[mcstas-users] mcstas-users Digest, Vol 35, Issue 2

Петр Коник 104pet104 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 13:55:35 CET 2015

Dear Erik,

we are working on simulations of double crystal diffractometer, so we
speak on Si crystals with Darwin curve reflections.

Best regards,
Peter Konik

2015-01-28 15:00 GMT+04:00  <mcstas-users-request at mcstas.org>:
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Perfect crystals (???? ?????)
>    2. Re: Perfect crystals (Erik B Knudsen)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:08:41 +0400
> From: ???? ????? <104pet104 at gmail.com>
> To: mcstas-users at mcstas.org
> Subject: [mcstas-users] Perfect crystals
> Message-ID:
>         <CAFZRTKQF4AXgvR7JagTsxVbY-O_mEChmw-NFf2U=iiakmgVPpg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Hello everybody!
> Currently we are working on several simulation project and the
> question has arised how to handle perfect Si crystals? We think of
> crystal with small mosaicity or mirror with corresponding reflectivity
> profile. Is there any more native and general approach?
> Best regards,
> Peter Konik
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 11:34:30 +0100
> From: Erik B Knudsen <erkn at fysik.dtu.dk>
> To: <mcstas-users at mcstas.org>
> Subject: Re: [mcstas-users] Perfect crystals
> Message-ID: <54C8BB36.3000207 at fysik.dtu.dk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"; format=flowed
> Dear Peter,
> This depends really on how perfect your crystal is. The Single_crystal component distributed with McStas
> currently regards mosaicity as a gaussian approximation, and as such might not be appropriate for use
> with perfect crystals.
> In case of a Darwin width dominated crystal, we could possibly modify
> the Perfect_crystal component that exists in McXtrace (the X-ray sister of McStas) to handle neutrons instead.
> It has some other limitations but this can also be extended. This shouldn't be very difficult to do.
> I guess the appropriate route depends a lot on what it is exactly you want to do and more details about the actual
> crystals. Could you be a little more specific? For sure we'd be happy to help you along.
> cheers
> Erik
> On 27/01/15 20:08, ???? ????? wrote:
>> Hello everybody!
>> Currently we are working on several simulation project and the
>> question has arised how to handle perfect Si crystals? We think of
>> crystal with small mosaicity or mirror with corresponding reflectivity
>> profile. Is there any more native and general approach?
>> Best regards,
>> Peter Konik
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> --
> Erik Bergb?ck Knudsen, Research Engineer | DTU | morituri
> NEXMAP, DTU Fysik, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark |<>-<>| te
> phone: (+45) 2132 6655 |<>-<>| salutant
> ------------------------------
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> End of mcstas-users Digest, Vol 35, Issue 2
> *******************************************

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