffer[(aVars->Coord_Number+1) + aVars->Neutron_Counter*(aVars->Coord_Number+2)] = pp*pp;
            if (aVars->Flag_Verbose && (aVars->Buffer_Counter >= aVars->Buffer_Block) && (aVars->Flag_List == 1)) printf("Monitor_nD: %s %li neutrons stored in List.\n", aVars->compcurname, aVars->Buffer_Counter);
        } /* end (aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits != 2) */

        /* store n1d/2d section for Buffer or current neutron in while */

        if (aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits != 1) /* not when storing auto limits Buffer */
        /* 1D and n1D case : aVars->Flag_Multiple */
          if (aVars->Flag_Multiple)
          { /* Dim : aVars->Coord_Number*aVars->Coord_Bin[i] vectors (intensity is not included) */ 
            for (i= 0; i < aVars->Coord_Number; i++)
              j = Coord_Index[i+1];
              if (j >= 0 && j < aVars->Coord_Bin[i+1])
                aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j] += pp;
                aVars->Mon2D_p2[i][j] += pp*pp;
          else /* 2D case : aVars->Coord_Number==2 and !aVars->Flag_Multiple and !aVars->Flag_List */
          if ((aVars->Coord_Number == 2) && !aVars->Flag_Multiple)
          { /* Dim : aVars->Coord_Bin[1]*aVars->Coord_Bin[2] matrix */
            i = Coord_Index[1];
            j = Coord_Index[2];
            if (i >= 0 && i < aVars->Coord_Bin[1] && j >= 0 && j < aVars->Coord_Bin[2])
              aVars->Mon2D_p[i][j] += pp;
              aVars->Mon2D_p2[i][j] += pp*pp;
        } /* end (aVars->Flag_Auto_Limits != 1) */
      } /* end while */
    } /* end if aVars->Coord_Number */
  MonitornD_Defines_type DEFS;
  MonitornD_Variables_type Vars;



strcpy(Vars.compcurname, mccompcurname);
strcpy(Vars.option, options);

Monitor_nD_Init(&DEFS, &Vars, xwidth, yheigth, zthick, xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax);

  double  XY=0;
  double  t0 = 0;
  double  t1 = 0;
  long    i,j;
  double  pp;
  double  Coord[MONnD_COORD_NMAX];
  long    Coord_Index[MONnD_COORD_NMAX];
  char    While_End   =0;
  long    While_Buffer=0;
  int     intersect = 0;
  char    Set_Vars_Coord_Type = DEFS.COORD_NONE;
  double  cp  = p ;
  double  cx  = x ;
  double  cvx = vx;
  double  csx = sx;
  double  cy  = y ;
  double  cvy = vy;
  double  csy = sy;
  double  cz  = z ;
  double  cvz = vz;
  double  csz = sz;
  double  ct  = t ;    

  if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_SQUARE) /* square xy */
    intersect = (x>=Vars.mxmin && x<=Vars.mxmax && y>=Vars.mymin && y<=Vars.mymax);
  else if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_DISK)   /* disk xy */
    intersect = ((x*x + y*y) <= Vars.Sphere_Radius*Vars.Sphere_Radius);
  else if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_SPHERE) /* sphere */
    intersect = sphere_intersect(&t0, &t1, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, Vars.Sphere_Radius);
  /*      intersect = (intersect && t0 > 0); */
  else if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_CYLIND) /* cylinder */
    intersect = cylinder_intersect(&t0, &t1, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, Vars.Sphere_Radius, Vars.Cylinder_Height);
  else if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_BOX) /* box */
    intersect = box_intersect(&t0, &t1, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, fabs(Vars.mxmax-Vars.mxmin), fabs(Vars.mymax-Vars.mymin), fabs(Vars.mzmax-Vars.mzmin));

  if (intersect)
    if ((abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_SPHERE) || (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_CYLIND) || (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_BOX))
      if (t0 < 0 && t1 > 0)
        t0 = t;  /* neutron was already inside ! */
      if (t1 < 0 && t0 > 0) /* neutron exit before entering !! */
        t1 = t;
      /* t0 is now time of incoming intersection with the sphere. */
      if ((Vars.Flag_Shape < 0) && (t1 > 0))
        PROP_DT(t1); /* t1 outgoing beam */
        PROP_DT(t0); /* t0 incoming beam */

