[mcstas-users] Mcstas on WSL 2

Peter Willendrup pwillendrup at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 17:03:09 CEST 2023

Hi Rob,

You are absolutely right in pointing out that the WSL hints are not up to date. I also agree that running the built-in WSL X server is much better! :-)

Thanks for reporting the hints to mcstas-users!

(And lovely to still have a day with a bit of mailinglist traffic ~ 25 years after McStas 1.0 was released. :-) )


> On 24 Oct 2023, at 15.43, Robert Dalgliesh - STFC UKRI <robert.dalgliesh at stfc.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> I’ve just been trying mcstas 3.4 on windows 10 using the WSL and found some things that could do with being updated in the documentation.
> I found that if you make sure that you are running wsl 2 instead of wsl 1 you can run the x-windows apps ‘natively’.
> i.e. you don’t need to run Xming which is, to be honest, pretty awful. I found that x-windows disappear when the machine switches of screens etc.
> The steps I used were. 
> Enable these 2 windows features from control panel
> Virtual Machine Platform (this may require VM activity to be enabled in the BIOS)
> Windows subsystem for linux
> Open an administrator level command prompt/power shell
> Force the update to wsl 2 by default
> wsl --set-default-version 2
> Install Ubuntu from the windows store.
> If you have already installed a distro. Update to wsl 2 using something like
> wsl --set-version Ubuntu-22.04 2
> Fire up an Ubuntu terminal, install mcstas as described and run mcgui.
> All the best
> Rob
> =======================================
> Dr. Robert Dalgliesh
> Small Angle Scattering Group Leader
> ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
> Science and Technology Facilities Council
> Building R3 1.29, 
> Rutherford Appleton Laboratory​​,
> ​Harwell Campus, 
> Didcot
> ​Oxfordshire, 
> OX11 0QX.  
> UK
> Tel: +44(0)1235-445687
> Email: Robert.dalgliesh at stfc.ac.uk <mailto:Robert.dalgliesh at stfc.ac.uk>
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