    /* Now get the data to monitor: curent or keep from PreMonitor */
    if (Vars.Flag_UsePreMonitor != 1)
      Vars.cp = p; = x;
      Vars.cvx = vx;
      Vars.csx = sx; = y;
      Vars.cvy = vy;
      Vars.csy = sy; = z;
      Vars.cvz = vz;
      Vars.csz = sz;
      Vars.ct = t;

    if ((Vars.He3_pressure > 0) && (t1 != t0) && ((abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_SPHERE) || (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_CYLIND) || (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_BOX)))
      XY = exp(-7.417*Vars.He3_pressure*fabs(t1-t0)*2*PI/V2K);
      /* will monitor the absorbed part */
      Vars.cp *= 1-XY;
      /* and modify the neutron weight after monitor, only remains 1-p_detect */
      p *= XY;

    if (Vars.Flag_per_cm2 && Vars.area != 0) Vars.cp /= Vars.area;
    Vars.psum += Vars.cp;
    Vars.p2sum += Vars.cp*Vars.cp;

    Monitor_nD_Trace(&DEFS, &Vars);
    /* now handles intermediate results saving */
    if ((Vars.Intermediate > 0) && (mcget_run_num() > Vars.IntermediateCnts))
      Vars.IntermediateCnts += Vars.Intermediate*mcget_ncount();
      /* save results, but do not free pointers */
      Monitor_nD_OutPut(&DEFS, &Vars, 0);
    if (Vars.Flag_parallel) /* back to neutron state before detection */
      p  = cp ;
      x  = cx ;
      vx = cvx;
      sx = csx;
      y  = cy ;
      vy = cvy;
      sy = csy;
      z  = cz ;
      vz = cvz;
      sz = csz;
      t  = ct ;
  } /* end if intersection */
  else if (Vars.Flag_Absorb) ABSORB;
    /* save results, and free pointers */
    Monitor_nD_OutPut(&DEFS, &Vars, 1);

  double radius, h;
  double xmin;
  double xmax;
  double ymin;
  double ymax;
  double zmin;
  double zmax;
  radius = Vars.Sphere_Radius;
  h = Vars.Cylinder_Height;
  xmin = Vars.mxmin;
  xmax = Vars.mxmax;
  ymin = Vars.mymin;
  ymax = Vars.mymax;
  zmin = Vars.mzmin;
  zmax = Vars.mzmax;
  if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_SPHERE)
  if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_DISK)
  if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_SQUARE)
    multiline(5, (double)xmin, (double)ymin, 0.0,
           (double)xmax, (double)ymin, 0.0,
           (double)xmax, (double)ymax, 0.0,
           (double)xmin, (double)ymax, 0.0,
           (double)xmin, (double)ymin, 0.0);
  if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_CYLIND)
    circle("xz", 0,  h/2.0, 0, radius);
    circle("xz", 0, -h/2.0, 0, radius);
    line(-radius, -h/2.0, 0, -radius, +h/2.0, 0);
    line(+radius, -h/2.0, 0, +radius, +h/2.0, 0);
    line(0, -h/2.0, -radius, 0, +h/2.0, -radius);
    line(0, -h/2.0, +radius, 0, +h/2.0, +radius);
  if (abs(Vars.Flag_Shape) == DEFS.SHAPE_BOX)
    multiline(5, xmin, ymin, zmin,
                 xmax, ymin, zmin,
                 xmax, ymax, zmin,
                 xmin, ymax, zmin,
                 xmin, ymin, zmin);
    multiline(5, xmin, ymin, zmax,
                 xmax, ymin, zmax,
                 xmax, ymax, zmax,
                 xmin, ymax, zmax,
                 xmin, ymin, zmax);
    line(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmin, ymin, zmax);
    line(xmax, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymin, zmax);
    line(xmin, ymax, zmin, xmin, ymax, zmax);
    line(xmax, ymax, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax);


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